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Windows 10 DLL File Information - wlancfg.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Wlan Netsh Helper DLL  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 228 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 2
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 2

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 209,408 Bytes 89.7% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00035000 1,536 Bytes 0.7% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00036000 8,192 Bytes 3.5% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x00038000 512 Bytes 0.2% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00039000 1,536 Bytes 0.7% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x0003a000 11,264 Bytes 4.8% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

wlancfg.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when wlancfg.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, wlancfg.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 1 71,587 Bytes 30.7%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 589 105,158 Bytes 45.0%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 2 1,124 Bytes 0.5%
Total 592 177,869 Bytes 76.2%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
56001 not ready
56002 connected
56003 ad hoc network formed
56004 disconnecting
56005 disconnected
56006 associating
56007 discovering
56008 authenticating
56999 unknown state
57001 Adds a configuration entry to a table.
57002 Deletes a configuration entry from a table.
57003 Sets configuration information.
57004 Displays information.
57005 Saves WLAN profiles to XML files.
57006 Start hosted network.
57007 Stop hosted network.
57008 Refresh hosted network settings.
57051 Connects to a wireless network.
57052 Usage: %1!s! [name=]<string> [[ssid=]<string>] [[interface=]<string>] Parameters: Tag Value ssid - SSID of the wireless network. name - Name of the profile to be used in connection attempt. interface - Name of the interface from which connection is attempted. Remarks: Connect to the wireless network given by ssid using the specified profile. Connection is attempted from the specified interface unless there is only one available interface on the system, in which case, the interface parameter can be omitted. Parameter profile name is required but ssid is optional. If only one SSID exists in the profile, then this SSID is used to connect. If there are multiple SSIDs in the profile, then parameter ssid is required. Parameter interface is required if there are two or more available interfaces on the system. When interface is specified, it cannot be a wildcard name. If the specified interface is already connected to a wireless network, this command will first disconnect from the currently connected network, then attempt to connect to the new network. However, if these two networks are the same this command simply returns success and does nothing. Examples: %1!s! name=Profile1 ssid=SSID1 %1!s! name=Profile2 ssid=SSID2 interface="Wireless Network Connection"
57053 Disconnects from a wireless network.
57054 Usage: %1!s! [[interface=]<string>] Parameters: Tag Value interface - Name of the interface from which disconnection is attempted. Remarks: Disconnect from the wireless network on the specified interface. Parameter interface is required if there are two or more available interfaces on the system. Wildcard characters can be used in the interface name to specify multiple interfaces. Examples: %1!s! %1!s! interface="Wireless Network Connection"
58001 Add a wireless network into the wireless allowed or blocked list.
58002 Usage: %1!s! [permission=]allow|block|denyall [[ssid=]<string>] [networktype=]infrastructure|adhoc Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission type of the filter. ssid - SSID of the wireless network. networktype - Network type of the wireless network. Remarks: Adds a wireless network into the allowed and blocked network list configured on the system. Parameter ssid is required if permission is allow or block. If permission is denyall then parameter ssid should not be given. Examples: %1!s! permission=allow ssid=ssid1 networktype=infrastructure %1!s! permission=block ssid=ssid2 networktype=adhoc %1!s! permission=denyall networktype=adhoc
58003 Add a WLAN profile to specified interface on the system.
58004 Usage: %1!s! [filename=]<string> [[interface=]<string>] [[user=]all|current] Parameters: Tag Value filename - Name of the profile XML file. interface - Interface name. user - User scope, all users or only current user. Remarks: Add a wireless network profile on an interface for all or current users. Parameter filename is required. It is the name of the XML file containing the profile data. Parameter interface is optional. It is one of the interface name shown by "netsh wlan show interface" command. If interface name is given, the profile will be added to the specified interface, otherwise the profile will be added on all wireless interfaces. Parameter user is optional. It specifies whether this profile is applied to all users or current user only. By default it is applied to all users. Examples: %1!s! filename="Profile1.xml" interface="Wireless Network Connection" user=current
58005 Usage: %1!s! [permission=]allow|block|denyall [[ssid=]<string>] [networktype=]infrastructure Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission type of the filter. ssid - SSID of the wireless network. networktype - Network type of the wireless network. Remarks: Adds a wireless network into the allowed and blocked network list configured on the system. Parameter ssid is required if permission is allow or block. If permission is denyall then parameter ssid should not be given. Examples: %1!s! permission=allow ssid=ssid1 networktype=infrastructure
58011 Remove a wireless network from the wireless allowed or blocked list.
58012 Usage: %1!s! [permission=]allow|block|denyall [[ssid=]<string>] [networktype=]infrastructure|adhoc Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission type of the filter. ssid - SSID of the wireless network. networktype - Network type of the wireless network. Remarks: Removes a wireless network from the allowed and blocked network list configured on the system. Parameter ssid is required if permission is allow or block. If permission is denyall then parameter ssid should not be given. Examples: %1!s! permission=allow ssid=ssid1 networktype=infrastructure %1!s! permission=block ssid=ssid2 networktype=adhoc %1!s! permission=denyall networktype=adhoc
58013 Delete a WLAN profile from one or multiple interfaces.
58014 Usage: %1!s! [name=]<string> [[interface=]<string>] Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the profile to delete. interface - Interface name. Remarks: Remove a wireless network profile from an interface or all interfaces. Parameter name is required. It is the name of the profile to be deleted. Parameter interface is optional. If it is given then the profile will be deleted from specified interface only. If it is omitted then the profile will be deleted from all the interfaces that have such a profile. Profile name can have wildcard characters and multiple profiles with matching name will be removed. Examples: %1!s! name="Profile 1" interface="Wireless Network Connection" %1!s! name="Profile 1" i=*
58015 Usage: %1!s! [permission=]allow|block|denyall [[ssid=]<string>] [networktype=]infrastructure Parameters: Tag Value permission - Permission type of the filter. ssid - SSID of the wireless network. networktype - Network type of the wireless network. Remarks: Removes a wireless network from the allowed and blocked network list configured on the system. Parameter ssid is required if permission is allow or block. If permission is denyall then parameter ssid should not be given. Examples: %1!s! permission=allow ssid=ssid1 networktype=infrastructure
58021 Export specified profiles to XML files.
58022 Usage: %1!s! [name=]<string> [folder=]<string> [[interface=]<string>] [key=<string>] Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the profile to export. folder - Name of the folder in which the profile XML files will be saved. interface - Name of the interface which has this profile configured. key - To display the key in plain text, set key=clear. Remarks: Saves the selected profiles into XML files in the specified folder. For each exported profile, the output file will be named as "Interface Name-Profile Name.xml". Parameters folder, name and interface are all optional. If profile name is given then the specified profile will be saved. Otherwise profiles on any interface will be saved. If the folder parameter is provided it must specify an existing folder accessible from the local computer. It can either be an absolute path, or a relative path to the current working directory. In addition, "." refers to the current working directory, and ".." refers to the parent directory of the current working directory. The folder name cannot be a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path. By default profiles will be saved in the current working directory. If interface name is given, only the specified profile on the given interface will be saved. Otherwise all profiles with the given name on the system will be saved. If a key in plain text is required and the caller is local administrator, output XML file will include the key in plain text. Otherwise, the output XML file will include encrypted key. Examples: %1!s! name="profile 1" folder=c:\profiles interface="Wireless Network Connection" %1!s! name="profile 2" folder=. %1!s! name="profile 3" folder=. key=clear
58031 Enable or disable auto configuration logic on interface.
58032 Usage: %1!s! [enabled=]yes|no [interface=]<string> Parameters: Tag Value enabled - Set auto configuration logic to enabled or disabled. interface - Name of the interface for which the setting has to be changed. Remarks: Enable or disable the auto configuration logic on an interface. If it is, disabled then Windows will not connect to any wireless network automatically from the specified interface. Both parameters are required. Examples: %1!s! enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Connection"
58033 Set the preference order of a wireless network profile.
58034 Usage: %1!s! [name=]<string> [interface=]<string> [priority=]<integer> Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the User profile whose priority is to be changed. interface - Name of the interface which has this profile configured. priority - The new priority of the User profile. Remarks: Set the preference order of a wireless network profile on an interface. All three parameters are required. Only the order of User profiles can be changed. Group policy profiles are read only. Group policy profiles always have higher precedence over User profiles. Parameter priority specifies the new position of the profile in the preferred profile list. If it is 1, the profile will be moved to the first position in the User profile list. Examples: %1!s! name="profile1" interface="Wireless Network Connection" priority=1
58035 Show or hide the blocked networks in visible network list.
58036 Usage: %1!s! [display=]show|hide Parameters: Tag Value display - Show or hide blocked networks in the visible network list. Remarks: Specify whether to show or hide blocked networks in the visible network list. If disabled then the blocked networks will not be displayed in the visible wireless network list. The parameter display is required. Examples: %1!s! display=show
58037 Enable or disable tracing.
58038 Usage: %1!s! [mode=]yes|no|persistent] Parameters: Tag Value mode - Enable, make it persistent or disable tracing. Remarks: Enabled or disable tracing, with the option to make tracing persistent. If enabled then the trace logs for wireless LAN will be collected and saved to the trace files. The parameter mode is required. Under persistent mode the tracing will still be effective after system reboot. If mode is set to disable, then both persistent and nonpersistent tracing will be stopped. Examples: %1!s! mode=yes
58039 Allow or disallow everyone to create all user profiles.
58040 Usage: %1!s! [[enabled=]yes|no] Parameters: Tag Value enabled - Allow or disallow everyone to create all user profiles. Remarks: If enabled is yes then everyone is allowed to create all user profiles. The enabled parameter is required. Examples: %1!s! enabled=yes
58041 Enable or disable MAC randomization on interface.
58042 Usage: %1!s! [enabled=]yes|no [interface=]<string> Parameters: Tag Value enabled - Set MAC randomization to enabled or disabled. interface - Name of the interface for which the setting has to be changed. Remarks: The command will fail if the interface does not support randomization or if randomization was blocked by the system administrator. Both parameters are required. Examples: %1!s! enabled=yes interface="Wireless Network Connection"
58051 Shows whether the auto configuration logic is enabled or disabled.
58052 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global setting whether auto configuration logic is enabled or not on each interface. Examples: %1!s!
58053 Shows the blocked network display settings.
58054 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global setting whether to display the blocked networks in visible network list or not. Examples: %1!s!
58055 Shows properties of the wireless LAN drivers on the system.
58056 Usage: %1!s! [[interface=]<string>] Parameters: Tag Value interface - Name of the interface for which to show driver information. Remarks: Shows the 802.11 wireless LAN interface and driver information on the system. Examples: %1!s!
58057 Shows the allowed and blocked network list.
58058 Usage: %1!s! [permission=]allow|block Parameters: Tag Value permission - Select allow or block network list. Remarks: Shows the allowed and blocked network list configured on the system. Examples: %1!s! %1!s! permission=allow %1!s! permission=block
58059 Shows a list of the wireless LAN interfaces on the system.
58060 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the wireless LAN interfaces configured on the system. There are no parameters for this command. Examples: %1!s!
58061 Shows a list of networks visible on the system.
58062 Usage: %1!s! [[interface=]<string>] [[mode=]ssid/bssid] Parameters: Tag Value interface - Name of the interface which has this profile configured. mode - Get detailed bssid information. Remarks: Shows the networks available to the system. Parameter interface and bssid are both optional. If interface name is given, only the networks on the given interface will be listed. Otherwise, all networks visible to the system will be listed. If mode=bssid is given then the visible bssids for each ssid will also be listed. Otherwise only ssids will be listed. Examples: %1!s! interface="Wireless Network Connection" %1!s! mode=Bssid %1!s!
58063 Shows a list of profiles configured on the system.
58064 Usage: %1!s! [[name=]<string>] [interface=<string>] [key=<string>] Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the profile to display. interface - Name of the interface which has this profile configured. key - To display the key in plain text, set key=clear. Remarks: Shows the profile data or lists the profiles on the system. Parameter name and interface are both optional. If profile name is given then the content of the profile will be displayed. Otherwise only profile name and description will be listed. If interface name is given, only the specified profile on the given interface will be listed. Otherwise, all profiles with the given name on the system will be listed. If key is set to "clear" and the caller is local administrator, the key will be shown in plain text. Group Policy Profiles are read only. User Profiles are readable and writeable, and the preference order can be changed. Examples: %1!s! name="profile 1" interface="Wireless Network Connection" %1!s! name="profile 2" %1!s! name="profile 3" key=clear %1!s!
58065 Shows the global settings of wireless LAN.
58066 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global settings for the Wireless AutoConfig service, including whether the auto configuration logic is enabled or disabled on each interface, and whether to show blocked networks in the visible network list. Allow and block filter lists are available by "show filters" command. Examples: %1!s!
58067 Shows whether wireless LAN tracing is enabled or disabled.
58068 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows whether wireless LAN tracing is enabled or disabled. Examples: %1!s!
58069 Shows complete wireless device and networks information.
58070 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the complete 802.11 wireless interface information, networks, and wireless settings on the system, including: - Wireless driver information - Wireless interface status - Wireless configuration settings - Wireless network filters - Wireless network profiles list and details - Visible wireless networks Examples: %1!s!
58071 Shows whether everyone is allowed to create all user profiles.
58072 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global setting whether creating all user profiles is allowed or disallowed for everyone. Examples: %1!s!
58073 Shows whether MAC randomization is enabled or disabled.
58074 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global setting whether MAC randomization logic is enabled or not on each interface. Examples: %1!s!
58075 Shows the wireless capabilities of the system
58076 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the wireless capabilities of the system Examples: %1!s!
58077 Generate a report showing recent wireless session information.
58078 Usage: %1!s! [duration=<string>] [log=<string>] Remarks: Generates a report showing recent wireless session information. By default a report will be generated for wireless activity over the last three days based on the event log on your system. The duration of the report can be changed by specifying a number of days using the optional duration parameter. You can also provide the path to an etl file to use as the source of events instead of the machines event log. Examples: %1!s! duration="7" log="logpath.etl"
58081 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global settings for the Wireless AutoConfig service, including whether the auto configuration logic is enabled or disabled on each interface, whether to show blocked networks in the visible network list, and whether to only use GP profiles on GP-configured networks. Allow and block filter lists are available by "show filters" command. Examples: %1!s!
58082 Shows the only use GP profiles on GP configured networks setting.
58083 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global setting whether to only use GP profiles on GP configured networks or not. Examples: %1!s!
58101 Set parameters in a wireless network profile.
58102 Usage: %1!s! [name=]<string> [[interface=]<string>] [SSIDname=<string>] [ConnectionType=ESS|IBSS] [autoSwitch=yes|no] [ConnectionMode=auto|manual] [nonBroadcast=yes|no] [Randomization=[yes|no|daily]] [authentication=open|shared|WPA|WPA2|WPAPSK|WPA2PSK] [encryption=none|WEP|TKIP|AES] [keyType=networkKey|passphrase] [keyIndex=1-4] [keyMaterial=<string>] [PMKCacheMode=yes|no] [PMKCacheSize=1-255] [PMKCacheTTL=300-86400] [preAuthMode=yes|no] [preAuthThrottle=1-16 [FIPS=yes|no] [useOneX=yes|no] [authMode=machineOrUser|machineOnly|userOnly|guest] [ssoMode=preLogon|postLogon|none] [maxDelay=1-120] [allowDialog=yes|no] [userVLAN=yes|no] [heldPeriod=1-3600] [AuthPeriod=1-3600] [StartPeriod=1-3600] [maxStart=1-100] [maxAuthFailures=1-100] [cacheUserData = yes|no] [cost=default|unrestricted|fixed|variable]
58103 Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the profile to be modified. interface - Name of the interface on which the profile is set. SSIDname - SSID of the wireless LAN, maximum length is 32. ConnectionType - Specify the network is infrastructure (ESS) or ad-hoc (IBSS). ConnectionMode - Connecting to network automatic or manually. Must be manual if connection type is IBSS. autoSwitch - The roaming behavior of an auto-connected network when a more preferred network is in range. randomization - Whether MAC address randomization is enabled or disabled. nonBroadcast - Whether to connect to a hidden network. authentication - The authentication type to be used. encryption - The encryption method to be used. keyType - Whether the shared key is a network key or a passphrase. keyIndex - The key index should be used to encrypt wireless traffic. keyMaterial - The network key or pasphrase. PMKCacheMode - Whether PMK caching will be used. Only valid for WPA2 networks. PMKCacheSize - The number of entries in the PMK cache on the client. PMKCacheTTL - The length of time in seconds, that a PMK cache will be kept. preAuthMode - Whether preauthentication will be used. Only valid for WPA2 networks. preAuthThrottle - The number of reauthentication attempts to try on neighboring APs. FIPS - Enable or Disable FIPS mode. useOneX - Whether 802.1X authentication is used. authMode - Type of credentials to be used for authentication. ssoMode - Type of single sign on to be attempted if any. maxDelay - Timeout value to establish single sign on connection. allowDialog - Allow or Disallow a dialog to be shown for preLogon. userVLAN - Specify if the network switches to a different VLAN on user authentication. heldPeriod - The interval time between two attempt authentications, in seconds. AuthPeriod - The maximum time, in seconds, a client waits for a response from the authenticator. StartPeriod - The length of time, in seconds, to wait before an EAPOL-Start maxStart - The maximum number of EAPOL-Start messages sent. maxAuthFailures - The maximum number of authentication failures allowed for a set of credentials. cacheUserData - Whether the user credentials are cached for subsequent use. cost - The cost associated with the profile. Remarks: Modifies the specified profile. If the interface is specified then only the profile on that interface is modified. The name parameter is required. At least one other parameter besides profile name and interface must also be specified. Examples: %1!s! name=Profile1 authMode=userOnly ssoMode=preLogon %1!s! name=Profile2 ssoMode=none fips=yes
58209 Set hosted network properties.
58210 Usage: %1!s! [mode=]allow|disallow [ssid=]<ssid> [key=]<passphrase> [keyUsage=]persistent|temporary Parameters: Tag Value mode Specifies whether to allow or disallow the hosted network. ssid SSID of the hosted network. key The user security key used by the hosted network. keyUsage Specifies whether the user security key is persistent or temporary. Remarks: This command changes the properties of hosted network, including: SSID of the hosted network, allow or disallow the hosted network in the system, and a user security key that is used by the hosted network. The user security key should be a string with 8 to 63 ASCII characters, eg. a passphrase, or 64 hexadecimal digits which represent 32 binary bytes. If keyUsage is specified as persistent, the security key will be saved and used when the hosted network is started again in future. Otherwise it will be used only when the current or next time the hosted network is started. Once the hosted network is stopped, the temporary security key will be deleted from the system. If keyUsage is not specified, it is persistent by default. This command requires administrator privileges to allow or disallow the hosted network. Examples: %1!s! mode=allow %1!s! ssid=ssid1 %1!s! key=passphrase keyUsage=persistent
58211 Show hosted network properties and status.
58212 Usage: %1!s! [[setting=]security] Parameters: Tag Value setting Specifies hosted network settings to display. Remarks: This command shows the properties of the hosted network and its status if it has been started. If the setting parameter is specified, it will display the security algorithms and the key of the hosted network. Examples: %1!s! %1!s! setting=security
58213 Start hosted network.
58214 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: This command requests the WLAN service to start the hosted network. This command requires administrator privileges. Examples: %1!s!
58215 Stop hosted network.
58216 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: This command requests the WLAN service to stop the hosted network. Examples: %1!s!
58217 Refresh hosted network settings.
58218 Usage: %1!s! [data=]key Parameters: Tag Value data Specifies the hosted network data to refresh. Remarks: This command requests the WLAN service to use a new security key for the hosted network. Examples: %1!s! key
58219 Shows the allow shared user credentials settings.
58220 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Shows the global setting whether to allow shared user credentials for authenticating to 802.1x networks. Examples: %1!s!
58221 Allow or disallow the user to use shared user credentials for network authentication.
58222 Usage: %1!s! [allow=]yes|no Parameters: Tag Value allow - Allow or disallow shared user credentials. Remarks: Specify whether to allow or disallow shared user credentials on the client for network authentication. The parameter allow is required. Examples: %1!s! allow=yes
58223 Set profile type to alluser or peruser.
58224 Usage: %1!s! [name=]<string> [profiletype=]all|current [[interface=]<string>] Parameters: Tag Value name - Name of the profile to be changed. profiletype - The desired profile type [all-user/per-user]. interface - Name of the interface on which the profile is set. Remarks: Changes the profile type for the specified profile. If the interface is specified, then only the profile on that interface is changed. The name and profile type parameters are required. Examples: %1!s! name=Profile1 profiletype=all
58225 Export the hosted network profile to XML file.
58226 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: This command saves the hosted network client profile to a XML file. It can be added to other windows wireless clients to connect to this hosted network. Examples: %1!s!
58227 Generate WLAN smart trace report.
58228 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: This command generates WLAN smart trace report and makes it ready for reporting WLAN issues. Examples: %1!s!
58229 Set the block period.
58230 Usage: %1!s! [value=]0-60 Parameters: Tag Value value - Specifies the length in time, in minutes, during which auto connect attempts to this network will be suspended. Remarks: Modifies the specified timer. The value is specified in minutes. The blocked state is reset upon a manual connection attempt, a session change or a media connect. Examples: %1!s! value=2 %1!s! 25
59011 Function %1!s! returns error %2!u!:
59013 Invalid value "%2!s!" for command option "%1!s!".
59014 One or more parameters for the command are not correct or missing.
59015 The value for option "%1!s!" is invalid. It should be 8 to 63 characters.
59025 Invalid value "%2!s!" for command option "%1!s!".
59502 There is no such wireless interface on the system.
59503 There is no wireless interface on the system.
59504 The Wireless AutoConfig Service (wlansvc) is not running.
59505 Error connecting to Wireless AutoConfig Service (wlansvc): error %1!lu!.
60001 There are %1!d! interfaces on the system:
60002 There is %1!d! interface on the system:
60003 Name : %1!s! Description : %2!s! GUID : %3!s! Physical address : %4!02x!:%5!02x!:%6!02x!:%7!02x!:%8!02x!:%9!02x! State : %10!s!
60005 Profile : %1!s!
60006 SSID : %1!s! BSSID : %2!02x!:%3!02x!:%4!02x!:%5!02x!:%6!02x!:%7!02x!
60007 Network type : %1!s! Radio type : %2!s! Authentication : %3!s!
60008 Cipher : %1!s! Connection mode : %2!s! Channel : %3!d!
60009 Receive rate (Mbps) : %1!s! Transmit rate (Mbps) : %2!s! Signal : %3!d!%%
60010 Profile
60011 Temporary Profile
60012 Discovery (secured)
60013 Discovery (unsecured)
60014 Auto Connect
60015 Invalid
60017 Hosted network clients : %1!02x!:%2!02x!:%3!02x!:%4!02x!:%5!02x!:%6!02x!
60018 %1!02x!:%2!02x!:%3!02x!:%4!02x!:%5!02x!:%6!02x!
60019 Hosted network status : %1!s!
60101 Profile %1!s! is added on interface %2!s!.
60102 Profile format error 0x%1!X!: %2!s!
60103 Failed to add the profile. Error %x%1!X!: %2!s!
60104 Failed to add profile "%1!s!". A profile with this name already exists in group policy or different user scope and cannot be overwritten.
60105 You do not have the permission to add profile "%1!s!" for current user.
60106 You do not have the permission to add profile "%1!s!" for all users.
60107 The security or connectivity setting in profile "%1!s!" is not supported by wireless adapter "%2!s!".
60113 Failed to add the profile on interface "%3!s!". Error 0x%1!X!: %2!s!
60201 Profile "%1!s!" is not found on any interface.
60202 Profile "%1!s!" is deleted from interface "%2!s!".
60203 You do not have sufficient privileges or the profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" is a group policy profile.
60301 Priority order of profile "%1!s!" is updated successfully.
60302 Priority order for profile "%1!s!" is not changed for "%2!s!".
60303 Profile "%1!s!" does not exist on any available interfaces.
60304 Profile preference order starts with 1.
60305 Priority order of Group Policy profile "%1!s!" cannot be changed.
60401 Interface profile "%1!s!" is saved in file "%2!s!" successfully.
60402 Profile "%1!s!" is not found on any interface.
60403 Profile "%1!s!" is not found on interface "%2!s!".
60404 There is no profile on the system.
60405 Group policy profile "%1!s!" is saved in file "%2!s!" successfully.
60406 Specified folder "%1!s!" is invalid.
60501 Profile "%1!s!" is not found on the system.
60502 Profile "%1!s!" does not exist on interface "%2!s!".
60503 There is no profile on the system.
60504 The profile is not a wireless LAN profile.
60505 Profile %2!s! on interface %1!s!: =======================================================================
60506 Profiles on interface %1!s!:
60507 %1!s! : %2!s!
60508 <None>
60509 Group policy profiles (read only) ---------------------------------
60510 User profiles -------------
60511 %1!s!
60512 The EAP method configured in this profile does not exist.
60513 The EAP method configuration included in the profile is invalid.
60514 The requested operation requires elevation.
60601 Allow list on the system (user) -------------------------------
60602 Block list on the system (user) -------------------------------
60603 <None>
60604 SSID: "%1!s!", Type: %2!s!
60605 Allow list on the system (group policy) ---------------------------------------
60606 Block list on the system (group policy) ---------------------------------------
60701 Wireless LAN settings ---------------------
60703 Auto configuration logic is enabled on interface "%2!s!"
60704 Auto configuration logic is disabled on interface "%2!s!"
60705 Show blocked networks in visible network list: %1!s!
60706 Yes
60707 No
60721 Only use GP profiles on GP-configured networks: %1!s!
60722 Yes
60723 No
60737 Allow shared user credentials for network authentication: %1!s!
60738 Yes
60739 No
60740 Block period: %1!d! minutes.
60741 Block period: Not Configured.
60753 MAC randomization not available on interface %1!s!
60754 MAC randomization disabled by administrator on interface %1!s!
60755 MAC randomization disabled on interface %1!s!
60756 MAC randomization enabled on interface %1!s!
60769 Wireless System Capabilities ----------------------------
60770 Number of antennas connected to the 802.11 Radio : %1!u!
60771 Number of antennas connected to the 802.11 radio (value not available)
60772 Function Level Reset : Supported
60773 Function Level Reset : Not supported
60774 FLDR support (value not available)
60775 Co-existence Support : Mutually Exclusive
60776 Co-existence Support : Wi-Fi performance degraded to 1x1
60777 Co-existence Support : Wi-Fi performance is maintained
60778 Co-existence Support : Bluetooth has priority
60779 PLDR : Supported
60780 PLDR : Not supported
60781 PLDR support (value not available)
60782 Max number of channels the device can operate on, simultaneously : %1!u!
60783 Max number of channels the device can operate on, simultaneously (value not available)
60784 Wireless Capabilities is not available
60801 Interface name : %1!s!
60802 There are %1!d! networks currently visible.
60803 SSID %1!d! : %2!s! Network type : %3!s! Authentication : %4!s! Encryption : %5!s!
60804 BSSID %1!d! : %2!02x!:%3!02x!:%4!02x!:%5!02x!:%6!02x!:%7!02x! Signal : %8!d!%% Radio type : %9!s! Channel : %10!d!
60805 Visible networks cannot be displayed because auto configuration has been %1!s! on the interface.
60806 Basic rates (Mbps) :
60807 Other rates (Mbps) :
60808 %1!s!
60817 MFP Required : %1!x!
60818 SSID %1!d! : %2!s! HESSID : %3!s! Network type : %4!s! Authentication : %5!s! Encryption : %6!s!
60901 Interface name: %1!s!
60902 Driver information for this interface is not available.
60903 Driver : %1!s!
60904 Vendor : %1!s!
60905 Provider : %1!s!
60906 Version : %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!
60907 Date : %1!s!
60908 Files : %1!d! total
60909 INF file : %1!s!
60910 %1!s!
60911 Type : Legacy Wi-Fi Driver
60912 Type : Native Wi-Fi Driver
60913 IHV service present : Yes
60914 IHV adapter OUI : [%1!02x! %2!02x! %3!02x!], type: [%4!02x!]
60915 IHV extensibility DLL path: %1!s!
60916 IHV UI extensibility ClSID: {%1!s!}
60917 IHV diagnostics CLSID : {%1!s!}
60918 Radio types supported :
60919 %1!s!
60920 Authentication and cipher supported in infrastructure mode:
60921 %1!-16s!%2!s!
60922 Authentication and cipher supported in ad-hoc mode:
60929 FIPS 140-2 mode supported : Yes
60930 FIPS 140-2 mode supported : No
60931 FIPS 140-2 mode supported : Yes [Driver indicated hardware is compliant]
60932 Wireless Display Supported: %1!s! (Graphics Driver: %2!s!, Wi-Fi Driver: %3!s!)
60945 Hosted network supported : Yes
60946 Hosted network supported : No
60951 Wireless tracing is not enabled on the system.
60952 Wireless tracing is currently running.
60953 Wireless tracing is currently stopped.
60954 Trace logs will be stored in "%1!s!".
60955 Last trace logs are stored in "%1!s!".
60956 Persistent wireless tracing is not enabled on the system.
60957 Persistent wireless tracing is currently running.
60958 Persistent wireless tracing is currently stopped.
60961 802.11w Management Frame Protection supported : Yes
60962 802.11w Management Frame Protection supported : No
60991 Wireless System Information Summary (Time: %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!)
60992 ======================================================================= ============================== SHOW DRIVERS =========================== =======================================================================
60993 ======================================================================= ============================= SHOW INTERFACES ========================= =======================================================================
60994 ======================================================================= ============================= SHOW SETTINGS =========================== =======================================================================
60995 ======================================================================= ============================== SHOW FILTERS =========================== =======================================================================
60996 ======================================================================= ============================= SHOW PROFILES =========================== =======================================================================
60997 ======================================================================= ========================== SHOW PROFILES NAME=* ======================= =======================================================================
60998 ======================================================================= ======================= SHOW NETWORKS MODE=BSSID ====================== =======================================================================
60999 ======================================================================= =========================== SHOW CREATEALLUSER ======================== =======================================================================
61000 ======================================================================= =========================== SHOW HOSTED NETWORK ======================= =======================================================================
61001 Profile information -------------------
61002 Name : %1!s!
61003 Version : %1!d!
61004 Description : %1!s!
61005 Type : %1!s!
61006 Wireless LAN
61007 Wired LAN
61008 Unknown Type
61010 Control options :
61011 Connection mode : Connect automatically
61012 Connection mode : Connect manually
61013 Network broadcast : Connect even if this network is not broadcasting
61016 AutoSwitch : Switch to more preferred network if possible
61017 AutoSwitch : Do not switch to other networks
61018 Connectivity settings ---------------------
61020 Network type : %1!s!
61021 Infrastructure
61022 Adhoc
61023 Any network type
61024 Unknown
61025 Number of SSIDs : %1!d!
61026 "%1!s!"
61027 Group Policy Profile
61028 Current User Profile
61029 All User Profile
61030 Applied: %1!s!
61031 SSID name : "%1!s!"
61032 SSID names : "%1!s!"
61035 Radio type :
61036 %1!s!
61037 , %1!s!
61038 Any Radio Type
61039 FHSS
61040 DSSS
61041 IR Baseband
61042 802.11a
61043 802.11b
61044 802.11g
61045 Unknown
61046 Vendor defined(0x%X)
61047 Vendor extension ID :
61048 Vendor extension : Not present
61049 802.11n
61050 802.11ac
61058 0x%1!02X!
61059 Security settings -----------------
61060 Authentication : %1!s!
61061 Cipher : %1!s!
61062 Open
61063 Shared
61064 WPA-Enterprise
61065 WPA-Personal
61066 WPA-None
61067 WPA2-Enterprise
61068 WPA2-Personal
61069 Unknown
61070 None
61072 TKIP
61073 CCMP
61074 WEP-40bit
61075 WEP-104bit
61076 WPA-Use-Group
61077 Unknown
61078 Security key : %1!s!
61079 Present
61080 Absent
61081 Key Index : %1!d!
61082 Vendor defined
61083 Vendor defined
61101 802.1X : Enabled
61102 EAP type : %1!s!
61103 EAP type : The EAP method corresponding to this profile does not exist.
61104 Credentials configured : Yes
61105 Credentials configured : No
61110 802.1X auth credential : %1!s!
61111 Machine or user credential
61112 Machine credential
61113 User credential
61114 Guest credential
61115 Not specified
61117 Cache user information : %1!s!
61119 Not specified
61120 Type : %1!s!
61121 Max delay (sec) : %1!d!
61122 Pre-logon
61123 Post-logon
61124 Additional dialogs : %1!s!
61125 Dialog input (sec) : %1!d!
61126 Enabled
61127 Disabled
61128 Network broadcast : Connect only if this network is broadcasting
61129 Single sign-on settings:
61130 Vendor extension data length: %1!d!
61136 Key Content : %1!s!
61137 FIPS mode : %1!s!
61138 Enabled
61139 Disabled
61140 User auth VLAN : %1!s!
61141 Enabled
61142 Disabled
61153 MAC Randomization : Enabled
61154 MAC Randomization : Disabled
61155 MAC Randomization : Daily
61301 This filter already exists in the same list on the system.
61302 This filter already exists in the allow list on the system.
61303 This filter already exists in the block list on the system.
61304 Warning: This filter conflicts with group policy. It won't take effect.
61305 The filter is added on the system successfully.
61401 The filter is removed from the system successfully.
61402 The filter does not exist on the system.
61601 # ---------------------------------------- # Wireless LAN configuration # ---------------------------------------- pushd %1!s!
61602 popd # End of Wireless LAN Configuration
61603 # Allow filter list # ----------------------------------------
61604 # Block filter list # ----------------------------------------
61605 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!=%4!s! %5!s!="%6!s!" %7!s!="%8!s!"
61606 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!=%4!s! %5!s!="%6!s!"
61701 Auto configuration has been %1!s! on interface "%2!s!".
61702 enabled
61703 disabled
61704 You do not have sufficient privileges or group policy has been applied.
61711 Address randomization has been %1!s! on interface "%2!s!".
61712 enabled
61713 disabled
61714 The interface cannot support randomization or it was blocked by the administrator.
61721 Showing blocked networks in visible network list has been set to: %1!s!.
61722 You do not have sufficient privileges or group policy has been applied.
61741 Wireless tracing has been started.
61742 Persistent wireless tracing has been enabled.
61743 Wireless tracing has been stopped.
61744 Persistent wireless tracing has been stopped.
61745 Wireless tracing is already running.
61746 Persistent wireless tracing is already running.
61747 Wireless tracing is not running.
61748 Persistent wireless tracing is not running.
61749 Wireless tracing is not set up on the system.
61750 Persistent wireless tracing is not set up on the system.
61751 Trace log output path "%1!s!"is not a valid directory.
61752 Trace logs will be stored in "%1!s!".
61753 Trace logs are stored in "%1!s!".
61761 Everyone is allowed to create all user profiles.
61762 Not everyone is allowed to create all user profiles.
61763 You do not have sufficient privileges or group policy has been applied.
61801 There is no profile "%1!s!" assigned to the specified interface.
61802 Connection request was completed successfully.
61803 Connection request failed with error 0x%1!X!.
61804 The network specified by profile "%1!s!" is not available to connect.
61805 The network specified by profile "%1!s!" is not connectible. Reason: %2!s!
61806 Unable to connect. WLAN auto configuration is disabled on adapter "%1!s!".
61807 SSID "%1!s!" does not exist in profile "%2!s!".
61901 Disconnection request was completed successfully for interface "%1!s!".
61902 Disconnection request failed for interface "%1!s!" with error 0x%2!X!.
61903 Unable to disconnect. WLAN auto configuration is disabled on adapter "%1!s!".
61951 Profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" has been successfully changed to an all user profile.
61952 Profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" has been successfully changed to a current user profile.
61954 The profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" is a group policy profile. Group policy profile's type cannot be modified.
61955 You do not have sufficient privileges to change profile type for profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!".
61956 Profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" is already an all user profile.
61957 Profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" is already a current user profile.
62001 Profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" updated successfully.
62002 Failed to modify the profile. Error 0x%1!X!: %2!s!
62003 You do not have the permission to modify profile "%1!s!" for current user.
62004 You do not have the permission to modify profile "%1!s!" for all users.
62005 The security or connectivity setting in profile "%1!s!" is not supported by wireless adapter "%2!s!".
62006 The oneX setting in profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!" is not enabled.
62007 The IHV setting is enabled in profile "%1!s!" on interface "%2!s!". Please specify MS authentication type.
62008 The inputed parameter is invalid to the original profile setting.
62009 Failed to set cost for profile "%1!s!" on wireless adapter "%2!s!".
62010 Cost setting is not supported in this system.
62113 Hosted network mode is allowed in WLAN service.
62114 Hosted network mode is disallowed in WLAN service.
62115 Cannot change hosted network mode support in WLAN service. No sufficient privilege or group policy has been applied.
62116 The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
62117 The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
62118 The hosted network mode has been set to disallow.
62119 Allow shared user credentials has been set to: %1!s!.
62120 You do not have sufficient privileges or group policy has been applied.
62121 The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
62122 Block period is set to be %1!d! minutes.
62123 You do not have sufficient privileges or group policy has been applied.
62145 Hosted network mode allowed in WLAN service: Yes
62146 Hosted network mode allowed in WLAN service: No
62147 Hosted network settings -----------------------
62148 SSID name : "%1!s!"
62149 Max number of clients : %1!d!
62150 Hosted network status ---------------------
62151 Status : %1!s!
62152 Not available
62153 Not started
62155 Started
62156 BSSID : %1!02x!:%2!02x!:%3!02x!:%4!02x!:%5!02x!:%6!02x!
62157 Radio type : %1!s!
62158 Channel : %1!d!
62159 Number of clients : %1!d!
62160 %1!02x!:%2!02x!:%3!02x!:%4!02x!:%5!02x!:%6!02x! %7!s!
62162 Authenticated
62163 Invalid
62164 Hosted network security settings --------------------------------
62165 System security key : <Encrypted>
62166 System security key : %1!s!
62167 Mode : Allowed
62168 Mode : Disallowed
62169 User security key usage: Persistent
62170 User security key usage: Temporary
62171 User security key : %1!s!
62172 User security key : <Not specified>
62173 Settings : <Not configured>
62177 Connection with profile "%1!s!" is not supported by WLAN service.
62209 Hosted network
62210 Max hosted network clients: %1!d!
62211 Max hosted network clients: Not limited
62241 The hosted network started.
62242 The hosted network couldn't be started.
62243 The hosted network stopped.
62244 The hosted network couldn't be stopped. Reason code is %1!d!.
62245 The security key of the hosted network has been successfully refreshed.
62246 You must run this command from a command prompt with administrator privilege.
62305 Profile to connect to the hosted network is saved successfully in file "%1!s!".
62306 The hosted network profile has not been configured.
62369 WLAN smart trace logs and report files are now available at "%1!s!".
62370 WLAN smart trace logs are still useful and available at "%1!s!".
62371 Generating report ...
62372 Generating logs ...
62373 done
62374 failed, error is 0x%1!X!
62375 There is no smart trace log file to report at "%1!s!".
62433 Cost settings -------------
62435 Cost : Unrestricted
62436 Cost : Fixed
62437 Cost : Variable
62438 Cost : Unknown
62439 Cost : Not available
62440 Approaching Data Limit : Yes
62441 Approaching Data Limit : No
62442 Over Data Limit : Yes
62443 Over Data Limit : No
62444 Congested : Yes
62445 Congested : No
62446 Roaming : Yes
62447 Roaming : No
62448 Cost Source : Default
62449 Cost Source : Group Policy
62450 Cost Source : User
62451 Cost Source : Operator
62497 Plan settings -------------
62498 Usage in Megabytes : %1!d!
62499 Usage Sync Time : %1!s! %2!s!
62500 Data Limit in Megabytes : %1!d!
62501 Inbound Bandwidth in Kbps : %1!d!
62502 Billing Cycle StartDate : %1!s! %2!s!
62503 Billing Cycle Duration :
62504 Number of years : %1!d!
62505 Number of months : %1!d!
62506 Number of days : %1!d!
62507 Number of hours : %1!d!
62508 Number of minutes : %1!d!
62509 Number of seconds : %1!d!
62510 Number of milliseconds : %1!d!
62511 Billing Cycle Reset : Yes
62512 Billing Cycle Reset : No
62513 Maximum Transfer Size in Megabytes : %1!d!
62514 Outbound Bandwidth in Kbps : %1!d!
62593 Wireless Device Capabilities ----------------------------
62594 WDI Version (Windows) : %1!u!.%2!u!.%3!u!.%4!u!
62595 Firmware Version : %1!S!
62596 Station : Supported
62597 Station : Not supported
62598 Soft AP : Supported
62599 Soft AP : Not supported
62600 Network monitor mode : Supported
62601 Network monitor mode : Not supported
62602 Wi-Fi Direct Device : Supported
62603 Wi-Fi Direct Device : Not supported
62604 Wi-Fi Direct GO : Supported
62605 Wi-Fi Direct GO : Not supported
62606 Wi-Fi Direct Client : Supported
62607 Wi-Fi Direct Client : Not supported
62608 Supported
62609 Not Supported
62610 Unknown
62611 Promoscous Mode :
62612 IBSS :
62613 Diversity Antenna :
62614 Action Frame :
62615 ANQP Service Information Discovery :
62616 DOT11k neighbor report :
62618 Protected Management Frames :
62619 P2P Passive listen Availability :
62620 P2P Device Discovery :
62621 P2P Service Name Discovery :
62622 P2P Service Info Discovery :
62623 P2P Background Discovery :
62624 FIPS :
62625 Instant Connect :
62626 Dx Standby NLO :
62627 D0 NLO :
62628 Extented Channel Switch Announcement :
62629 Function Level Reset :
62630 Platform Level Reset :
62631 MAC Randomization :
62632 IHV Extensibility Module Configured :
62633 Number of Tx Spatial Streams : %1!u!
62634 Number of Rx Spatial Streams : %1!u!
62635 Number of Concurrent Channels Supported : %1!u!
62636 P2P Go ports count : %1!u!
62637 P2P Clients Port Count : %1!u!
62638 P2P Max Mobile Ap Clients : %1!u!
62639 Max ANQP Service Advertisements Supported : %1!u!
62640 WDI Version (IHV) : %1!u!.%2!u!.%3!u!.%4!u!
62641 Co-existence Support : Unknown
62642 Co-existence Support : Invalid
62643 Fast Transition :
62644 MU-MIMO :
62645 Cannot Support Miracast Sink :
62646 BSS Transition (802.11v) :
62721 Radio status : Hardware %1!s! Software %2!s!
62724 switching

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
GetResourceString InitHelperDll


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: