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Windows 10 DLL File Information - ureg.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Registry Utility DLL  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 24 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 25
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 25

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 18,432 Bytes 73.5% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00006000 512 Bytes 2.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00007000 2,560 Bytes 10.2% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00008000 1,024 Bytes 4.1% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00009000 1,536 Bytes 6.1% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

ureg.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when ureg.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, ureg.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 1 908 Bytes 3.6%
Total 1 908 Bytes 3.6%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

No string resources in this file.


COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
public: __thiscall REGISTRY::REGISTRY(void)
public: __thiscall REGISTRY_KEY_INFO::REGISTRY_KEY_INFO(void)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::AddValueEntry(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,class REGISTRY_VALUE_ENTRY const *,unsigned char,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::CreateKey(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,unsigned long *,unsigned char)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::DeleteKey(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::DeleteValueEntry(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::DoesKeyExist(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::DoesValueExist(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::EnableRootNotification(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,void *,unsigned long,unsigned char)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::IsAccessAllowed(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,unsigned long,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::LoadHive(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::QueryKeyInfo(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::QueryKeySecurity(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO const *,unsigned long,void * *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::QuerySubKeysInfo(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class ARRAY *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::QueryValues(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,class ARRAY *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::RestoreKeyFromFile(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned char,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::SaveKeyToFile(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::SetKeySecurity(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,unsigned long,void *,unsigned long *,unsigned char)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::UnLoadHive(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY::UpdateKeyInfo(enum _PREDEFINED_KEY,class REGISTRY_KEY_INFO *,unsigned long *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY_KEY_INFO::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,class WSTRING const *,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *)
public: unsigned char __thiscall REGISTRY_VALUE_ENTRY::Initialize(class WSTRING const *,unsigned long,enum _REG_TYPE,unsigned char const *,unsigned long)
public: virtual __thiscall REGISTRY::~REGISTRY(void)


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: