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Windows 10 DLL File Information - wiaaut.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: WIA Automation Layer  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 565 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 4
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 4

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 479,744 Bytes 82.8% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00077000 2,560 Bytes 0.4% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00078000 7,680 Bytes 1.3% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x0007a000 61,952 Bytes 10.7% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x0008a000 26,112 Bytes 4.5% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

wiaaut.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when wiaaut.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, wiaaut.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 2 1,528 Bytes 0.3%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 2 464 Bytes 0.1%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 58 16,596 Bytes 2.9%
Type Libraries 1 52,484 Bytes 9.1%
Manifest 1 706 Bytes 0.1%
All Others 8 5,284 Bytes 0.9%
Total 72 77,062 Bytes 13.3%

Icons in this file

There are 2 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
100 WIAAut
1000 %s Properties
1001 Rotates, in 90 degree increments, and Flips, horizontally or vertically. RotationAngle - Set the RotationAngle property to 90, 180, or 270 if you wish to rotate, otherwise 0 [the default] FlipHorizontal - Set the FlipHorizontal property to True if you wish to flip the image horizontally, otherwise False [the default] FlipVertical - Set the FlipVertical property to True if you wish to flip the image vertically, otherwise False [the default] FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame, otherwise 0 [the default]
1002 Crops the image by the specified Left, Top, Right, and Bottom margins. Left - Set the Left property to the left margin (in pixels) if you wish to crop along the left, otherwise 0 [the default] Top - Set the Top property to the top margin (in pixels) if you wish to crop along the top, otherwise 0 [the default] Right - Set the Right property to the right margin (in pixels) if you wish to crop along the right, otherwise 0 [the default] Bottom - Set the Bottom property to the bottom margin (in pixels) if you wish to crop along the bottom, otherwise 0 [the default] FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame, otherwise 0 [the default]
1003 Scales image to the specified Maximum Width and Maximum Height preserving Aspect Ratio if necessary. MaximumWidth - Set the MaximumWidth property to the width (in pixels) that you wish to scale the image to. MaximumHeight - Set the MaximumHeight property to the height (in pixels) that you wish to scale the image to. PreserveAspectRatio - Set the PreserveAspectRatio property to True [the default] if you wish to maintain the current aspect ration of the image, otherwise False and the image will be stretched to the MaximumWidth and MaximumHeight FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame, otherwise 0 [the default]
1004 Stamps the specified ImageFile at the specified Left and Top coordinates. ImageFile - Set the ImageFile property to the ImageFile object that you wish to stamp Left - Set the Left property to the offset from the left (in pixels) that you wish to stamp the ImageFile at [default is 0] Top - Set the Top property to the offset from the top (in pixels) that you wish to stamp the ImageFile at [default is 0] FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame, otherwise 0 [the default]
1005 Converts the resulting ImageFile to the specified type. FormatID - Set the FormatID property to the supported raster image format desired, currently you can choose from wiaFormatBMP, wiaFormatPNG, wiaFormatGIF, wiaFormatJPEG, or wiaFormatTIFF Quality - For a JPEG file, set the Quality property to any value from 1 to 100 [the default] to specify quality of JPEG compression Compression - For a TIFF file, set the Compression property to CCITT3, CCITT4, RLE or Uncompressed to specify the compression scheme, otherwise LZW [the default]
1006 Adds/Removes the specified Exif Property. Remove - Set the Remove property to True if you wish to remove the specified Exif property, otherwise False [the default] to add the specified exif property ID - Set the ID property to the PropertyID you wish to Add or Remove Type - Set the Type property to indicate the WiaImagePropertyType of the Exif property you wish to Add (ignored for Remove) Value - Set the Value property to the Value of the Exif property you wish to Add (ignored for Remove) FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of a frame if you wish to modify a frame other than the ActiveFrame, otherwise 0 [the default]
1007 Adds/Removes the specified Frame. Remove - Set the Remove property to True if you wish to remove the specified FrameIndex, otherwise False [the default] to Insert the ImageFile before the specified FrameIndex ImageFile - Set the ImageFile property to the ImageFile object whose ActiveFrame that you wish to add (ignored for Remove) FrameIndex - For Remove, set the FrameIndex property to the index of the frame you wish to remove, otherwise for add, set the FrameIndex to the index of the frame to insert the ImageFile before, otherwise 0 [the default] to append a frame from the ImageFile specified
1008 Updates the image bits with those specified. ARGBData - Set the ARGBData property to the Vector of Longs that represent the ARGB data for the specified FrameIndex (the width and height must match) FrameIndex - Set the FrameIndex property to the index of the frame whose ARGB data you wish to modify, otherwise 0 [the default] to modify the ActiveFrame
2000 The scanner head is locked.
2001 The device driver threw an exception.
2002 An unknown error has occurred with the WIA device.
2003 There is an incorrect setting on the WIA device.
2004 The response from the driver is invalid.
2005 Paper is jammed in the scanner\'s document feeder.
2006 The user requested a scan and there are no documents left in the document feeder.
2007 An unspecified problem occurred with the scanner\'s document feeder.
2008 The WIA device is not online.
2009 The WIA device is busy.
2010 The WIA device is warming up.
2011 An unspecified error has occurred with the WIA device that requires user intervention. The user should ensure that the device is turned on, online, and any cables are properly connected.
2012 The WIA device was deleted. It can no longer be accessed.
2013 No WIA device of the selected type is available.
2014 An unspecified error occurred during an attempted communication with the WIA device.
2015 The device does not support this command.
2016 User Cancelled.
2017 The ID is not formatted correctly.
2019 ID Not Found.
2020 Index must either be a number or a property name.
2021 Index must either be a number or a Device ID.
2022 Name Not Found.
2023 Index out of range.
2024 Property does not have a default value. SubType is UnspecifiedSubType.
2025 Property does not have a set of values. SubType is not List or Flag.
2026 Property does not have a range. SubType is not Range.
2027 Unrecognized format Type. ImageFile cannot support this operation.
2028 No ImageFile loaded. You must call LoadFile first.
2029 Cannot convert to specified FormatType.
2030 The margins are invalid and specify negative or empty image dimensions.
2031 This event is already registered for this device.
2032 Unable to register the same event for both a specific Device ID and Any Device.
2033 Files must be a Pathname to a valid image file or a vector of Pathnames to valid image files.
2034 There are no Filters to apply, use Add to add a Filter to the Filters collection to be Applied.
2035 The Convert Filter must be the last filter in the Apply chain.
2036 Invalid Property Type. Type must be a value from the WiaImagePropertyType enumeration.
2037 The Vector is the wrong size or type. The Vector must be Width * Height Long values.
2038 The Vector's Type is not compatible with this operation.
2039 The Vector is empty. The vector must contain data for this operation.
2040 The WIA driver for this imaging device returned an invalid property attribute for this property. This is a driver bug, please inform the device manufacturer.
2041 Image file must contain at least one frame.
2042 You cannot Add an Item to a collection returned from a CommonDialog method.
2043 No Device Specified.
2044 Index must either be a number or a filter name.
2045 PixelDepth must equal 1 to use this compression setting.
2046 ID out of range.
3000 CommonDialog Class
3001 DeviceManager Class

COM Classes/Interfaces

Name Type Description
CommandID Module String versions of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that identify common Device and Item commands.  
CommonDialog CoClass The CommonDialog control is an invisible-at-runtime control that contains all the methods that display a User Interface. A CommonDialog control can be created using "WIA.CommonDialog" in a call to CreateObject or by dropping a CommonDialog on a form.  
Device CoClass The Device object represents an active connection to an imaging device.  
DeviceCommand CoClass The DeviceCommand object describes a CommandID that can be used when calling ExecuteCommand on a Device or Item object.  
DeviceCommands CoClass The DeviceCommands object is a collection of all the supported DeviceCommands for an imaging device. See the Commands property of a Device or Item object for more details on determining the collection of supported device commands.  
DeviceEvent CoClass The DeviceEvent object describes an EventID that can be used when calling RegisterEvent or RegisterPersistentEvent on a DeviceManager object.  
DeviceEvents CoClass The DeviceEvents object is a collection of all the supported DeviceEvent for an imaging device. See the Events property of a Device object for more details on determining the collection of supported device events.  
DeviceInfo CoClass The DeviceInfo object is a container that describes the unchanging (static) properties of an imaging device that is currently connected to the computer.  
DeviceInfos CoClass The DeviceInfos object is a collection of all the imaging devices currently connected to the computer. See the DeviceInfos property on the DeviceManager object for detail on accessing the DeviceInfos object.  
DeviceManager CoClass The DeviceManager control is an invisible-at-runtime control that manages the imaging devices connected to the computer. A DeviceManager control can be created using "WIA.DeviceManager" in a call to CreateObject or by dropping a DeviceManager on a form.  
EventID Module String versions of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that identify DeviceManager events.  
Filter CoClass The Filter object represents a unit of modification on an ImageFile. To use a Filter, add it to the Filters collection, then set the filter's properties and finally use the Apply method of the ImageProcess object to filter an ImageFile.  
FilterInfo CoClass The FilterInfo object is a container that describes a Filter object without requiring a Filter to be Added to the process chain. See the FilterInfos property on the ImageProcess object for details on accessing FilterInfo objects.  
FilterInfos CoClass The FilterInfos object is a collection of all the available FilterInfo objects. See the FilterInfos property on the ImageProcess object for detail on accessing the FilterInfos object.  
Filters CoClass The Filters object is a collection of the Filters that will be applied to an ImageFile when you call the Apply method on the ImageProcess object.  
FormatID Module String versions of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) that indicate the file format of an image.  
Formats CoClass The Formats object is a collection of supported FormatIDs that you can use when calling Transfer on an Item object or ShowTransfer on a CommonDialog object for this Item.  
ICommonDialog Dispatch  
IDevice Dispatch  
IDeviceCommand Dispatch  
IDeviceCommands Dispatch  
IDeviceEvent Dispatch  
IDeviceEvents Dispatch  
IDeviceInfo Dispatch  
IDeviceInfos Dispatch  
IDeviceManager Dispatch  
IFilter Dispatch  
IFilterInfo Dispatch  
IFilterInfos Dispatch  
IFilters Dispatch  
IFormats Dispatch  
IImageFile Dispatch  
IImageProcess Dispatch  
IItem Dispatch  
IItems Dispatch  
IProperties Dispatch  
IProperty Dispatch  
IRational Dispatch  
IVector Dispatch  
ImageFile CoClass The ImageFile object is a container for images transferred to your computer when you call Transfer or ShowTransfer. It also supports image files through LoadFile. An ImageFile object can be created using "WIA.ImageFile" in a call to CreateObject.  
ImageProcess CoClass The ImageProcess object manages the filter chain. An ImageProcess object can be created using "WIA.ImageProcess" in a call to CreateObject.  
Item CoClass The Item object is a container for an item on an imaging device object. See the Items property on the Device or Item object for details on accessing Item objects.  
Items CoClass The Items object contains a collection of Item objects. See the Items property on the Device or Item object for details on accessing the Items object.  
Miscellaneous Module Miscellaneous string constants  
Properties CoClass The Properties object is a collection of all the Property objects associated with a given Device, DeviceInfo, Filter, ImageFile or Item object. See the Properties property on any of these objects for detail on accessing the Properties object.  
Property CoClass The Property object is a container for a property associated with a Device, DeviceInfo, Filter, ImageFile or Item object. See the Properties property on any of these objects for details on accessing Property objects.  
Rational CoClass The Rational object is a container for the rational values found in Exif tags. It is a supported element type of the Vector object and may be created using "WIA.Rational" in a call to CreateObject.  
Vector CoClass The Vector object is a collection of values of the same type. It is used throughout the library in many different ways. The Vector object may be created using "WIA.Vector" in a call to CreateObject.  
_IDeviceManagerEvents Dispatch  

Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject DllRegisterServer DllUnregisterServer


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: