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Windows 10 DLL File Information - wlanapi.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Windows WLAN AutoConfig Client Side API DLL  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Medium - 19 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 294 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 219
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 219

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 263,168 Bytes 87.4% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00042000 512 Bytes 0.2% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00043000 5,632 Bytes 1.9% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x00045000 512 Bytes 0.2% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00046000 2,560 Bytes 0.8% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00047000 16,384 Bytes 5.4% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

wlanapi.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when wlanapi.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, wlanapi.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 138 13,038 Bytes 4.3%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 3 1,785 Bytes 0.6%
Total 141 14,823 Bytes 4.9%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
264 Microsoft Windows Wireless
265 Microsoft
266 Wireless information collector
271 Wireless Diagnostics
272 This data collector set collects wireless service related data on your local system. The data to be collected includes wireless debug logs, registry keys, system hardware information that can help troubleshoot wireless service related problems
6145 %1!s! - Unable to display name as text
8193 The operation was successful.
8194 Failed for an unknown reason.
12289 The wireless network is not compatible.
12290 The profile for the wireless network is not compatible.
14337 The profile is not set to connect automatically.
14338 The wireless network is not visible.
14339 The wireless network is blocked by the group policy.
14340 The wireless network is blocked by the user.
14341 The BSS type is not allowed on this wireless adapter.
14342 The wireless network is on the failed list.
14343 The wireless network is on the blocked list.
14344 The size of the SSID list exceeds the maximum size supported by the adapter.
14345 The MSM connect call failed.
14346 The MSM scan call failed.
14347 The specific network is not available.
14348 The profile used for the connection has changed or been deleted.
14349 The password for the network might not be correct.
14350 The information required from the user was not received.
14351 Access Point profile is not allowed for old version client.
14352 Access Point profile is not allowed by user or group policy.
16385 The profile is invalid according to the schema.
16386 The WLAN profile element is missing.
16387 The name of the profile is invalid.
16388 The type of the profile is invalid.
16389 The PHY type is invalid.
16390 The MSM security settings are missing.
16391 The IHV security settings are not supported.
16392 The IHV profile OUI did not match with the adapter OUI.
16393 The IHV OUI settings are missing.
16394 The IHV security settings are missing.
16395 Both Microsoft and IHV security settings exist in the profile.
16396 No security settings exist in the profile.
16397 The BSS type is not valid.
16398 Automatic connection cannot be set for an ad hoc network.
16399 Non-broadcast cannot be set for an ad hoc network.
16400 Auto-switch cannot be set for an ad hoc network.
16401 Auto-switch cannot be set for a manual connection profile.
16402 1X setting is missing for IHV security.
16403 The SSID in the profile is invalid or missing.
16404 Too many SSIDs specified in a profile.
16417 The IHV connectivity settings are not supported.
16433 The maximum number of clients is not a valid value in Access Point mode.
16434 The specified channel is not valid.
16435 The operation mode is not supported by the driver.
16436 Auto-connect or auto-switch should not be set for an AP profile.
16437 Automatic connection is not allowed.
20481 The security settings are not supported by the operating system.
20482 The security settings are not supported.
20483 The BSS type does not match.
20484 The PHY type does not match.
20485 The data rate does not match.
22529 The operation was cancelled.
22530 The driver disconnected while associating.
22531 Association with the network timed out.
22532 Pre-association security failed.
22533 Failed to start security after association.
22534 Security failed.
22535 Security operation times out.
22536 The driver disconnected while roaming.
22537 Failed to start security for roaming.
22538 Failed to start security for Ad hoc peer.
22539 The driver disconnected.
22540 The driver failed to perform some operations.
22541 The IHV service is not available.
22542 The IHV service timed out.
22543 The driver disconnect timed out.
22544 An internal failure prevented the operation from completing.
22545 The UI Request timed out.
22546 The computer is roaming too often. The security check did not complete after several attempts.
22547 The driver failed to start as Access Point.
24577 Failed to queue UI request
24578 802.1x authentication did not start within configured time
24579 802.1x authentication did not complete within configured time
24580 Dynamic key exchange did not start within configured time
24581 Dynamic key exchange did not succeed within configured time
24582 Message 3 of 4 way handshake has no key data (RSN/WPA)
24583 Message 3 of 4 way handshake has no IE (RSN/WPA)
24584 Message 3 of 4 way handshake has no Group Key (RSN)
24585 Matching security capabilities of IE in M3 failed (RSN/WPA)
24586 Matching security capabilities of Secondary IE in M3 failed (RSN)
24587 Required a pairwise key but AP configured only group keys
24588 Message 1 of group key handshake has no key data (RSN/WPA)
24589 Message 1 of group key handshake has no group key
24590 AP reset secure bit after connection was secured
24591 802.1x indicated there is no authenticator, but the profile requires 802.1x.
24592 Plumbing settings to NIC failed
24593 Operation was cancelled by caller
24594 Key index specified is not valid
24595 Key required, PSK present
24596 Invalid key length
24597 Invalid PSK length
24598 No auth/cipher specified
24599 Too many auth/cipher specified
24600 Profile contains duplicate auth/cipher
24601 Profile raw data is invalid (1x or key data)
24602 Invalid auth/cipher combination
24603 802.1x disabled when it's required to be enabled
24604 802.1x enabled when it's required to be disabled
24605 Invalid PMK cache mode
24606 Invalid PMK cache size
24607 Invalid PMK cache TTL
24608 Invalid PreAuth mode
24609 Invalid PreAuth throttle
24610 PreAuth enabled when PMK cache is disabled
24611 Capability matching failed at network
24612 Capability matching failed at NIC
24613 Capability matching failed at profile
24614 Network does not support specified discovery type
24615 Passphrase contains invalid character
24616 Key material contains invalid character
24617 The key type specified does not match the key material
24618 Entered key is not in a valid format
24619 Mixed cell suspected (AP not beaconing privacy, we have privacy enabled profile)
24620 Security downgrade detected
24621 PSK mismatch suspected
24622 802.1x authentication timers in profile are incorrect
24623 Group key update interval in profile is incorrect
24624 Transition network suspected, trying legacy 802.11 security
24625 Windows could not map all of the characters into US-ASCII. Security keys must be entered as US-ASCII characters.
24626 Capability matching failed at profile (cipher not found).
24627 Capability matching failed at profile (auth not found).
24628 Forced failure because the connection method was not secure.
24629 The FIPS 140-2 mode value is not valid
24630 The profile requires FIPS 140-2 mode, which is not supported by the network adapter.
24631 The profile requires FIPS 140-2 mode, which is not supported by the network.
24632 Message 3 of 4 way handshake contains too many RSN IE (RSN)
24633 Message 2 of 4 way handshake has no key data (RSN Adhoc)
24634 Message 2 of 4 way handshake has no IE (RSN Adhoc)
24705 The authentication algorithm in the profile is not supported.
24706 The cipher algorithm in the profile is not supported.
24707 WCN authentication is completed as expected.
28671 Invalid Reason code

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject
QueryNetconStatus QueryNetconVirtualCharacteristic
WFDAcceptConnectRequestAndOpenSessionInt WFDAcceptGroupRequestAndOpenSessionInt
WFDCancelConnectorPairWithOOB WFDCancelListenerPairWithOOB
WFDCancelOpenSession WFDCancelOpenSessionInt
WFDCloseHandle WFDCloseHandleInt
WFDCloseLegacySessionInt WFDCloseOOBPairingSession
WFDCloseSession WFDCloseSessionInt
WFDConfigureFirewallForSessionInt WFDCreateDHPrivatePublicKeyPairInt
WFDDeclineConnectRequestInt WFDDeclineGroupRequestInt
WFDDiscoverDevicesInt WFDFlushVisibleDeviceListInt
WFDForceDisconnectInt WFDForceDisconnectLegacyPeerInt
WFDFreeMemoryInt WFDGetDefaultGroupProfileInt
WFDGetDeviceDescriptorForPendingRequestInt WFDGetNFCCarrierConfigBlobInt
WFDGetOOBBlob WFDGetProfileKeyInfoInt
WFDGetSessionEndpointPairsInt WFDGetVisibleDevicesInt
WFDIsInterfaceWiFiDirect WFDIsWiFiDirectRunningOnWiFiAdapter
WFDLowPrivCancelOpenSessionInt WFDLowPrivCloseHandleInt
WFDLowPrivCloseLegacySessionInt WFDLowPrivCloseSessionInt
WFDLowPrivConfigureFirewallForSessionInt WFDLowPrivDeclineDeviceApiConnectionRequestInt
WFDLowPrivGetSessionEndpointPairsInt WFDLowPrivIsWfdSupportedInt
WFDLowPrivOpenHandleInt WFDLowPrivOpenLegacySessionInt
WFDLowPrivOpenSessionByDafObjectIdInt WFDLowPrivQueryPropertyInt
WFDLowPrivRegisterNotificationInt WFDLowPrivRegisterVMgrCallerInt
WFDLowPrivSetPropertyInt WFDLowPrivStartDeviceApiConnectionRequestListenerInt
WFDLowPrivStartUsingGroupInt WFDLowPrivStopDeviceApiConnectionRequestListenerInt
WFDLowPrivStopUsingGroupInt WFDLowPrivUnregisterVMgrCallerInt
WFDOpenHandle WFDOpenHandleInt
WFDOpenLegacySession WFDOpenLegacySessionInt
WFDPairCancelByDeviceAddressInt WFDPairCancelInt
WFDPairContinuePairWithDeviceInt WFDPairEnumerateCeremoniesInt
WFDPairSelectCeremonyInt WFDPairWithDeviceAndOpenSessionExInt
WFDPairWithDeviceAndOpenSessionInt WFDParseOOBBlob
WFDParseOOBBlobTypeAndGetPayloadInt WFDParseProfileXmlInt
WFDParseWfaNfcCarrierConfigBlobInt WFDQueryPropertyInt
WFDRegisterNotificationInt WFDRegisterVMgrCallerInt
WFDSetAdditionalIEsInt WFDSetPropertyInt
WFDSetSecondaryDeviceTypeListInt WFDStartBackgroundDiscoveryInt
WFDStartConnectorPairWithOOB WFDStartListenerPairWithOOB
WFDStartOffloadedDiscoveryInt WFDStartOpenSession
WFDStartOpenSessionInt WFDStartUsingGroupInt
WFDStopBackgroundDiscoveryInt WFDStopDiscoverDevicesInt
WFDStopOffloadedDiscoveryInt WFDStopUsingGroupInt
WFDSvcLowPrivAcceptSessionInt WFDSvcLowPrivCancelSessionInt
WFDSvcLowPrivCloseSessionInt WFDSvcLowPrivConfigureSessionInt
WFDSvcLowPrivConnectSessionInt WFDSvcLowPrivGetProvisioningInfoInt
WFDSvcLowPrivGetSessionEndpointPairsInt WFDSvcLowPrivOpenAdvertiserSessionInt
WFDSvcLowPrivOpenSeekerSessionInt WFDSvcLowPrivPublishServiceInt
WFDSvcLowPrivUnpublishServiceInt WFDUnregisterVMgrCallerInt
WFDUpdateDeviceVisibility WlanAllocateMemory
WlanCancelPlap WlanCloseHandle
WlanConnect WlanConnectEx
WlanConnectWithInput WlanDeinitPlapParams
WlanDeleteProfile WlanDisconnect
WlanDoPlap WlanDoesBssMatchSecurity
WlanEnumAllInterfaces WlanEnumInterfaces
WlanExtractPsdIEDataList WlanFreeMemory
WlanGenerateProfileXmlBasicSettings WlanGetAvailableNetworkList
WlanGetAvailableNetworkList2 WlanGetFilterList
WlanGetInterfaceCapability WlanGetMFPNegotiated
WlanGetNetworkBssList WlanGetProfile
WlanGetProfileCustomUserData WlanGetProfileEapUserDataInfo
WlanGetProfileIndex WlanGetProfileKeyInfo
WlanGetProfileList WlanGetProfileMetadata
WlanGetProfileSsidList WlanGetRadioInformation
WlanGetSecuritySettings WlanGetStoredRadioState
WlanHostedNetworkForceStart WlanHostedNetworkForceStop
WlanHostedNetworkFreeWCNSettings WlanHostedNetworkHlpQueryEverUsed
WlanHostedNetworkInitSettings WlanHostedNetworkQueryProperty
WlanHostedNetworkQuerySecondaryKey WlanHostedNetworkQueryStatus
WlanHostedNetworkQueryWCNSettings WlanHostedNetworkRefreshSecuritySettings
WlanHostedNetworkSetProperty WlanHostedNetworkSetSecondaryKey
WlanHostedNetworkSetWCNSettings WlanHostedNetworkStartUsing
WlanHostedNetworkStopUsing WlanIhvControl
WlanInitPlapParams WlanInternalScan
WlanIsActiveConsoleUser WlanIsNetworkSuppressed
WlanIsUIRequestPending WlanLowPrivCloseHandle
WlanLowPrivEnumInterfaces WlanLowPrivFreeMemory
WlanLowPrivNotifyVsIeProviderInt WlanLowPrivOpenHandle
WlanLowPrivQueryInterface WlanLowPrivSetInterface
WlanNotifyVsIeProviderExInt WlanNotifyVsIeProviderInt
WlanOpenHandle WlanParseProfileXmlBasicSettings
WlanPrivateClearAnqpCache WlanPrivateGetAnqpCacheResponse
WlanPrivateGetAvailableNetworkList WlanPrivateQueryInterface
WlanPrivateRefreshAnqpCache WlanPrivateSetInterface
WlanQueryAutoConfigParameter WlanQueryCreateAllUserProfileRestricted
WlanQueryInterface WlanQueryPlapCredentials
WlanQueryPreConnectInput WlanQueryVirtualInterfaceType
WlanReasonCodeToString WlanRefreshConnections
WlanRegisterNotification WlanRegisterVirtualStationNotification
WlanRemoveUIForwardingNetworkList WlanRenameProfile
WlanSaveTemporaryProfile WlanScan
WlanSendUIResponse WlanSetAllUserProfileRestricted
WlanSetAutoConfigParameter WlanSetFilterList
WlanSetInterface WlanSetProfile
WlanSetProfileCustomUserData WlanSetProfileEapUserData
WlanSetProfileEapXmlUserData WlanSetProfileList
WlanSetProfileListForOffload WlanSetProfileMetadata
WlanSetProfilePosition WlanSetPsdIEDataList
WlanSetSecuritySettings WlanSetUIForwardingNetworkList
WlanSignalValueToBar WlanSsidToDisplayName
WlanStartAP WlanStopAP
WlanStoreRadioStateOnEnteringAirPlaneMode WlanStringToSsid
WlanTryUpgradeCurrentConnectionAuthCipher WlanUpdateProfileWithAuthCipher
WlanUtf8SsidToDisplayName WlanVMgrQueryCurrentScenariosInt
WlanWcmDisconnect WlanWcmGetInterface
WlanWcmGetProfileList WlanWcmSetInterface
WlanWcmSetProfile WlanWfdGOSetWCNSettings
WlanWfdGetPeerInfo WlanWfdStartGO


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: