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Windows 10 DLL File Information - wsp_sr.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Windows Storage Provider for Storage Replication management  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 454 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 10
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 10

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 355,328 Bytes 76.3% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00058000 46,080 Bytes 9.9% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00064000 5,120 Bytes 1.1% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00066000 1,536 Bytes 0.3% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00067000 56,320 Bytes 12.1% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

wsp_sr.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when wsp_sr.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, wsp_sr.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 1,094 212,280 Bytes 45.6%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 2 1,192 Bytes 0.3%
Total 1,096 213,472 Bytes 45.9%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
1 The point in time that the virtual disks were synchronized.
2 Boolean indicating whether synchronization is maintained.
3 CopyState describes the state of the association with respect to replication activity. Values are: 2 - 'Initialized': The link to enable replication is established and source/replica elements are associated, but the copy operation has not started. 3 - 'Unsynchronized': Not all the source element data has been copied to the target element. 4 - 'Synchronized': For the Mirror, Snapshot, or Clone replication, the target represents a copy of the source. 5 - 'Broken': The relationship is non-functional due to errors in the source, the target, the path between the two or space constraints. 6 - 'Fractured': Target is split from the source. 7 - 'Split': The target element was gracefully (or systematically) split from its source element -- consistency is guaranteed. 8 - 'Inactive': Copy operation has stopped, writes to source element will not be sent to target element. 9 - 'Suspended': Data flow between the source and target elements has stopped. Writes to source element are held until the association is resumed. 10 - 'Failedover': Reads and writes to/from the target element. Source element is not reachable. 11 - 'Prepared': Initialization completed and the copy operation started; however, the data flow has not started. 12 - 'Aborted': The copy operation is aborted with the Abort operation. Use the Resync Replica operation to restart the copy operation. 13 - 'Skewed': The target has been modified and is no longer synchronized with the source element or the point-in-time view. 14 - 'Mixed': Applies to the CopyState of GroupSynchronized. It indicates the StorageSynchronized associations of the elements in the groups have different CopyState values.
4 Initialized
5 Unsynchronized
6 Synchronized
7 Broken
8 Fractured
9 Split
10 Inactive
11 Suspended
12 Failedover
13 Prepared
14 Aborted
15 Skewed
16 Mixed
17 Not Applicable
18 Microsoft Reserved
19 Vendor Specific
20 RequestedCopyState is an integer enumeration that indicates the last requested or desired state for the association. The actual state of the association is represented by CopyState. Note that when CopyState reaches the requested state, this property will be set to 'Not Applicable.
21 SyncType describes the intended outcome of the replication. Values are: 6 - 'Mirror': create and maintain a copy of the source. 7 - 'Snapshot': create a point-in-time, virtual copy of the source. 8 - 'Clone': create a point-in-time, full copy the source.
22 Mirror
23 Snapshot
24 Clone
25 Mode describes whether the target elements will be updated synchronously or asynchronously. If NULL, implementation decides the mode.
26 Unknown
27 Synchronous
28 Asynchronous
29 ProgressStatus describes the status of the association with respect to Replication activity. Values are: 2 - 'Completed': The request is completed. Copy operation is idle. 3 - 'Dormant': Indicates that the copy operation is inactive suspended or quiesced. 4 - 'Initializing': In the process of establishing source/replica association and the copy operation has not started. 5 - 'Preparing': preparation-in-progress. 6 - 'Synchronizing': sync-in-progress. 7 - 'Resyncing': resync-in-progress. 8 - 'Restoring': restore-in-progress. 9 - 'Fracturing': fracture-in-progress. 10 - 'Splitting': split-in-progress. 11 - 'Failing over': in the process of switching source and target. 12 - 'Failing back': Undoing the result of failover. 13 - 'Detaching': detach-in-progress. 14 - 'Aborting': abort-in-progress. 15 - 'Mixed': Applies to groups with element pairs with different statuses. Generally, the individual statuses need to be examined. 16 - 'Suspending': The copy operation is in the process of being suspended. 17 - 'Requires fracture': The requested operation has completed, however, the synchronization relationship needs to be fractured before further copy operations can be issued. 18 - 'Requires resync': The requested operation has completed, however, the synchronization relationship needs to be resynced before further copy operations can be issued. 19 - 'Requires activate': The requested operation has completed, however, the synchronization relationship needs to be activated before further copy operations can be issued. 20 - 'Pending': The flow of data has stopped momentarily due to limited bandwidth or busy system.
30 Completed
31 Dormant
32 Initializing
33 Preparing
34 Synchronizing
35 Resyncing
36 Restoring
37 Fracturing
38 Splitting
39 Failing over
40 Failing back
41 Aborting
42 Suspending
43 Requires fracture
44 Requires resync
45 Requires activate
46 Pending
47 Detaching
48 Specifies the percent of the work completed to reach synchronization. Must be set to NULL if implementation is not capable of providing this information.
49 CopyType describes the Replication Policy. Values are: 2 - 'Async': create and maintain an asynchronous copy of the source. 3 - 'Sync': create and maintain a synchronized copy of the source. 4 - 'UnSyncAssoc': create an unsynchronized copy and maintain an association to the source. 5 - 'UnSyncUnAssoc': create an unsynchronized copy with a temporary association that is deleted upon completion of the copy operation.
50 Async
51 Sync
52 UnSyncAssoc
53 UnSyncUnAssoc
54 ReplicaType provides information on how the Replica is being maintained. Values are: 2 - 'Full Copy': This indicates that a full copy of the source object is (or will be) generated . 3 - 'Before Delta': This indicates that the source object will be maintained as a delta data from the replica. 4 - 'After Delta': This indicates that the replica will be maintained as delta data from the source object. 5 - 'Log': This indicates that the replica object is being maintained as a log of changes to the source. 0 - 'Not Specified': The method of maintaining the copy is not specified.
55 Not Specified
56 Full Copy
57 Before Delta
58 After Delta
60 SyncState describes the state of the association with respect to Replication activity. Values are: 2 - 'Initialized': The link to enable replication is established and source/replica elements are associated, but the Copy engine has not started. 3 - 'PrepareInProgress': Preparation for Replication is in progress and the Copy engine has started. 4 - 'Prepared': All necessary preparation has completed. 5 - 'ResyncInProgress': Synchronization or Resynchronization is in progress. This may be the initial 'copy' or subsequent changes being copied. 6 - 'Synchronized': An Async or Sync replication is currently synchronized. When this value is set, SyncMaintained will be true. 7 - 'FractureInProgress': An operation to fracture an Async or Sync replication is in progress. 8 - 'QuiesceInProgress': A quiesce operation is in progress. 9 - 'Quiesced': The replication has been quiesced and is ready for a change. 10 - 'RestoreInProgress': An operation is in progress to copy the Synced object to the System object. 11 - 'Idle': The 'normal' state for an UnSyncAssoc replica. 12 - 'Broken': The relationship is non-functional due to errors in the source, the target, the path between the two or space constraints. 13 - 'Fractured': An Async or Sync replication is fractured. 14 - 'Frozen': All blocks copied from source to an UnSyncAssoc replica and the copy engine is stopped. 15 - 'CopyInProgress': A deferred background copy operation is in progress to copy the source to the replica target for an UnSyncAssoc association.
61 PrepareInProgress
62 ResyncInProgress
63 Fracture In Progress
64 QuiesceInProgress
65 Quiesced
66 Restore In Progresss
67 Idle
68 Frozen
69 Copy In Progress
70 CopyPriority allows the priority of background copy engine I/O to be managed relative to host I/O operations during a sequential background copy operation. Values are: 1 - 'Low': copy engine I/O lower priority than host I/O. 2 - 'Same': copy engine I/O has the same priority as host I/O. 3 - 'High': copy engine I/O has higher priority than host I/O.
71 Not Managed
73 Same
74 High
75 CopyMethodology specifies what copy methodology the copy engine uses to create and/or maintain the target element. Values are: 0 - 'Not Specified': The method of maintaining the copy is not specified. 3 - 'Full Copy': This indicates that a full copy of the source object is (or will be) generated. 4 - 'Incremental-Copy': Only changed data from source element is copied to target element. 5 - 'Differential-Copy': Only the new writes to the source element are copied to the target element. 6 - 'Copy-On-Write': Affected data is copied on the first write to the source or to the target elements. 7 - 'Copy-On-Access': Affected data is copied on the first access to the source element. 8 - 'Delta-Update': Difference based replication where after the initial copy, only updates to source are copied to target. 9 - 'Snap-And-Clone': The service creates a snapshot of the source element first, then uses the snapshot as the source of the copy operation to the target element.
76 Other
77 Implementation decides
78 Incremental-Copy
79 Differential-Copy
80 Copy-On-Write
81 Copy-On-Access
82 Delta-Update
83 Snap-And-Clone
84 Recovery Point Objective indicates the maximum interval in which data might be lost. For synchronous copy operations, RPO is 0. For asynchronous copy operations RPO represents the interval since the most recent transmission of data to the target element.
86 Synchronized status of a storage object and its Snapshots / Clones / Mirrors.
87 ObjectId is a mandatory property that is used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of a class. ObjectIds must be unique within the scope of the management server (which is hosting the provider). The ObjectId is created and maintained for use of the Storage Management Providers and their clients to track instances of objects. If an object is visible through two different paths (for example: there are two separate Storage Management Providers that point to the same storage subsystem) then the same object may appear with two different ObjectIds. For determining if two object instances are the same object, refer to the UniqueId property.
88 UniqueId is a mandatory property that is used to uniquely identify a logical instance of a storage subsystem's object. This value must be the same for an object viewed by two or more provider instances (even if they are running on seperate management servers). UniqueId can be any globally unique, opaque value unless otherwise specified by a derived class.
89 PassThroughIds is a comma-separated list of all implementation specific keys. It is used by storage management applications to access the vendor proprietary object model. This field should be in the form: key1='value1',key2='value2'.
90 PassThroughServer is the name or address of the computer system hosting the proprietary storage provider classes.
91 PassThroughNamespace is the WBEM namespace that contains the proprietary storage provider classes.
92 PassThroughClass is the WBEM class name of the proprietary storage provider object.
93 Common base class for all Storage Management Provider objects
94 Primary classification of the error. The following values are defined: 2 - Communications Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the procedures and/or processes required to convey information from one point to another. 3 - Quality of Service Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with failures that result in reduced functionality or performance. 4 - Software Error. Error of this type are principally associated with a software or processing fault. 5 - Hardware Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with an equipment or hardware failure. 6 - Environmental Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with a failure condition relating the to facility, or other environmental considerations. 7 - Security Error. Errors of this type are associated with security violations, detection of viruses, and similar issues. 8 - Oversubscription Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the failure to allocate sufficient resources to complete the operation. 9 - Unavailable Resource Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with the failure to access a required resource. 10 -Unsupported Operation Error. Errors of this type are principally associated with requests that are not supported.
95 Communications Error
96 Quality of Service Error
97 Software Error
98 Hardware Error
99 Environmental Error
100 Security Error
101 Oversubscription Error
102 Unavailable Resource Error
103 Unsupported Operation Error
104 DMTF Reserved
105 A free-form string describing the ErrorType when 1, "Other", is specified as the ErrorType.
106 A string that uniquely identifies the entity that owns the definition of the format of the Message described in this instance. OwningEntity must include a copyrighted, trademarked or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity or standards body defining the format.
107 An opaque string that uniquely identifies, within the scope of the OwningEntity, the format of the Message.
108 The formatted message. This message is constructed by combining some or all of the dynamic elements specified in the MessageArguments property with the static elements uniquely identified by the MessageID in a message registry or other catalog associated with the OwningEntity.
109 An array containing the dynamic content of the message.
110 An enumerated value that describes the severity of the Indication from the notifier\'s point of view: 0 - the Perceived Severity of the indication is unknown or indeterminate. 1 - Other, by CIM convention, is used to indicate that the Severity\'s value can be found in the OtherSeverity property. 2 - Information should be used when providing an informative response. 3 - Degraded/Warning should be used when its appropriate to let the user decide if action is needed. 4 - Minor should be used to indicate action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time. 5 - Major should be used to indicate action is needed NOW. 6 - Critical should be used to indicate action is needed NOW and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result). 7 - Fatal/NonRecoverable should be used to indicate an error occurred, but it\'s too late to take remedial action. 2 and 0 - Information and Unknown (respectively) follow common usage. Literally, the Error is purely informational or its severity is simply unknown.
111 Information
112 Degraded/Warning
113 Minor
114 Major
115 Critical
116 Fatal/NonRecoverable
117 An enumerated value that describes the probable cause of the error.
118 Adapter/Card Error
119 Application Subsystem Failure
120 Bandwidth Reduced
121 Connection Establishment Error
122 Communications Protocol Error
123 Communications Subsystem Failure
124 Configuration/Customization Error
125 Congestion
126 Corrupt Data
127 CPU Cycles Limit Exceeded
128 Dataset/Modem Error
129 Degraded Signal
130 DTE-DCE Interface Error
131 Enclosure Door Open
132 Equipment Malfunction
133 Excessive Vibration
134 File Format Error
135 Fire Detected
136 Flood Detected
137 Framing Error
138 HVAC Problem
139 Humidity Unacceptable
140 I/O Device Error
141 Input Device Error
142 LAN Error
143 Non-Toxic Leak Detected
144 Local Node Transmission Error
145 Loss of Frame
146 Loss of Signal
147 Material Supply Exhausted
148 Multiplexer Problem
149 Out of Memory
150 Output Device Error
151 Performance Degraded
152 Power Problem
153 Pressure Unacceptable
154 Processor Problem (Internal Machine Error)
155 Pump Failure
156 Queue Size Exceeded
157 Receive Failure
158 Receiver Failure
159 Remote Node Transmission Error
160 Resource at or Nearing Capacity
161 Response Time Excessive
162 Retransmission Rate Excessive
163 Software Program Abnormally Terminated
164 Software Program Error (Incorrect Results)
165 Storage Capacity Problem
166 Temperature Unacceptable
167 Threshold Crossed
168 Timing Problem
169 Toxic Leak Detected
170 Transmit Failure
171 Transmitter Failure
172 Underlying Resource Unavailable
173 Version Mismatch
174 Previous Alert Cleared
175 Login Attempts Failed
176 Software Virus Detected
177 Hardware Security Breached
178 Denial of Service Detected
179 Security Credential Mismatch
180 Unauthorized Access
181 Alarm Received
182 Loss of Pointer
183 Payload Mismatch
184 Transmission Error
185 Excessive Error Rate
186 Trace Problem
187 Element Unavailable
188 Element Missing
189 Loss of Multi Frame
190 Broadcast Channel Failure
191 Invalid Message Received
192 Routing Failure
193 Backplane Failure
194 Identifier Duplication
195 Protection Path Failure
196 Sync Loss or Mismatch
197 Terminal Problem
198 Real Time Clock Failure
199 Antenna Failure
200 Battery Charging Failure
201 Disk Failure
202 Frequency Hopping Failure
203 Loss of Redundancy
204 Power Supply Failure
205 Signal Quality Problem
206 Battery Discharging
207 Battery Failure
208 Commercial Power Problem
209 Fan Failure
210 Engine Failure
211 Sensor Failure
212 Fuse Failure
213 Generator Failure
214 Low Battery
215 Low Fuel
216 Low Water
217 Explosive Gas
218 High Winds
219 Ice Buildup
220 Smoke
221 Memory Mismatch
222 Out of CPU Cycles
223 Software Environment Problem
224 Software Download Failure
225 Element Reinitialized
226 Timeout
227 Logging Problems
228 Leak Detected
229 Protection Mechanism Failure
230 Protecting Resource Failure
231 Database Inconsistency
232 Authentication Failure
233 Breach of Confidentiality
234 Cable Tamper
235 Delayed Information
236 Duplicate Information
237 Information Missing
238 Information Modification
239 Information Out of Sequence
240 Key Expired
241 Non-Repudiation Failure
242 Out of Hours Activity
243 Out of Service
244 Procedural Error
245 Unexpected Information
246 A free-form string describing the probable cause of the error.
247 A free-form string describing recommended actions to take to resolve the error.
248 The identifying information of the entity (i.e., the instance) generating the error. If this entity is modeled in the CIM Schema, this property contains the path of the instance encoded as a string parameter. If not modeled, the property contains some identifying string that names the entity that generated the error. The path or identifying string is formatted per the ErrorSourceFormat property.
249 The format of the ErrorSource property is interpretable based on the value of this property. Values are defined as: 0 - Unknown. The format is unknown or not meaningfully interpretable by a CIM client application. 1 - Other. The format is defined by the value of the OtherErrorSourceFormat property.2 - CIMObjectPath. A CIM Object Path as defined in the CIM Infrastructure specification. Note: CIM 2.5 and earlier used the term object names.
250 CIMObjectPath
251 A string defining "Other" values for ErrorSourceFormat. This value MUST be set to a non NULL value when ErrorSourceFormat is set to a value of 1 ("Other"). For all other values of ErrorSourceFormat, the value of this string must be set to NULL.
252 The CIM status code that characterizes this instance. This property defines the status codes that MAY be return by a conforming CIM Server or Listener. Note that not all status codes are valid for each operation. The specification for each operation SHOULD define the status codes that may be returned by that operation. The following values for CIM status code are defined: 1 - CIM_ERR_FAILED. A general error occurred that is not covered by a more specific error code. 2 - CIM_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED. Access to a CIM resource was not available to the client. 3 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_NAMESPACE. The target namespace does not exist. 4 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER. One or more parameter values passed to the method were invalid. 5 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS. The specified Class does not exist. 6 - CIM_ERR_NOT_FOUND. The requested object could not be found. 7 - CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED. The requested operation is not supported. 8 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_CHILDREN. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. 9 - CIM_ERR_CLASS_HAS_INSTANCES. Operation cannot be carried out on this class since it has instances. 10 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_SUPERCLASS. Operation cannot be carried out since the specified superclass does not exist. 11 - CIM_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS. Operation cannot be carried out because an object already exists. 12 - CIM_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY. The specified Property does not exist. 13 - CIM_ERR_TYPE_MISMATCH. The value supplied is incompatible with the type. 14 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The query language is not recognized or supported. 15 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_QUERY. The query is not valid for the specified query language. 16 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE. The extrinsic Method could not be executed. 17 - CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND. The specified extrinsic Method does not exist. 18 - CIM_ERR_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE. The returned response to the asynchronous operation was not expected. 19 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE_DESTINATION. The specified destination for the asynchronous response is not valid. 20 - CIM_ERR_NAMESPACE_NOT_EMPTY. The specified Namespace is not empty. 21 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_CONTEXT. The enumeration context supplied is not valid. 22 - CIM_ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_TIMEOUT. The specified Namespace is not empty. 23 - CIM_ERR_PULL_HAS_BEEN_ABANDONED. The specified Namespace is not empty. 24 - CIM_ERR_PULL_CANNOT_BE_ABANDONED. The attempt to abandon a pull operation has failed. 25 - CIM_ERR_FILTERED_ENUMERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED. Filtered Enumeratrions are not supported. 26 - CIM_ERR_CONTINUATION_ON_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED. Continue on error is not supported. 27 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_LIMITS_EXCEEDED. The WBEM Server limits have been exceeded (e.g. memory, connections, ...). 28 - CIM_ERR_SERVER_IS_SHUTTING_DOWN. The WBEM Server is shutting down. 29 - CIM_ERR_QUERY_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. The specified Query Feature is not supported.
282 A free-form string containing a human-readable description of CIMStatusCode. This description MAY extend, but MUST be consistent with, the definition of CIMStatusCode.
283 2.22.1
284 CIM_Error is a specialized class that contains information about the severity, cause, recommended actions and other data related to the failure of a CIM Operation. Instances of this type MAY be included as part of the response to a CIM Operation.
285 Provides extra status information about an extrinsic method's invocation
286 This property is identical to the ObjectId field of the disk object that contains this partition.
287 The operating system's number for the disk that contains this partition. Disk numbers may not necessarily remain the same across reboots.
288 The operating system's number for the partition. Ordering is based on the partition's offset, relative to other partitions. This means that the value for this property may change based off of the partition configuration in the offset range preceding this partition.
289 The currently assigned drive letter to the partition. This property is NULL if no drive letter has been assigned.
290 This property is an array of all the various mount points for the partition. This list includes drive letters, as well as mounted folders.
291 Online
292 No Media
293 Failed
294 Offline
295 This property indicates the partition's offset from the beginning of the disk, measured in bytes.
296 Bytes
297 Total size of the partition, measured in bytes.
298 This property indicates the partition's MBR type. This property is only valid when the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 1 - 'MBR' and will be NULL for all other partition styles.
299 FAT12
300 FAT16
301 Extended
302 Huge
304 FAT32
305 This property indicates the partition's GPT type. This property is only valid when the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 2 - 'GPT' and will be NULL for all other partition styles.
306 System Partition
307 Basic data
308 LDM Metadata
309 LDM Data
310 Microsoft Recovery
311 This property is a string representation of the partition's GPT GUID. This property is only valid if the disk's PartitionStyle property is set to 2 - 'GPT' and will be NULL for all other partition stlyes.
312 Signifies whether or not the partition is active and can be booted. This property is only relevant for MBR disks.
313 If this property is set to TRUE, the partition is not detected by the mount manager. As a result, the partition does not receive a drive letter, does not receive a volume GUID path, does not host volume mount points, and is not enumerated by calls to FindFirstVolume and FindNextVolume. This ensures that applications such as disk defragmenter do not access the partition. The Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) uses this attribute on its shadow copies.
314 If this property is set to TRUE, the partition is a shadow copy of another partition. This attribute is used by the Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS). This attribute is an indication for file system filter driver-based software (such as antivirus programs) to avoid attaching to the volume. An application can use this attribute to differentiate a shadow copy partition from a production partition. For example, an application that performs a fast recovery will break a shadow copy virtual disk by clearing the read-only and hidden attributes and this attribute. This attribute is set when the shadow copy is created and cleared when the shadow copy is broken.
315 If this property is set to TRUE, the operating system does not assign a drive letter automatically when the partition is discovered. This is only honored for GPT disks and is assumed to be FALSE for MBR disks. This attribute is useful in storage area network (SAN) environments.
316 Represents a partition on a disk.
317 The object type of this replica peer.
318 VirtualDisk
319 Volume
320 Partition
321 ReplicationGroup
322 StorageSubSystem
323 The ObjectId of the replica peer within the replica's storage subsystem.
324 The name of the replica peer within the replica's storage subsystem.
325 The UniqueId of the replica peer within the replica's storage subsystem.
326 The subsystem name of the replica peer within the replica's storage subsystem.
327 If the SMP is of type 2 - 'SMI-S', this field contains the protocol, computer host name, and port of the SMI-S server. This field will be NULL otherwise.
328 Indicates if the ReplicaPeer is primary i.e: If the ReplicaPeer is a System Element and not a Synced Element
329 Populated when "Type" has the value of "EmbeddedInstance".
330 An enumerable object that represents an object in a target subsystem for which there is a replication relationship.
331 Association between replicated partitions
332 Enumeration indicating the supported object types associated with these replication capabilities.
333 ReplicaPeer
334 Enumeration indicating the supported SyncType/Mode/Local-or-Remote combinations.
335 Synchronous Mirror Local
336 Asynchronous Mirror Local
337 Synchronous Mirror Remote
338 Asynchronous Mirror Remote
339 Synchronous Snapshot Local
340 Asynchronous Snapshot Local
341 Synchronous Snapshot Remote
342 Asynchronous Snapshot Remote
343 Synchronous Clone Local
344 Asynchronous Clone Local
345 Synchronous Clone Remote
346 Asynchronous Clone Remote
347 Synchronous TokenizedClone Local
348 Asynchronous TokenizedClone Local
349 Synchronous TokenizedClone Remote
350 Asynchronous TokenizedClone Remote
351 Adaptive Mirror Local
352 Adaptive Mirror Remote
353 Adaptive Snapshot Local
354 Adaptive Snapshot Remote
355 Adaptive Clone Local
356 Adaptive Clone Remote
357 Adaptive TokenizedClone Local
358 Adaptive TokenizedClone Remote
359 An array of supported features of partition objects for replication.
360 Supports GUID Partition Table
361 Supports MBR Partition
362 Supports NTFS File System
363 Supports ReFS File System
364 Supports Cluster Shared Volume
365 Minimum log size in bytes supported for replication.
366 Maximum log size in bytes supported for replication.
367 Default value for recovery point
368 Indicates if Replication Groups is supported
369 Indicates if empty Replicaiotn Groups are allowed
370 Indicates if this is a fully discovered model
371 Indicates if CreateReplicationShip operation is supported
372 Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed as asynchronous jobs. If an operation is included in both this and SupportedSynchronousActions properties then the underlying implementation is indicating that it may or may not create a job. Note: the following methods are not supported asynchronously, hence the gap between 11 and 19: - CreateGroup - DeleteGroup - AddMembers - RemoveMembers - AddReplicationEntity - AddServiceAccessPoint - AddSharedSecret.
373 CreateElementReplica
374 CreateGroupReplica
375 CreateSynchronizationAspect
376 ModifyReplicaSynchronization
377 ModifyListSynchronization
378 ModifySettingsDefineState
379 GetAvailableTargetElements
380 GetPeerSystems
381 GetReplicationRelationships
382 GetServiceAccessPoints
383 CreateListReplica
384 CreateGroupReplicaFromElements
385 GetReplicationRelationshipInstances
386 ModifyListSettingsDefineState
387 CreateRemoteReplicationCollection
388 AddToRemoteReplicationCollection
389 RemoveFromRemoteReplicationCollection
390 GetSynchronizationAspects
391 GetSynchronizationAspectInstances
392 CreateGroupReplicaFromElementSynchronizations
393 AddElementsToGroupSynchronized
394 ConfirmTargetData
395 CreateListSynchronizationAspect
396 Enumeration indicating what operations will be executed synchronously -- without the creation of a job. If an operation is included in both this property and SupportedAsynchronousActions then the underlying implementation is indicating that it may or may not create a job. Note: the following methods are not supported asynchronously: - CreateGroup - DeleteGroup - AddMembers - RemoveMembers - AddReplicationEntity - AddServiceAccessPoint - AddSharedSecret.
397 CreateGroup
398 DeleteGroup
399 AddMembers
400 RemoveMembers
401 AddReplicationEntity
402 AddServiceAccessPoint
403 AddSharedSecret
404 Represents the replication capabilities of a storage subsystem.
405 A system defined name for this storage job.
406 The Description property provides a textual description of the storage job operation.
407 The time interval that the job has been executing or the total execution time if the storage job is complete.
408 If the operation that this storage job was tracking has failed, the provider will set this with an error code defined by the method that invoked the operation. If this job tracked a background task, the error code can be set to any valid Storage Management error code as defined in the value map below. If there was no error, this property must be set to 0 - 'Success'. This property should be NULL until the operation has completed.
409 A free-form string that contains the vendor error description.
410 The current execution state of the storage job.
412 Starting
413 Running
414 Shutting Down
415 Terminated
416 Killed
417 Exception
418 Service
419 Query Pending
420 Vendor Reserved
421 A free-form string that represents the status of the job. The primary status is reflected in the inherited OperationalStatus property. JobStatus provides additional, implementation-specific details.
422 This property indicates whether the times represented in the StartTime, TimeOfLastStateChange, and TimeSubmitted properties represent local times or UTC times. Time values are synchronized worldwide by using the enumeration value 2 - 'UTC Time'.
423 Local Time
424 UTC Time
425 Indicates the current statuses of the element.
427 Degraded
428 Stressed
429 Predictive Failure
430 Error
431 Non-Recoverable Error
432 Stopping
433 Stopped
434 In Service
435 No Contact
436 Lost Communication
437 Supporting Entity in Error
438 Power Mode
439 Relocating
440 Strings describing the various OperationalStatus array values. For example, if "Stopping" is the value assigned to OperationalStatus, this property may contain an explanation as to why an object is being stopped. Note that entries in this array are correlated with those at the same array index in OperationalStatus.
441 The percentage of the job that has completed at the time that this value is requested.
442 Percent
443 The time that the job was actually started.
444 The amount of time that the Job is retained after it has finished executing, regardless of whether it failed during execution. The job must remain in existence for some period of time regardless of the value of the DeleteOnCompletion property.
445 The date or time when the state of the job last changed. If the state of the job has not changed and this property is populated, it must be set to a 0 interval value. If a state change was requested, but was rejected or not yet processed, the property must not be updated.
446 The time that the job was submitted to execute. A value of all zeroes indicates that the owning element is not capable of reporting a date and time.
447 If TRUE, the storage job will be automatically deleted after a short time interval.
448 If TRUE, this storage job represents an automated background task initiated by the storage subsystem. For all user / management initiated operations, this value should be set to FALSE.
449 Describes the recovery action to be taken for an unsuccessfully run job. The possible values are: 0 - 'Unknown' meaning it is unknown as to what recovery action to take 1 - 'Other' indicating that the recovery action will be specified in the OtherRecoveryAction property 2 - 'Do Not Continue' meaning stop the execution of the job and appropriately update its status 3 - 'Continue With Next Job' meaning continue with the next job in the queue 4 - 'Re-run Job' indicating that the job should be re-run
450 Do Not Continue
451 Continue With Next Job
452 Re-run Job
453 Denotes a vendor-specific recovery action to be taken for an unsuccessfully run job. This value should only be set if RecoveryAction is set to 1 - 'Other'.
454 Requests that the state of the job be changed to the value specified in the RequestedState parameter. Invoking the RequestStateChange method multiple times could result in earlier requests being overwritten or lost.
455 Success
456 Not Supported
457 Unspecified Error
458 Invalid Parameter
459 State transition started
460 Invalid state transition
461 Access denied
462 There are not enough resources to complete the operation.
463 Cannot connect to the storage provider.
464 The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.
465 RequestStateChange changes the state of a job. The possible values are as follows: 2 - 'Start' changes the state to 'Running'. 3 - 'Suspend' stops the job temporarily. The intention is to subsequently restart the job with a second call to RequestStateChange requesting 1 - 'Start'. It might be possible to enter the 'Service' state while suspended. (This is job-specific.) 4 - 'Terminate' stops the job cleanly, saving data, preserving the state, and shutting down all underlying processes in an orderly manner. 5 - 'Kill' terminates the job immediately with no requirement to save data or preserve the state. 6 - 'Service' puts the job into a vendor-specific service state. It might be possible to restart the job.
466 Start
467 Suspend
468 Terminate
469 Kill
470 Storage jobs represent long running operations on a storage subsystem. These operations can either be user-initiated through the various management interfaces defined by this MOF, or automatically by intelligent storage subsystems.
471 A unique identifier for the fault
472 A string that uniquely identifies the type of fault.
473 The description of the object that triggered the fault
474 The location of the object that triggered the fault
475 Reference to the SM API instance of the object that has faulted.
476 The formatted message describing the reason for the fault
477 Free form descriptions of the recommended actions to take to resolve the cause of the fault.
478 Denotes the perceived severity of the event from the notifier's point of view. 0 - 'Unknown': The severity is unknown or indeterminate. 2 - 'Information': The event is for informative purposes. 3 - 'Degraded/Warning': Action may be required by the user. 4 - 'Minor': Action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time. 5 - 'Major': Immediate action is needed. 6 - 'Critical': Immediate action is needed and the scope of the issue is broad. 7 - 'Fatal/NonRecoverable': An error has occurred, but it is too late to take remedial action.
479 Denotes the date and time of the incident. Null if time unknown.
480 Object representing the result of a Diagnose method call on a storage object.
481 The total logical size of all files on the volume, in bytes. This is an estimate of the volume used space if deduplication feature was disabled.
482 The difference between the logical size of the optimized files and the logical size of the store (the deduplicated user data plus deduplication metadata).
483 The ratio of deduplication savings to the logical size of all of the files on the volume, expressed as a percentage.
484 The number of optimized files on the volume.
485 The total logical size of all optimized files on the volume, in bytes.
486 The ratio of deduplication savings to the logical size of all optimized files on the volume, expressed as a percentage.
487 The number of files that currently qualify for optimization.
488 The aggregate size of all files that currently qualify for optimization.
489 Volume deduplication properties.
490 Drive letter assigned to the volume.
491 Guid path of the volume.
492 The health status of the Volume. 0 - 'Healthy': The volume is functioning normally. 1 - 'Warning': The volume is still functioning, but has detected errors or issues that require administrator intervention. 2 - 'Unhealthy': The volume is not functioning, due to errors or failures. The volume needs immediate attention from an administrator.
493 Healthy
494 Warning
495 Unhealthy
496 An array of values that denote the current operational status of the volume. 0 - 'Unknown': The operational status is unknown. 1 - 'Other': A vendor-specific OperationalStatus has been specified by setting the OtherOperationalStatusDescription property. 2 - 'OK': The volume is responding to commands and is in a normal operating state. 3 - 'Degraded': The volume is responding to commands, but is not running in an optimal operating state. 4 - 'Stressed': The volume is functioning, but needs attention. For example, the volume might be overloaded or overheated. 5 - 'Predictive Failure': The volume is functioning, but a failure is likely to occur in the near future. 6 - 'Error': An error has occurred. 7 - 'Non-Recoverable Error': A non-recoverable error has occurred. 8 - 'Starting': The volume is in the process of starting. 9 - 'Stopping': The volume is in the process of stopping. 10 - 'Stopped': The volume was stopped or shut down in a clean and orderly fashion. 11 - 'In Service': The volume is being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. 12 - 'No Contact': The storage provider has knowledge of the volume, but has never been able to establish communication with it. 13 - 'Lost Communication': The storage provider has knowledge of the volume and has contacted it successfully in the past, but the volume is currently unreachable. 14 - 'Aborted': Similar to Stopped, except that the volume stopped abruptly and may require configuration or maintenance. 15 - 'Dormant': The volume is reachable, but it is inactive. 16 - 'Supporting Entity in Error': This status value does not necessarily indicate trouble with the volume, but it does indicate that another device or connection that the volume depends on may need attention. 17 - 'Completed': The volume has completed an operation. This status value should be combined with OK, Error, or Degraded, depending on the outcome of the operation. 0xD00D - 'Scan Needed': In Windows-based storage subsystems, this indicates a scan is needed but not repair. 0xD00E - 'Spot Fix Needed': In Windows-based storage subsystems, this indicates limited repair is needed. 0xD00F - 'Full Repair Needed': In Windows-based storage subsystems, this indicates full repair is needed.
497 Scan Needed
498 Spot Fix Needed
499 Full Repair Needed
500 File system on the volume.
501 File system label of the volume.
502 The underlying file system type of the volume.
503 Threshold
507 NTFS4
508 NTFS5
511 EXT2
512 EXT3
513 ReiserFS
514 NTFS
515 ReFS
518 Total size of the volume
519 Available space on the volume
520 Denotes the type of the volume.
521 Invalid Root Path
522 Removable
523 Fixed
524 Remote
525 CD-ROM
526 RAM Disk
527 Indicates the deduplication mode of the volume.
528 Disabled
529 GeneralPurpose
530 HyperV
531 Backup
532 NotAvailable
533 The allocation unit size of the volume.
534 Represents a volume on the system.
535 TODO
536 A set of volumes where the replication journal for the ReplicationGroup is hosted.
537 Size of replication journal in units of bytes. Size must be in multiples of gigabytes.
538 Minimum number of synchronous replication partnerships that are in synchronous replication state for I/O to continue on source Replication Group.
539 Represents the settings to be configured on a group or sync pair.
540 A user-friendly string representing the name of the replication group.
541 A user-friendly string representing the description of the replication group.
542 Denotes the current health status of the replication group. Health of a group is derived from the health of the backing storage replicas. 0 - 'Healthy': All replicas are in a healthy state. 1 - 'Warning': The majority of replicas are healthy, but one or more may be not fully synchronized. 2 - 'Unhealthy': The majority of replicas are unhealthy or in a failed state.
543 Indicates the current operating conditions of the group. Unlike HealthStatus, this field indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this group, and can contain multiple values.
544 A replication group represents a consistency grouping of storage replicas.
545 A user-friendly string representing the name of the fault domain object.
546 A user settable description of the fault domain object.
547 This field represents the name of the company responsible for the hardware backing the fault domain oject. For physical disk it must match the disk's SCSI inquiry data.
548 This field represents the model number of the hardware. For physical disk it must match the disk's SCSI inquiry data.
549 This field represents the serial number of the hardware. For physical disk it must match the disk's SCSI inquiry data.
550 This field is a free-form string indicating where the hardware is located.
551 Failed Media
552 Stale Metadata
553 IO Error
554 Unrecognized Metadata
555 Common base class for all storage fault domain objects
556 UniqueIdFormat indicates the type of identifier used in the UniqueId field. The identifier used in UniqueId must be the highest available identifier using the following order of preference: 8 (highest), 3, 2, 1, 0 (lowest). For example: if the physical disk device exposes identifiers of type 0, 1, and 3, UniqueId must be the identifier of type 3, and UniqueIdFormat should be set to 3.
557 Vendor Id
558 EUI64
559 FCPH Name
560 SCSI Name String
561 DeviceId is an address or other identifier that uniquely names the physical disk.
562 This field describes the intended usage of this physical disk within a concrete pool. Storage pools are required to follow the assigned policy for a physical disk. 1 - 'Auto-Select': This physical disk should only be used for data storage. 2 - 'Manual-Select': This physical disk should only be used if manually selected by an administrator at the time of virtual disk creation. A manual-select disk is selected using the PhysicalDisksToUse parameter to CreateVirtualDisk. 3 - 'Hot Spare': This physical disk should be used as a hot spare. 4 - 'Retired': This physical disk should be retired from use. At a minimum, no new allocations should go to this disk. If the virtual disks that reside on this disk are repaired, the data should be moved to another active physical disk.
563 Auto-Select
564 Manual-Select
565 Hot Spare
566 Retired
567 Journal
568 This field describes the supported usages of this physical disk.
569 This field is a string representation of the physical disk's part number or SKU.
570 This field is a string representation of the physical disk's firmware version.
571 This field is a string representation of the physical disk's software version.
572 Indicates the total physical storage size of the disk in bytes
573 This field indicates the sum of used space on this physical disk. This should include usage from all storage pools and other data stored on the disk.
574 SCSI
577 1394
579 Fibre Channel
581 RAID
582 iSCSI
584 SATA
587 Virtual
588 File Backed Virtual
589 Storage Spaces
590 NVMe
591 This field indicates the physical sector size of the physical disk in bytes. For example: for 4K native and 512 emulated disks, the value should be 4096.
592 This field indicates the logical sector size of the physical disk in bytes. For example: a 4K native disk should report 4096, while a 512 emulated disk should report 512.
593 This field indicates the rotational speed of spindle-based physical disks. For solid state devices (SSDs) or other non-rotational media, this field should set to 0. For rotating media which has an unknown speed, this field should be set to -1 (UINT32_MAX).
595 Indicates whether the physical disk's identification LEDs are active or not. This is typically used in maintenance operations.
596 Indicates the enclosure number in which the disk physically resides
597 Indicates the enclosure slot number in which the disk physically resides
598 Indicates whether this physical disk can be added to a concrete pool or not
599 Indicates the reason why this physical disk cannot be added to a concrete pool
600 In a Pool
601 Not Healthy
602 Removable Media
603 In Use by Cluster
604 Insufficient Capacity
605 Spare Disk
606 Reserved by subsystem
607 If CannotPoolReason contains 1 - 'Other', this field contains the string representing the vendor defined reason why this physical disk cannot be added to a concrete pool. This property must be NULL if CannotPoolReason does not contain 1 - 'Other'.
608 Indicates whether this physical disk is partially consumed by a system or service whose use is outside of normal storage pool operations.
609 Media type of this physical disk
610 Unspecified
613 This method allows a user to perform certain maintenance tasks on the physical disk.
614 The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.
615 The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.
616 If set to TRUE, this instructs the physical disk to enable its indication LED. The indication LED should remain enabled until a second call to Maintenance is made with this parameter specified as FALSE.
617 ExtendedStatus allows the storage provider to return extended (implementation specific) error information.
618 This method resets the health and operational status of the physical disk. Exact behavior of this method is dependent on whether this physical disk belongs to a concrete pool. If it is a member of a concrete pool, the health and operational statuses should be reset to 1 - 'Healthy', and 1 - 'OK', respectively. If any additional errors are detected after Reset, the health and operational statuses should reflect these new errors. If the physical disk is not a member of a concrete pool, then this method should not only reset the health and operational statuses, but it should return the disk into a state where it is usable as storage for a concrete pool. For example: If a physical disk had become missing and then has reappeared (after it has been replaced) this physical disk is expected to be in the primordial pool only with an operational status indicating its data is either split or unrecognized. Calling Reset should clear the physical disk of any data, remove any remaining ties to its former concrete pool, and return the disk to a healthy, usable state.
619 This method allows the physical disk to be renamed.
620 This method allows the physical disk's description to be changed.
621 This method allows the physical disk's usage to be updated.
622 This method allows the physical disk's attributes to be updated.
623 A subsystem drive or spindle.
624 Friendly name of the storage tier, defined by the user
625 Media type of this storage tier
626 Size of the tier on the virtual disk. This property is available only when the storage tier is part of a virtual disk. The property is unspecified for pool-level storage tiers.
627 A user settable description of the storage tier
628 This method deletes the storage tier.This method is available only when the SupportsStorageTierDeletion propertyon the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this methodwill fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED.
629 If RunAsJob is set to TRUE and this method takes a while to execute, this parameter returns a reference to the storage job used to track the long running operation.
630 Resizes the storage tier on the virtual disk. This method is not available for pool-level storage tiers.
631 Not enough available capacity
632 This method allows the storage tier to be renamed.
633 This method allows the user to update or set various attributes on the storage tier. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.
634 This method allows the storage tier's description to be changed.
635 This method returns the supported sizes for a new storage tier. These sizes can either be returned in an array of all supported sizes, through a min, max, and divisor, or both.
636 Cache out of date
637 Specifies the name of the resiliency setting that should be used when determining the supported sizes. Note that the sizes returned may be different depending on the resiliency setting.
638 This output parameter will contain an array of all of the supported sizes for the storage tier. This parameter may be NULL if the number of supported sizes is large, but is useful for storage tiers that only support a select number of tier sizes.
639 This parameter denotes the minimum supported size that a tier created in this pool can be.
640 This parameter denotes the maximum supported size that a tier created in this pool can be.
641 This parameter indicates the interval in which the supported sizes increment. For example: If the minimum supported size is 10 GB, and this parameter is 2 GB, then the supported sizes for this pool would be 10 GB, 12 GB, 14 GB, etc. until the maximum supported size is reached.
642 A storage tier.
643 A user-settable, display-oriented string representing the name of the virtual disk.
644 Name is a semi-unique (scoped to the owning storage subsystem), human-readable string used to identify the virtual disk.
645 VPD83NAA6
646 VPD83NAA5
647 VPD83Type2
648 VPD83Type1
649 VPD83Type0
650 SNVM
651 NodeWWN
653 T10VID
654 UniqueIdFormat indicates the type of identifier used in the UniqueId field. The identifier used in UniqueId must be the highest available identifier using the following order of preference: 8 (highest), 3, 2, 1, 0 (lowest). For example: if the virtual disk device exposes identifiers of type 0, 1, and 3, UniqueId must be the identifier of type 3, and UniqueIdFormat should be set to 3.
655 Certain values for UniqueIdFormat may include various sub-formats. This field is a free-form string used to describe the specific format used in UniqueId.
656 This field indicates the intended usage for this virtual disk.
657 Unrestricted
658 Reserved for ComputerSystem (the block server)
659 Reserved by Replication Services
660 Reserved by Migration Services
661 Local Replica Source
662 Remote Replica Source
663 Local Replica Target
664 Remote Replica Target
665 Local Replica Source or Target
666 Remote Replica Source or Target
667 Delta Replica Target
668 Element Component
669 Reserved as Pool Contributor
670 Composite Volume Member
671 Composite VirtualDisk Member
672 Reserved for Sparing
673 If the virtual disk's Usage field is set to 1 - 'Other', this field must contain a description of the vendor or user defined usage. If Usage is not set to 1 - 'Other', this field must not be set.
674 Denotes the current health status of the virtual disk. Health of a virtual disk is derived from the health of the backing physical disks, and whether or not the virtual disk can maintain the required levels of resiliency. 0 - 'Healthy': All physical disks are present and in a healthy state. 1 - 'Warning': The majority of physical disks are healthy, but one or more may be failing I/O requests. 2 - 'Unhealthy': The majority of physical disks are unhealthy or in a failed state, and the virtual disk no longer has data integrity.
675 Indicates the current operating conditions of the virtual disk. Unlike HealthStatus, this field indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this virtual disk, and can contain multiple values. Various operational statuses are defined. 11 - 'In Service': describes a virtual disk being configured, maintained, or otherwise administered. 0xD002 - 'Detached': This value is reserved for Windows. This value indicates a virtual disk that is visible to the host system but does not have a disk device object. 0xD003 - 'Incomplete': describes a virtual disk which does not have enough redundancy remaining to successfully repair or regenerate its data.
676 Detached
677 Incomplete
678 If OperationalStatus contains 1 - 'Other', this field contains the string representing the vendor defined operational status. This property must be NULL if OperationalStatus does not contain 1 - 'Other'.
679 The name of the resiliency setting used to create this virtual disk.
680 The logical size of the virtual disk measured in bytes
681 The currently allocated size of the virtual disk. If the virtual disk's ProvisioningType is 2 - 'Fixed', this value should equal Size. If the ProvisioningType is 1 - 'Thin', this value is the amount of space actually allocated (i.e. some value less than Size).
682 This field indicates the total storage pool capacity being consumed by this virtual disk. For example: in the case of a 2-way mirrored virtual disk of size 1 GB, the footprint on the pool will be approximately 2 GB.
683 Denotes the provisioning scheme of the virtual disk. 1 - 'Thin' indicates that the virtual disk's capacity is allocated on demand. 2 - 'Fixed' indicates that the virtual disk's capacity is fully allocated upon creation.
684 Thin
685 This field indicates the number of complete data copies that are being maintained. For example, RAID 5 maintains 1 copy of data, whereas RAID 1 maintains at least 2 copies.
686 This field indicates how many backing physical disks can fail without compromising data redundancy. For example: RAID 0 cannot tolerate any failures, RAID 5 can tolerate a single drive failure, and RAID 6 can tolerate 2 failures.
687 This field indicates what type of parity layout is being used for parity resiliency settings. This field should be NULL if the virtual disk does not use a parity resiliency setting.
688 Non-rotated Parity
689 Rotated Parity
690 This field indicates the number of underlying physical disks across which data for this virtual disk is striped.
691 This field indicates the number of bytes that will form a strip in common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk. Thus, Interleave * NumberOfColumns will yield the size of one stripe of user data.
692 Indicates whether the virtual disk is available for read and/or write access
693 Readable
694 Writeable
695 Read/Write
696 Write Once
697 Indicates whether this virtual disk is a snapshot of another virtual disk
698 If TRUE, this virtual disk will only be attached to the system if an explicit call is made to the Attach method. Note that this property is specific to Storage Spaces.
699 Determines the current allocation behavior for this virtual disk. Enclosure aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy. If TRUE, the virtual disk will attempt to use physical disks from different enclosures to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) physical enclosures.
700 Determines the current allocation behavior for this virtual disk. Fault domain aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) fault domain units of the specified type.
701 PhysicalDisk
702 StorageEnclosure
703 StorageScaleUnit
704 StorageChassis
705 StorageRack
706 Denotes the reason why this virtual disk is detached. This field will only be set when the virtual disk's OperationalStatus includes 0xD002 - 'Detached'. Note that this field is specific to Storage Spaces.
707 None
708 By Policy
709 Majority Disks Unhealthy
710 Size of the write cache for the virtual disk
711 Size of the read cache for the virtual disk
712 This method deletes the virtual disk. After this method is called, the space used by the virtual disk will be reclaimed and the user will be unable to reverse the delete operation.
713 Method Parameters Checked - Job Started
714 The virtual disk could not complete the operation because another computer controls its configuration.
715 This parameter returns a reference to the storage job used to track the long running operation.
716 This method shows a virtual disk to an initiator. This operation is also known as 'exposing' or 'unmasking' a virtual disk.
717 The HostType requested is not supported.
718 The initiator address specified is not valid
719 The target port address specified is not valid.
720 An array of target port addresses from which the virtual disk should be shown
721 The address of the initiator to which the virtual disk should be shown
722 This field indicates the operating system type running on the host of the initiator port.
723 Standard
724 Solaris
725 HPUX
726 OpenVMS
727 Tru64
728 Netware
729 Sequent
731 DGUX
732 Dynix
733 Irix
734 Cisco iSCSI Storage Router
735 Linux
736 Microsoft Windows
737 OS400
739 HI-UX
740 VMware ESXi
741 Microsoft Windows Server 2008
742 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
743 This method hides a virtual disk from an initiator. This operation is also known as 'unexposing' or 'masking' a virtual disk.
744 An array of target port addresses from which the virtual disk should be hidden. Note: this array may contain a subset of the addresses originally given in Show.
745 The address of the initiator to which the virtual disk should be hidden
746 This method creates a point in time snapshot of the virtual disk.
747 This operation is not supported on primordial storage pools.
748 The storage pool is reserved for special usage only.
749 The specified storage pool could not be found.
750 The desired name of the snapshot virtual disk
751 This field indicates which storage pool should be used to hold the created snapshot. If this field is not set, this method will default to using the same storage pool that contains the source virtual disk.
752 This method creates a clone of the virtual disk, resulting in another virtual disk with identical data to the source.
753 The desired name of the virtual disk clone
754 This field indicates which storage pool should be used to hold the created clone. If this field is not set, this method will default to using the same storage pool that contains the source virtual disk.
755 This method allows a virtual disk to be resized. The size specified must be in the range of valid values given by the GetSupportedSize method on the storage pool object.
756 In Use
757 Size Not Supported
758 The virtual disk could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.
759 As input, this parameter contains the requested size for the virtual disk to become. As output, this parameter contains the size that was actually achieved after the resize operation.
760 This method initiates a repair of the virtual disk - restoring data and redundancy to different (or new) physical disks within the storage pool.
761 There is not enough redundancy remaining to repair the virtual disk.
762 This method returns the security descriptor that controls access to this specific object instance.
763 A Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) formed string describing the access control list of the object.
764 This method allows a user with sufficient privileges to set the security descriptor that control access to this specific object instance. If the call is not made in the context of a user specified in the security descriptor's access control list, this method will fail with 40001 - 'Access Denied'. If an empty security descriptor is passed to this function, the behavior is left to the specific implementation so long as there is some user context (typically domain administrators) that can access and administer the object.
765 A Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) formed string describing the desired access control list for this object.
766 This method allows the virtual disk to be renamed.
767 This method allows the virtual disk's intended usage to be updated. Not all virtual disks may allow this and will return 1 - 'Not Supported' if this operation cannot be performed.
768 If Usage is set to 1 - 'Other', this parameter takes in the string representation of a vendor defined usage for this virtual disk. This parameter must not be set if Usage is a value other than 1 - 'Other'.
769 This method allows the user to update or set various attributes on the virtual disk. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.
770 Attaches a Storage Spaces based virtual disk to the system. This operation is similar to Show and Hide, however there is no need for target and initiator configuration since everything is done locally. Depending on the system's NewDiskPolicy (formerly SAN policy), a Storage Space may need to be Attached before it can be used.
771 Detaches a Storage Spaces based virtual disk from the system. This operation is similar to Hide, however there is no need for target and initiator configuration since everything is done locally. Detaching a Storage Space will result in it's corresponding disk object to be suprise removed from the system. Note that detaching can happen in response to certain failure and warning conditions (such as failing redundancy, or thin provisioning capacity limits being reached).
772 The virtual disk could not complete the operation because its Manual Attach status does not permit it.
773 This method will add one or more physical disks for manual allocation.
774 One of the physical disks specified is not supported by this operation.
775 One of the physical disks specified is already in use.
776 One of the physical disks specified uses a sector size that is not supported by this storage pool.
777 This method will remove one or more physical disks from manual allocation.
778 One of the physical disks specified could not be removed because it is still in use.
779 A subsystem storage volume.
780 The name of the account to which the access right is granted.
781 Denotes the access type ( Allow, Deny ).
782 Allow
783 Deny
784 Denotes the access right.
785 Full
786 Modify
787 Read
788 Custom
789 A file share access control entry object models the subsystem's concept of an access control entry for a file share.
790 Name is a semi-unique (scoped to the owning file server), human-readable string used to access and identify a file share.
791 A user settable description of the file share. This field can be used to store extra free-form information, such as notes or details about the intended usage.
792 The volume relative path to the directory that is being shared.
793 If TRUE the share is continuously available.
794 If TRUE the share data transmission is encrypted.
795 The file sharing protocol used by the share.
798 Denotes the current health status of the file share. 0 - 'Healthy': TBD. 1 - 'Warning': TBD. 2 - 'Unhealthy': TBD.
799 Indicates the current operating conditions of the file share. Unlike HealthStatus, this field indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this share, and can contain multiple values. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration's values are self-explanatory.
800 Read-only
801 A file share object models the subsystem's concept of a file share.
802 A user-friendly string representing the name of the file server. Friendly name can be set using the SetFriendlyName method.
803 HostNames are semi-unique (scoped to the owning storage subsystem), human-readable strings used to identify a file server. There is a separate host name element per file sharing protocol.
804 Denotes the current health status of the file server. 0 - 'Healthy': TBD. 1 - 'Warning': TBD. 2 - 'Unhealthy': TBD.5 - 'Unknown': TBD.
805 Indicates the current operating conditions of the file server. Unlike HealthStatus, this field indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this server, and can contain multiple values. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration's values are self-explanatory.
806 A string representation of the vendor defined operational status. This field should only be set if the OperationalStatus array contains 1 - 'Other'.
807 If TRUE the server supports file share creation.
808 If TRUE the file server will support continuously available file shares.
809 The file sharing protocols supported by the file server.
811 Specifies the file sharing protocol versions supported.
812 A file server object models the subsystems concept of a file server.
813 A user-friendly string representing the name of the storage pool. Friendly name can be set using the SetFriendlyName method.
814 Name is a semi-unique (scoped to the owning storage subsystem), human-readable string used to identify a storage pool.
815 Denotes the intended usage of the storage pool.
816 Reserved as a Delta Replica Container
817 Reserved for Migration Services
818 Reserved for Local Replication Services
819 Reserved for Remote Replication Services
820 If Usage is set to 1 - 'Other', this field contains the string representation of the vendor defined usage for the storage pool. This property must be NULL if Usage is not set to 1 - 'Other'.
821 If this field is set to TRUE, the storage pool is primordial. A primordial pool, also known as the 'available storage' pool is where storage capacity is drawn and returned in the creation and deletion of concrete storage pools. Primordial pools cannot be created or deleted. If this field is set to FALSE, the storage pool is a concrete pool. These pools are subject to all of the management operations defined on the storage pool class. This includes creation, deletion, creation of virtual disks, etc.
822 Denotes the current health status of the storage pool. Health of a storage pool is derived from the health of the backing physical disks, and whether or not the storage pool can maintain the required levels of resiliency. 0 - 'Healthy': All physical disks are present and in a healthy state. 1 - 'Warning': The majority of physical disks are healthy, but one or more may be failing I/O requests. 2 - 'Unhealthy': The majority of physical disks are unhealthy or in a failed state, and the pool no longer has data integrity.
823 Indicates the current operating conditions of the storage pool. Unlike HealthStatus, this field indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this storage pool, and can contain multiple values. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration's values are self-explanatory. However, a few are not and are described here in more detail. 4 - 'Stressed': indicates that the storage pool is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of 'Stressed' states are overload, overheated, and so on. 5 - 'Predictive Failure': indicates that the storage pool is functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the near future. 11 - 'In Service': describes a storage pool being configured, maintained, or otherwise administered. 12 - 'No Contact': indicates that the storage provider has knowledge of this storage pool, but has never been able to establish communications with it. 13 - 'Lost Communication': indicates that the storage pool is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. 10 - 'Stopped' and 14 - 'Aborted' are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the storage pool might need to be updated. 15 - 'Dormant': indicates that the storage pool is inactive. 16 - 'Supporting Entity in Error': indicates that this storage pool might be OK, but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error.
824 Indicates the capacity of the storage pool. If the pool is primordial, this is the sum of all the healthy physical disk sizes. If the pool is concrete, this is the sum of all associated physical disks (except hot-spares, and including failed drives).
825 Indicates the total sum of all the capacity used by this storage pool. If the pool is primordial, this will be the sum of all capacity currently allocated to concrete storage pools. If the pool is concrete, this value should be the sum of all capacity currently allocated to virtual disks and other pool metadata.
826 This field indicates the logical sector size of the storage pool, in bytes. This value is derived from the backing physical disks, as well as the preference specified at the time this storage pool was created.
827 This field indicates the physical sector size of the storage pool, in bytes. This value is derived from the backing physical disks for this storage pool.
828 Indicates the provisioning scheme to use when creating new virtual disks on this storage pool. 0 - 'Unknown': May mean that this information is unavailable, or the storage pool uses a proprietary method of allocation. 1 - 'Thin': Storage for the virtual disk is allocated on-demand. 2 - 'Fixed': Storage for the virtual disk is allocated at the time of virtual disk creation.
829 Denotes the provisioning schemes that this storage pool supports.
830 Indicates the default resiliency setting used for virtual disk creation. This default can be overridden at the time of virtual disk creation. This property's value should correspond to the resiliency setting's Name field.
831 Indicates whether or not the storage pool's configuration is read-only. If TRUE, the storage pool will not allow configuration changes to itself or any of its virtual and physical disks. Note that the data on the virtual disk may still be writable.
832 Denotes the reason why the storage pool is read-only. 1 - 'None': The pool is not read-only. 2 - 'By Policy': The administrator has either requested the pool to be read-only or has enacted a policy on the system that requires the pool to be read-only. 3 - 'Majority Disks Unhealthy': The majority of the supporting physical disks are in an unhealthy state that has forced the storage pool into a read-only state.
833 Indicates whether or not the storage pool is used in a clustered environment.
834 If TRUE, this storage pool supports data deduplication.
835 Percentages at which an alert should be generated
836 Percentage
837 If TRUE, the storage pool should clear (zero out) physical disks that are removed from the pool.
838 This property indicates whether the disks comprising this pool are able to tolerate power loss without data loss, e.g. automatically flush volatile buffers to non-volatile media after external power is disconnected.
839 This property indicates how the operating system will proceed with repairing of virtual disks for this storage pool. 2 - 'Sequential': repair will process one allocation slab at a time. This will result in longer repair times, but small impact on the I/O load. 3 - 'Parallel': repair will process as many allocation slabs as it can in parallel. This will result in the shortest repair time, but will have significant impact on I/O load.
840 Sequential
841 Parallel
842 Determines the default allocation behavior for virtual disks created in this pool. Enclosure aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy. If TRUE, the storage subsystem will use physical disks from different enclosures to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) physical enclosures.
843 Determines the default allocation behavior for virtual disks created in this pool. Fault domain aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) fault domain units of the specified type.
844 If TRUE, the storage subsystem will automatically retire missing physical disks in this storage pool and replace them with hot-spares or other available physical disks (in the storage pool).
845 Auto
846 Always
847 Never
848 Denotes the version of this storage pool.
849 Windows Server 2012
850 Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview
851 Windows Server 2012 R2
852 Pool Metadata Version
853 Default size of write cache for virtual disk creation
854 Minimum size of write cache for virtual disk creation
855 Maximum size of write cache for virtual disk creation
856 This method creates a virtual disk using the resources of the storage pool. This method is available only when the SupportsVirtualDiskCreation property on the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this method will fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED. This method is also not supported for primordial pools. Creating tiered virtual disks is available only when the SupportsStorageTieredVirtualDiskCreation property on the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this method will fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED. CreateVirtualDisk requires only FriendlyName and Size to be specified. Sizes can be specified explicitly through the Size parameter, or you can use the maximum available space from the storage pool by specifying the UseMaximumSize parameter. Both FriendlyName and Size are treated as goals rather than hard requirements. For example, not all SMI-S based arrays support custom friendly names; however, the virtual disk creation will still succeed. If the size specified is not achieved, the actual size used for the virtual disk will be returned in the out parameter structure. The usage of this virtual disk can be set using the Usage and OtherUsageDescription parameters. If a value for OtherUsageDescription is given, Usage must be set to 1 - 'Other', otherwise an error will be returned. By default, the resiliency setting applied to this virtual disk will be whatever is specified in the storage pool's ResiliencySettingNameDefault property. This can be overridden using the ResiliencySettingName parameter. Note that the name given here must correspond to a resiliency setting associated with this storage pool. Any other value will result in an error. Individual settings of the resiliency setting can be overridden using the NumberOfDataCopies, PhysicalDiskRedundancy, NumberOfColumns, and Interleave parameters. If these parameters are not used, the defaults from the resiliency setting will be used. These overrides will not persist back to the particular resiliency setting instance; however some storage providers may choose to create a new resiliency setting instance to capture this new configuration. If any of the goals specified in the override parameters are out of range, or are not supported by the storage pool, an error will be returned. The provisioning policy for the virtual disk is determined in a similar way to the resiliency setting. If no preference is specified in the ProvisioningType parameter, the policy is determined by the storage pool's ProvisioningTypeDefault property. If the ProvisioningType parameter is specified, the default is ignored and the value specified will be used instead. Allocation can be further controlled by the PhysicalDisksToUse parameter. There may be certain scenarios where a storage administrator wants to manually choose which physical disks should back the virtual disk. When this parameter is specified, data for the virtual disk will only be stored on the physical disks in this array and not on any others.
857 Failover clustering could not be enabled for this storage object.
858 This subsystem does not support creation of virtual disks with the specified provisioning type.
859 The specified resiliency setting is not supported by this storage pool.
860 There are not enough eligible physical disks in the storage pool to create the specified virtual disk configuration.
861 You must specify the size info (either the Size or UseMaximumSize parameter) or the tier info (the StorageTiers and StorageTierSizes parameters), but not both size info and tier info.
862 No resiliency setting with that name exists.
863 The value for NoSinglePointOfFailure is not supported.
864 The value for PhysicalDiskRedundancy is outside of the supported range of values.
865 The value for NumberOfDataCopies is outside of the supported range of values.
866 The value for ParityLayout is outside of the supported range of values.
867 The value for Interleave is outside of the supported range of values.
868 The value for NumberOfColumns is outside of the supported range of values.
869 The value for WriteCacheSize is outside of the supported range of values.
870 Not enough physical disks were specified to successfully complete the operation.
871 This parameter allows the user to specify the FriendlyName at the time of the virtual disk creation. FriendlyNames are expected to be descriptive, however they are not required to be unique. Note that some storage subsystems do not allow setting a friendly name during virtual disk creation. If a subsystem doesn't support this, virtual disk creation should still succeed, however the disk may have a different name assigned to it.
872 Indicates the size for the virtual disk. Note that some storage subsystems will round the size up or down to a multiple of its allocation unit size. This parameter cannot be used if UseMaximumSize is set to TRUE.
873 UseMaximumSize instructs the storage array to create the largest possible virtual disk given the available resources of this storage pool. This parameter cannot be used if the Size parameter is set.
874 Denotes the provisioning type of the virtual disk. 1 - 'Thin': The storage for the virtual disk is allocated on-demand. 2 - 'Fixed': The storage for the virtual disk is allocated up front.
875 This parameter specifies the resiliency setting to use as a template for this virtual disk. This property's value should correspond with the particular resiliency setting instance's Name property. Only resiliency settings associated with this storage pool may be used.
876 Denotes the intended usage of the virtual disk
877 Allows a user to set a vendor specific usage for the new virtual disk object. This parameter can only be specified if the Usage parameter is set to 1 - 'Other'.
878 Specifies the number of complete data copies to maintain for this virtual disk. If specified, this value will override the NumberOfDataCopiesDefault value that would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.
879 Specifies how many physical disk failures the virtual disk should be able to withstand before data loss occurs. If specified, this value will override the PhysicalDiskRedundancyDefault value that would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.
880 Specifies the number of underlying physical disks across which data should be striped. If specified, this value will override the NumberOfColumnsDefault value that would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.
881 If TRUE, this field instructs the storage provider (or subsystem) to automatically pick what it determines to be the best number of columns for the virtual disk. If this field is TRUE, then the NumberOfColumns parameter must be NULL.
882 Specifies the number of bytes that should be used for a strip in the common striping-based resiliency settings. The strip is defined as the size of the portion of a stripe that lies on one physical disk. Thus Interleave * NumberOfColumns will yield the size of one stripe of user data. If this parameter is specified, this value will override the InterleaveDefault which would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.
883 Determines the allocation behavior for this virtual disk. Enclosure aware virtual disks will intelligently pick the physical disks to use for their redundancy. If TRUE, the virtual disk will attempt to use physical disks from different enclosures to balance the fault tolerance between two (or more) physical enclosures.
884 If specified, allocation of this virtual disk's storage is limited to the physical disks in the list. These physical disks must already be added to this storage pool.
885 Storage tiers on this virtual disk
886 Sizes of each tier
887 Size of write cache on the virtual disk
888 Indicates whether the provider should pick up the auto write cache size
889 This parameter returns a reference to the storage job used to track the long running operation. When the operation has completed, an association should exist between the storage job and the created objects.
890 This method creates a virtual disk and single volume using the resources of the storage pool.
891 An unexpected I/O error has occurred
892 You must specify a size by using either the Size or the UseMaximumSize parameter. You can specify only one of these parameters at a time.
893 The requested access path is already in use.
894 The access path is not valid.
895 The specified file system is not supported
896 The volume cannot be quick formatted
897 Cannot perform the requested operation when the drive is read only
898 You must specify a name for this volume
899 You must specify a file server to expose this volume to
900 The volume is not exposed to the specified file server
901 This parameter allows the user to specify the FriendlyName at the time of the volume creation. FriendlyNames are expected to be descriptive, however they are not required to be unique. The filesystem's label will also be set to this friendly name.
902 Indicates the size for the virtual disk. Note that some storage subsystems will round the size up or down to a multiple of its allocation unit size. The size of the resulting volume will be the maximum size possible for the resulting virtual disk.
903 Denotes the provisioning type of the volume. 1 - 'Thin': The storage for the volume is allocated on-demand. 2 - 'Fixed': The storage for the volume is allocated up front.
904 This parameter specifies the resiliency setting to use as a template for this volume. This property's value should correspond with the particular resiliency setting instance's Name property. Only resiliency settings associated with this storage pool may be used.
905 Specifies how many physical disk failures the virtual disk should be able to withstand before data loss occurs. If specified, this value will override the PhysicalDiskRedundancyDefault which would have been inherited from the resiliency setting specified by ResiliencySettingName.
906 Specifies the file system to format the created volume. Specifying a CSV file system is only supported on a storage spaces subsystem. For CSV the pool must be clusterable and the volume created will be a cluster shared volume.
907 If set to a valid access path, the system will attempt to use this path as a way to access the local volume. If the access path could not be set, or this parameter was left NULL, a new access path will be automatically assigned.
908 The file server that will own this volume.
909 Creates a storage tier template on the storage pool. This method is available only when the SupportsStorageTierCreation property on the storage subsystem is set to TRUE. If it is set to FALSE, this method will fail with MI_RESULT_NOT_SUPPORTED. This method is also not supported for primordial pools.
910 Friendly name of the storage tier
911 Media type of the storage tier
912 Description of the storage tier
913 This method deletes an empty storage pool. If the storage pool contains any virtual disks, these virtual disks should be removed first.
914 The storage pool contains virtual disks.
915 This method will upgrade the version of the storage pool.
916 This method will add one or more physical disks from the primordial storage pool to an existing concrete storage pool.
917 This method removes one or more physical disks from the pool and returns all previously allocated space on the disk to the available capacity in the primordial pool.
918 Could not repair the virtual disk because too many physical disks failed. Not enough information exists on the remaining physical disks to reconstruct the lost data.
919 One or more physical disks are not in the pool.
920 This method returns the supported sizes for a virtual disk created on this storage pool. These sizes can either be returned in an array of all supported sizes, through a min, max, and divisor, or both.
921 This output parameter will contain an array of all of the supported sizes by the storage pool. This parameter may be NULL if the number of supported sizes is large, but is useful for storage pools that support only a select number of virtual disk sizes.
922 This parameter denotes the minimum supported size that a virtual disk created in this pool can be.
923 This parameter denotes the maximum supported size that a virtual disk created in this pool can be.
924 This method allows the storage pool to be renamed.
925 This method allows the storage pool's intended usage to be updated. Not all storage pools may allow this and will return 1 - 'Not Supported' if this operation cannot be performed.
926 Denotes the new intended usage of the storage pool.
927 If Usage is set to 1 - 'Other', this parameter takes in the string representation of a vendor defined usage for this storage pool. This parameter must not be set if Usage is a value other than 1 - 'Other'.
928 This method allows the user to update or set various defaults on the storage pool. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.
929 Specifies the new default provisioning type of the storage pool.
930 Specifies the new default resiliency setting that should be used by this storage pool. The resiliency setting specified must already be associated with this storage pool.
931 This parameter indicates the default allocation policy for virtual disks created in an enclosure aware storage pool. For example, an enclosure aware subsystem could balance each data copy of the virtual disk across multiple physical enclosures such that each enclosure contains a full data copy of the virtual disk.
932 New default size of write cache for virtual disk creation
933 This method allows the user to update or set various attributes on the storage pool. Note that not all parameters must be specified, and only those given will be updated.
934 The number of thin provisioning alert thresholds specified exceeds the limit for this storage pool.
935 Represents a logical grouping of physical disks that may be used to create virtual disks. These virtual disks can be created with different characteristics and levels of resiliency based on the number of available physical disks and the capabilities of the storage pool.
936 Association between ReplicationGroup and Partition
937 Association between replicated groups
938 Association between a replication group and its virtual disks
939 FriendlyName is a user-friendly name of the masking set. It is specified during the creation of the masking set, and can be changed using the SetFriendlyName method.
940 Name is a user-friendly system defined name for the masking set. Name is unique within the scope of the owning storage subsystem.
941 This field specifies the operating system, version, driver, and other host environment factors that influence the behavior exposed by the storage subsystem.
942 This method adds an initiator to the masking set. All virtual disks in the masking set will be accessible (shown) to these initiators.
943 Only one initiator address is acceptable for this operation.
944 This parameter is an array of initiator addresses. For each address contained in this array, a corresponding initiator ID instance should be created and then associated with this masking set.
945 This method removes one or more initiator ids from the masking set. Note that the initiator id instances themselves should not be deleted from the system.
946 This method adds one or more target ports to the masking set.
947 This method removes one or more target ports from the masking set.
948 This method adds a virtual disk to the masking set, allowing it to be shown to the initiators contained in the set.
949 The specified virtual disk could not be found.
950 The device number specified is not valid.
951 DeviceAccess must be specified for each virtual disk.
952 Read Write
953 Read-Only
954 No Access
955 This method removes a virtual disk from the masking set. Once removed, this virtual disk will no longer be shown to the initiators contained in this masking set.
956 This method deletes the masking set instance.
957 This method allows the FriendlyName to be set.
958 A masking set is a collection of virtual disks, target ports, and initiator ids that are used for bulk Show and Hide operations. When a resource is added to a masking set it is made available for access to all other resources in the masking set. For example, adding a virtual disk object to a masking set will allow all initiator IDs in the masking set to access the virtual disk object.
959 A user settable string representing the name of the storage subsystem. The storage provider or subsystem is expected to supply an initial value for this field.
960 A user settable description of the storage subsystem. This field can be used to store extra free-form information, such as notes or details about the subsystem's intended usage.
961 Name is a globally unique, human-readable string used to identify a storage subsystem.
962 NameFormat describes the format of the Name identifier.
964 Dial
969 ISDN
973 E.164
977 This field is an array of custom identifier for the subsystem. If this field is set, the OtherIdentifyingInfoDescription field must also be set.
978 An array of string description of the format used in the custom identifiers defined in the OtherIdentifyingInfo field. There must be a 1:1 mapping between this array and OtherIdentifyingInfo.
979 Denotes the health of the subsystem. 0 - 'Healthy': Indicates that the subsystem is functioning normally. 1 - 'Warning': Indicates that the subsystem is still functioning, but has detected errors or issues that may require administrator intervention. 2 - 'Unhealthy': Indicates that the subsystem is not functioning due to errors or failures. The subsystem needs immediate attention from an administrator.
980 Indicates the current statuses of the subsystem. Various operational statuses are defined. Many of the enumeration's values are self-explanatory. However, a few are not and are described here in more detail. 4 - 'Stressed': indicates that the subsystem is functioning, but needs attention. Examples of 'Stressed' states are overload, overheated, and so on. 5 - 'Predictive Failure': indicates that the subsystem is functioning nominally but predicting a failure in the near future. 11 - 'In Service': describes a subsystem being configured, maintained, cleaned, or otherwise administered. 12 - 'No Contact': indicates that the storage provider has knowledge of this subsystem, but has never been able to establish communications with it. 13 - 'Lost Communication': indicates that the subsystem is known to exist and has been contacted successfully in the past, but is currently unreachable. 10 - 'Stopped' and 14 - 'Aborted' are similar, although the former implies a clean and orderly stop, while the latter implies an abrupt stop where the state and configuration of the subsystem might need to be updated. 15 - 'Dormant': indicates that the subsystem is inactive. 16 - 'Supporting Entity in Error': indicates that this subsystem might be OK, but that another element, on which it is dependent, is in error.
981 This field denotes the cache level that has been discovered. This corresponds to the storage provider's DiscoveryLevel parameter in the Discover method. 0 - 'Level 0': The storage provider and storage subsystem objects have been discovered. 1 - 'Level 1': Storage pools, resiliency settings, target ports, target portals, and initiator ids belonging to this subsystem have been discovered. 2 - 'Level 2': Virtual disks and masking sets belonging to this subsystem have been discovered. 3 - 'Level 3': Physical disks belonging to this subsystem have been discovered.
982 Level 0
983 Level 1
984 Level 2
985 Level 3
986 This field is a string representation of the company responsible for creating the storage subsystem hardware.
987 This field is a string representation of the model number of the subsystem array.
988 This field is a string representation of the serial number of the subsystem array.
989 This field is a string representation of the subsystem's firmware version.
990 Tag is an identifier for the subsystem that is independent from any location-based information. Examples of a tag could be the subsystem's serial number or asset tag.
991 Denotes whether this subsystem supports automatic object clustering.
992 Denotes the minimum number of physical disks required for creating a storage pool on this subsystem.
993 Determines the default allocation behavior for storage pools created in this subsystem. If the subsystem does not support storage pool creation, then it determines the default allocation behavior for virtual disks created in this subsystem.
994 Denotes whether this subsystem supports local mirror replication.
995 Denotes whether this subsystem supports remote mirror replication.
996 Denotes whether this subsystem supports local snapshotting. This field must be true if the VirtualDisk::CreateSnapshot method is implemented.
997 Denotes whether this subsystem supports remote snapshotting.
998 Denotes whether this subsystem supports local cloning. This field must be true if the VirtualDisk::CreateClone method is implemented.
999 Denotes whether this subsystem supports remote cloning.
1000 Denotes whether a user can create a virtual disk by using the CreateVirtualDisk method on either the storage subsystem or storage pool objects.
1001 Denotes whether a user can modify attributes or other properties on a virtual disk by using the various Set* extrinsic methods. (For example: SetFriendlyname ).
1002 Denotes whether a user can delete a virtual disk through the use of the DeleteObject extrinsic method on the virtual disk instance.
1003 Indicates if the subsystem allows a virtual disk to be grown in size (using the Resize method of the virtual disk instance).
1004 Indicates if the subsystem allows a virtual disk to be reduced in size (using the Resize method of the virtual disk instance).
1005 Indicates if the subsystem supports explicit repairing of a virtual disk through the Repair method of the virtual disk instance.
1006 Denotes whether this subsystem supports direct creation of volumes on a storage pool.
1007 File systems supported on this subsystem.
1008 If TRUE, this subsystem supports the ability to create new concrete storage pools from one or more physical disks. If FALSE, either the subsystem uses pre-created storage pools, or it does not support storage pools.
1009 If TRUE, this subsystem supports the deletion of its storage pools.
1010 If TRUE, storage pools on this subsystem support capacity expansion through adding more physical disks.
1011 If TRUE, storage pools on this subsystem support the replacement or removal of physical disks by use of the RemovePhysicalDisk method on the storage pool instance.
1012 If TRUE, the CreateVirtualDisk method on the storage subsystem is supported.
1013 If TRUE, all resiliency settings will be copied from the primordial pool and added to a concrete pool upon its creation. If FALSE, the storage pool should copy the setting specified in the ResiliencySettingNameDefault parameter of CreateStoragePool. If no name was given, the resiliency setting specified by the primordial pool's ResiliencySettingNameDefault property should be used.
1014 If TRUE, this subsystem supports the ability to create new storage tiers. If FALSE, either the subsystem uses pre-created storage tiers, or it does not support storage tiers.
1015 If TRUE, this subsystem supports the deletion of storage tiers.
1016 If TRUE, this subsystem supports the resizing of storage tiers.
1017 If TRUE, this subsystem supports the modification of the storage tier friendly name.
1018 If TRUE, this subsystem supports the creation of tiered virtual disks.
1019 This field is reserved for future releases.
1020 If TRUE, the storage subsystem supports showing and hiding (masking) a virtual disk to a host initiator through the Show/Hide methods of the virtual disk and by the use of masking sets.
1021 Indicates which address formats can be inferred by the storage provider and subsystem when working with initiator ids.
1022 Port WWN
1023 Node WWN
1024 Host Name
1025 iSCSI Name
1026 Switch WWN
1027 SAS Address
1028 If MaskingValidInitiatorIdTypes contains the value 1 - 'Other', this field is used to enumerate the other valid initiator id types for this storage subsystem.
1029 Indicates the number of target ports that can be used for masking a virtual disk. This applies to both masking sets and the virtual disk Show method.
1030 One TargetPort per view
1031 Multiple target ports per view
1032 All target ports share the same view
1033 If TRUE, the storage provider supports the use of the DeviceNumbers parameter of the CreateMaskingSet and AddVirtualDisk methods.
1034 If TRUE, the subsystem will only allow one initiator to be added to a masking set.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject DllMain DllRegisterServer
DllUnregisterServer GetProviderClassID MI_Main _PreShutdown@0
_SetShutdownCallback@4 _SmpUnload@0


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: