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Windows 10 DLL File Information - dbgeng.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Windows Symbolic Debugger Engine  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 3,780 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 4
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 4

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 3,431,424 Bytes 88.6% Read, Execute Code
PAGER32C6 0x00347000 3,072 Bytes 0.1% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00348000 180,736 Bytes 4.7% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x003aa000 10,752 Bytes 0.3% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x003ad000 512 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.mrdata 0x003ae000 6,144 Bytes 0.2% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x003b0000 24,576 Bytes 0.6% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x003b6000 212,992 Bytes 5.5% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

dbgeng.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when dbgeng.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, dbgeng.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 116 22,712 Bytes 0.6%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 1 940 Bytes 0.0%
Total 117 23,652 Bytes 0.6%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
101 Causes the debugger to automatically save all settings to the most recently loaded configuration file upon changing a setting.
102 Set or alter the symbol path. The symbol path specifies locations where the debugger looks for symbol files.
103 Allows DbgHelp to read symbols that are stored at an absolute address in memory.
104 Causes DbgHelp to search the public symbol table in a .pdb file only as a last resort. If any matches are found when searching the private symbol data, the public symbols will not be searched. This improves symbol search speed.
105 Causes all searches for symbol names to be case-insensitive.
106 When code has been optimized and there is no symbol at the expected location, this option causes the nearest symbol to be used instead.
107 Causes the symbol handler to ignore the CV record in the loaded image header when searching for symbols.
108 Causes public symbol names to be undecorated when they are displayed, and causes searches for symbol names to ignore symbol decorations.
109 No Description
110 Reduces the pickiness of the symbol handler when it is attempting to match symbols.
111 When active, symbols are not actually loaded when the target modules are loaded.
112 Turns on noisy symbol loading. This instructs the debugger to display information about its search for symbols.
113 Disables the symbol handler's automatic loading of modules. When this option is set and the debugger attempts to match a symbol, it will only search modules which have already been loaded.
114 Causes DbgHelp to ignore private symbol data, and search only the public symbol table for symbol information. This emulates the behavior of DbgHelp before support for these types was added.
115 (Kernel mode only) indicates whether Secure Mode is active.
116 Causes file access error dialog boxes to be suppressed.
117 Causes the debugger to perform a strict evaluation of all symbol files.
118 Prevents DbgHelp from searching the public symbol table. This can make symbol enumeration and symbol searches much faster. If you are concerned solely with search speed, the SYMOPT_AUTO_PUBLICS option is generally preferable to this one.
119 Suppresses authentication dialog boxes from the proxy server. This may result in SymSrv being unable to access a symbol store on the internet.
120 Controls C++ translation. When this symbol option is set, :: is replaced by __ in all symbols.
121 Prevents DbgHelp from searching the disk for a copy of the image when symbols are loaded.
122 Causes the debugger to ignore the environment variable settings for the symbol path and the executable image path.
123 Disables allowing symbol loading to use multiple threads.
124 Set or alter the extension DLL search path.
125 Automatic downloading of extensions from the extension repository. An implicit update is when we update 'ext.dll' when executing '!analyze' for instance. Can be set to Explicit, Implicit, or Disable.
126 Enables or disables support for source-line information.
127 Set or alter the source file search path.
128 Sets the default length of a stack trace display.
129 Specifies whether the debugger displays USHORT pointers and arrays as Unicode strings.
130 Sets the default behavior for commands that are capable of providing output in the Debugger Markup Language (DML) format.
131 Sets the default number base (radix) to the specified value.
132 Specifies whether integers are displayed in decimal format or in the default radix.
133 Prevents the debugger from checking the width of lines in the disassembly display.
134 (x86 and x64 targets only) Suppresses the display of raw bytes.
135 Prefixes each line of disassembly with the line number of the source code.
136 Network shares cannot be used for loading symbols and extensions.
137 Disables upload of Software Quality Metrics (SQM) data.
138 Disallow executing shell commands through the debugger. After this option has been set, it cannot be unset.
139 Controls debugger settings and configurations.
140 All settings related to the loading and interaction with symbols.
141 Modifies how symbols are loaded and used.
142 Advanced settings related to symbols, do not modify these unless you know what you're doing.
143 Settings related to the loading of extensions and individual extension settings.
144 Settings related to the display of sources when debugging.
145 Settings related to the information displayed by the debugger.
146 Settings related to the way code is disassembled and displayed.
147 Settings related to the initialization of the engine(these may require a restart of the session to take effect).
148 Indicates the minimum version of the 'What's New' banner to display. A high value will prevent banner display.
149 Settings related to input to the debugger and its various commands.
150 Use the extension evaluator (dx) as a replacement for the C++ evaluator (??)
151 State for any guest execution on this thread (e.g.: a WoW execution context)
152 Indicates the architecture that is a guest on this thread (e.g.: the architecture that WoW is simulating or running)
153 Use DataModel visualization engine for displaying locals/Watch window context
154 State pertaining to the current execution of the debugger (e.g.: user variables)
155 User variables which are maintained by the debugger and can be referenced by a pseudo-register prefix of @$
156 Categorizied debugger managed pseudo-registers which can be referenced by a pseudo-register prefix of @$
157 The result of the last expression evaluation. Referencable via @$exp
158 The effective address of the last instruction that executed (if such exists). Referencable via @$ea
159 The second effective address of the last instruction that executed (if such exists). Referencable via @$ea2
160 The value that the last d* (Display Memory) command printed. Referencable via @$p
161 The return address that is currently on the stack. Referencable via @$ra
162 The address of the current thread (the ETHREAD in kernel mode, the TEB in user mode). Referencable via @$thread
163 The address of the current process (the EPROCESS in kernel mode, the PEB in user mode). Referencable via @$proc
164 The address of the thread environment block (TEB) of the current thread. Referencable via @$teb
165 The address of the process environment block (PEB) of the current thread. Referencable via @$peb
166 The thread id of the current thread. Referencable via @$tid
167 The process id of the currently executing thread. Referencable via @$tpid
168 The value of the primary return value register. Referencable via @$retreg
169 The value of the primary return value register in 64-bit format (e.g.: the edx:eax pair on x86). Referencable via @$retreg64
170 The value of the instruction pointer register. Referencable via @$ip
171 The value of the instruction pointer at the time of the current event. This typically matches @$ip unless you switched threads or manually changed the instruction pointer. Referencable via @$eventip
172 The value of the instruction pointer at the time of the previous event. Referencable via @$previp
173 The value of an instruction pointer related to the current event. When you are branch tracing, this pointer is the pointer to the branch source. Referencable via @$relip
174 A user defined value referencable via @$t# where # is a numeric 0 - 19. Referencable via @$t#
175 The address of the entry point of the first executable of the current process. Referencable via @$exentry
176 The debugger id of the current thread. Referencable via @$dtid
177 The debugger id of the current process. Referencable via @$dpid
178 The debugger id of the current system (or session). Referencable via @$dsid
179 The current frame index. This index is the same frame number that the .frame (Set Local Context) command uses. Referencable via @$frame
180 The debugger id of the breakpoint which caused the debuggee to stop. Referencable via @$bphit
181 The value of the instruction pointer for the current local context (also known as the scope). Referenced via @$scopeip
182 The address of the common language ruintime (CLR) exception object. Referenced via @$clrex
183 The address of the last encountered common language runtime (CLR) exception object. Referenced via @$lastclrex
184 The current time, according to the computer that the debugger is running on. Referenced via @$dbgtime
185 The value of the current call stack pointer. This pointer is the register that is most representative of call stack depth. Referenced via @$csp
186 The return value of the last function that .call (call function) called or that is used in an .fnret /s command. The data type of @$callret is the data type of this return value. Referenced via @$callret
187 Indicates what chance of exception the debugger is processing. Referenced via @$exr_chance
188 Indicates the code of exception that the debugger is processing. Referenced via @$exr_code
189 Indicates the number of parameters for the exception that the debugger is processing. Referenced via @$exr_numparams
190 The #th parameter of the exception that the debugger is processing where # is a numeric 0-14. Referencable via @$exr_param#
192 The size of a pointer. Referencable via @$ptrsize
193 The number of bytes in one page of memory. Referencable via @$pagesize
195 The address of the KPCR for the current processor. Only available in kernel mode. Referencable via @$pcr
196 The address of the KPRCB for the current processor. Only available in kernel mode. Referencable via @$prcb
197 The current value of the register containing the first argument to functions. Referencable via @$argreg
198 The bugcheck code that the debugger is currently processing. Referencable via @$bug_code
199 The #th parameter of the bugcheck that the debugger is processing where # is a numeric 0-3. Referencable via @$bug_param#
200 Add(Name, Value) - Method which adds a variable of the specified name to the list of user variables
201 Clear() - Method which removes all user variables
202 Remove(Name) - Method which removes a variable from the list of user variables
203 Generally useful pseudo-registers
204 Pseudo-registers which alias machine specific registers by general names
205 Pseudo-registers which are available for user temporary storage
206 Pseudo-registers which are only relevant to kernel debugging
207 Pseudo-registers related to error handling, exceptions, and bug checks
208 Debugger variables which are owned by the debugger and can be referenced by a pseudo-register prefix of @$
209 Refers to the session (system) that is currently active in the debugger interface. Referencable via @$cursession
210 Refers to the process that is currently active in the debugger interface. Referencable via @$curprocess
211 Refers to the thread that is currently active in the debugger interface. Referencable via @$curthread
212 Refers to the stack frame that is currently active in the debugger interface. Referencable via @$curframe
213 Refers to the collection of user managed variables. Referencable via @$vars
214 General utility methods for debugger users
215 Utility methods pertaining to collection objects and collection types
216 FromListEntry(ListEntry, TypeName, FieldExpression) - Method which converts a LIST_ENTRY specified by the 'ListEntry' parameter of types whose name is specified by the string 'TypeName' and whose embedded links within that type are accessed via an expression specified by the string 'FieldExpression' into a collection object
217 Indicates the default recursion depth to use when displaying via the data model [dx -r#]
218 If not set, the debugger will call function table unwind callback DLLs installed through API calls to RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback without requiring the DLL to be explicitly known to the system

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DebugConnect DebugConnectWide DebugCreate DebugCreateEx


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: