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Windows 10 DLL File Information - vfwwdm32.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: VfW MM Driver for WDM Video Capture Devices  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 57 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 3
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 3

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 41,472 Bytes 70.4% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x0000c000 512 Bytes 0.9% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x0000d000 3,072 Bytes 5.2% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x0000e000 10,240 Bytes 17.4% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00011000 2,560 Bytes 4.3% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

vfwwdm32.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when vfwwdm32.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, vfwwdm32.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 1 764 Bytes 1.3%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 5 5,022 Bytes 8.5%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 39 2,130 Bytes 3.6%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 2 1,200 Bytes 2.0%
Total 47 9,116 Bytes 15.5%

Icons in this file

There are 1 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 1000 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
102 Camera Controls
115 Dialog
404 Capture Source
405 Device Settings
409 Stream Settings

String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
17 Video Source
19 Video Format
36 Run-length encoded (RLE) 8 bits per pixel
37 Run-length encoded (RLE) 4 bits per pixel
38 RGB Bitfields
42 Digital sensor;
45 Device was last requested to stream at %d FPS.
46 Zoom
47 Focus
48 Tilt
49 Exposure
50 Iris
52 Roll
53 Brightness
54 Contrast
56 Saturation
57 Sharpness
58 White Balance
59 Device is not streaming!
60 Select a camera:
61 Current device information
62 Opening this device failed.
63 Device has been removed or disabled.
65 Resolution
66 Digital Image Format
67 Pixel Depth (bits) and Compression
68 Size (bytes)
69 Gamma
70 Backlight Comp.
71 You cannot use this device when another video application, such as DVD, video conferencing, video editing, TV viewers, or WebTV for Windows is already using it. To use this device for your current application, close the application that is using it. If WebTV is installed and running on your system, pause the "WebTV video and data services" on the taskbar tray by right-clicking its icon and choosing "Pause Services".
72 Video device already in use
73 Video Tuner
74 Video Composite
75 S-Video
76 Audio Tuner
77 Source Undefined

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DllMain DriverProc VfwWdm


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: