Windows 10 DLL File Information - umpoext.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | User-mode Power Service Extensions |
File Version: | 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
DLL popularity | Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 55 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 2 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 2 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 41,984 Bytes | 73.9% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x0000c000 | 1,024 Bytes | 1.8% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.idata | 0x0000d000 | 6,656 Bytes | 11.7% | Read | Initialized Data |
.didat | 0x0000f000 | 512 Bytes | 0.9% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x00010000 | 1,536 Bytes | 2.7% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x00011000 | 4,096 Bytes | 7.2% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
umpoext.dll is statically linked to the following files:msvcrt.dll
This means that when umpoext.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, umpoext.dll won't be loaded.
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 21 | 1,338 Bytes | 2.4% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 2 | 1,144 Bytes | 2.0% |
Total | 23 | 2,482 Bytes | 4.4% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)
String ID | String Text |
1 | Power Meter |
2 | Power Meter |
3 | This counter set displays power metering and budgeting information |
5 | Power |
6 | Power |
7 | This counter displays power consumption in milliwatts. |
9 | Power Budget |
10 | Power Budget |
11 | This counter displays the power budget for this device or subcomponent in milliwatts. |
13 | Energy Meter |
14 | Energy Meter |
15 | The Energy Meter performance object measures total energy consumption. |
17 | Time |
18 | Time |
19 | The Time counter measures the duration of meter operation in milliseconds. |
21 | Energy |
22 | Energy |
23 | The Energy counter measures the total energy consumed on the metered channel in picowatt-hours. |
25 | Power |
26 | Power |
27 | The Power counter measures average power over each sampling interval in milliwatts. |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:DllMain | ExtensionInit |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- msvcrt.dll:
_XcptFilter _amsg_exit _callnewh _except_handler4_common _initterm _purecall _vsnwprintf _wcsdup free malloc memcmp memcpy memset swprintf_s wcscpy_s - ntdll.dll:
DbgPrint EtwEventWrite NtQueryWnfStateData RtlFreeAnsiString RtlStringFromGUID RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification RtlUnsubscribeWnfNotificationWaitForCompletion RtlWaitOnAddress RtlWakeAddressAll WinSqmAddToAverageDWORD - api-ms-win-core-threadpool-l1-2-0.dll:
KernelBase!CallbackMayRunLong KernelBase!CreateThreadpoolIo KernelBase!CreateThreadpoolTimer KernelBase!CreateThreadpoolWork ntdll!TpCancelAsyncIoOperation ntdll!TpIsTimerSet ntdll!TpPostWork ntdll!TpReleaseIoCompletion ntdll!TpReleaseTimer ntdll!TpReleaseWork ntdll!TpSetTimer ntdll!TpStartAsyncIoOperation ntdll!TpWaitForIoCompletion ntdll!TpWaitForTimer ntdll!TpWaitForWork - api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll:
KernelBase!CreateEventW KernelBase!SetEvent KernelBase!Sleep KernelBase!WaitForSingleObject ntdll!RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive ntdll!RtlAcquireSRWLockShared ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlInitializeConditionVariable ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll!RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive ntdll!RtlReleaseSRWLockShared - api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-1.dll:
KernelBase!CompareFileTime KernelBase!CreateFileW KernelBase!DeleteFileW KernelBase!FindClose KernelBase!FindFirstFileW KernelBase!FindNextFileW KernelBase!ReadFile - api-ms-win-eventing-provider-l1-1-0.dll:
ntdll!EtwEventEnabled - api-ms-win-core-io-l1-1-1.dll:
kernel32!CancelIoEx kernel32!DeviceIoControl kernel32!GetOverlappedResult - api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!CloseHandle - api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1.dll:
KernelBase!GetLocalTime KernelBase!GetSystemTime KernelBase!GetSystemTimeAsFileTime KernelBase!GetTickCount - api-ms-win-devices-config-l1-1-1.dll:
cfgmgr32!CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW cfgmgr32!CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW cfgmgr32!CM_Register_Notification cfgmgr32!CM_Unregister_Notification - api-ms-win-power-setting-l1-1-0.dll:
powrprof!PowerSettingRegisterNotification powrprof!PowerSettingUnregisterNotification - api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll:
KernelBase!GetLastError KernelBase!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter KernelBase!UnhandledExceptionFilter - api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll:
kernel32!GetCurrentProcess kernel32!GetCurrentProcessId kernel32!GetCurrentThreadId kernel32!TerminateProcess - RPCRT4.dll:
UuidEqual UuidFromStringW - api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!RegCloseKey KernelBase!RegCopyTreeW KernelBase!RegCreateKeyExW KernelBase!RegDeleteTreeW KernelBase!RegEnumKeyExW KernelBase!RegGetValueW KernelBase!RegOpenKeyExW KernelBase!RegQueryValueExW - api-ms-win-core-heap-l2-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!LocalAlloc KernelBase!LocalFree - api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll:
KernelBase!DisableThreadLibraryCalls KernelBase!FreeLibrary KernelBase!GetProcAddress KernelBase!LoadLibraryExW - api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll:
ntdll!RtlQueryPerformanceCounter - api-ms-win-core-kernel32-legacy-l1-1-1.dll:
kernel32!WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId - api-ms-win-core-threadpool-legacy-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!UnregisterWaitEx - api-ms-win-devices-query-l1-1-1.dll:
cfgmgr32!DevCloseObjectQuery cfgmgr32!DevCreateObjectQuery - api-ms-win-security-grouppolicy-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!EnterCriticalPolicySectionInternal KernelBase!LeaveCriticalPolicySectionInternal KernelBase!RegisterGPNotificationInternal KernelBase!UnregisterGPNotificationInternal - api-ms-win-core-threadpool-private-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx - api-ms-win-core-perfcounters-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!PerfCreateInstance KernelBase!PerfDeleteInstance KernelBase!PerfSetCounterSetInfo KernelBase!PerfSetULongCounterValue KernelBase!PerfSetULongLongCounterValue KernelBase!PerfStartProviderEx KernelBase!PerfStopProvider - HID.DLL:
HidD_FreePreparsedData HidD_GetHidGuid HidD_GetPreparsedData HidP_GetCaps HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps HidP_GetUsagesEx HidP_MaxUsageListLength - api-ms-win-core-apiquery-l1-1-0.dll:
ntdll!ApiSetQueryApiSetPresence - umpo.dll:
PtrUmpoOnAcPower PtrUmpoProviderHandle PtrUmpoSchemeLock UmpoAllocate UmpoAlpcSendPowerMessage UmpoFree UmpoGetActiveScheme UmpoInternalCloseUserPowerKey UmpoInternalConvertGuidToString UmpoInternalDataAccessorToString UmpoInternalGetKeyValueGuid UmpoInternalOpenGUIDSubKey UmpoInternalOpenUserPowerKey UmpoNotificationHandler UmpoNotifyKernelAllPowerPolicyChanged UmpoSendKernelPowerPolicyNotification UmpoWriteToUserPowerKey - tdh.dll:
TdhGetProperty - api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!PathCchAppend - api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll:
KernelBase!SystemTimeToFileTime - api-ms-win-eventing-controller-l1-1-0.dll:
sechost!ControlTraceW sechost!EnableTraceEx2 sechost!StartTraceW sechost!StopTraceW - api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll:
combase!CoCreateInstance combase!CoInitializeEx combase!CoTaskMemFree combase!CoUninitialize - api-ms-win-core-delayload-l1-1-1.dll:
KernelBase!DelayLoadFailureHook KernelBase!ResolveDelayLoadedAPI