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Windows 10 DLL File Information - UIRibbon.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Windows Ribbon Framework  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 3,344 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 3
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 3

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 2,879,488 Bytes 84.1% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x002c0000 95,744 Bytes 2.8% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x002da000 14,848 Bytes 0.4% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x002de000 512 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.bootdatô 0x002df000 3,584 Bytes 0.1% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x002e0000 260,096 Bytes 7.6% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00320000 168,960 Bytes 4.9% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

UIRibbon.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when UIRibbon.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, UIRibbon.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 43 57,914 Bytes 1.7%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 439 14,656 Bytes 0.4%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 1 1,651 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 41 195,160 Bytes 5.7%
Total 524 269,381 Bytes 7.9%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
11 Cancel
12 Close
13 &Apply
14 The entry must contain a number
15 The entry must contain a length
16 The entry cannot exceed |0 digits
17 The entry must be a positive number
18 The entry cannot contain any characters that are not numeric
19 The entry must be greater than or equal to |0
20 The entry must be less than or equal to |0
21 The entry must contain a time duration (MM:SS)
22 The entry must contain a time duration (HH:MM:SS)
23 The entry must be evenly divisible by |0
24 The entry must contain at least |0 characters
25 The entry may contain no more than |0 characters
26 The negative sign cannot appear anywhere but the start of the number
27 Enter a whole number from |0 to |1
28 Enter a number from |0 to |1
29 Enter a value from |0 to |1
30 |0|1
34 More
35 Expand gallery button
36 Gallery filter
37 Insert table
38 Row up
39 Row down
40 Scrolls the gallery up one row
41 Scrolls the gallery down one row
42 Undo 999 actions
43 Auto
45 Press
46 Execute
47 Click
48 Double click
49 Open
50 Close
51 Select
52 Expand
53 Collapse
54 Switch
55 Check
56 Uncheck
57 Toggle
58 Alt+
59 Alt+down arrow
60 Enter
61 Space
62 Open
63 Close
64 More
65 Less
66 Minimize
67 Maximize
68 Restore down
69 Close
70 Manage windows
71 Size box
72 Separator
73 Move box
74 Moves the window out of the way
75 Makes the window full screen
76 Puts a minimized or maximized window back to normal
77 Closes the window
78 Can be used to resize a window's width and height
79 Column left
80 Column right
81 Line up
82 Line down
83 Page left
84 Page right
85 Page up
86 Page down
87 Moves the horizontal position left one column
88 Moves the horizontal position right one column
89 Moves the vertical position up one line
90 Moves the vertical position down one line
91 Moves the horizontal position left a couple of columns
92 Moves the horizontal position right a couple of columns
93 Moves the vertical position up a couple of lines
94 Moves the vertical position down a couple of lines
95 Position
96 Vertical
97 Horizontal
98 Indicates the current vertical position, and can be dragged to change it directly
99 Indicates the current horizontal position, and can be dragged to change it directly
100 Used to change the vertical viewing area
101 Used to change the horizontal viewing area
102 Ribbon tabs
103 Customize Quick Access Toolbar
104 Lower Ribbon
105 Quick Access Toolbar
106 Drop button
107 Zoom slider
108 Zoom out
109 Zoom in
110 Categories
111 MiniBar
112 Ribbon
113 Quick Access Toolbar
114 Ribbon tabs list
115 Lower Ribbon
116 Ribbon tab
117 Group
118 Status bar
119 Segoe UI;p8
120 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789& -
122 88888888
123 Automatic
124 More colors...
125 No fill
126 No color
127 None
128 No line
129 No shadow
130 No 3-D
131 More line colors...
132 More fill colors...
133 More underlines...
134 |0, |1
135 RGB(|0, |1, |2)
136 |0, Lighter |1%
137 |0, Darker |1%
138 &Automatic
139 &No line
140 &No outline
141 &No fill
142 &No color
143 Use default
144 Match shape fill
145 Recent colors
146 Theme colors
147 Custom colors
148 Tint/Shade colors
149 Menu commands
150 Toolbar commands
151 Add-Ins
152 Colors
153 Standard colors
154 Dark red
156 Orange
157 Yellow
158 Light green
159 Green
160 Light blue
161 Blue
162 Dark blue
163 Purple
164 Background 1
165 Text 1
166 Background 2
167 Text 2
168 Accent 1
169 Accent 2
170 Accent 3
171 Accent 4
172 Accent 5
173 Accent 6
174 Hyperlink
175 Followed link
176 &More colors...
177 Black
178 Brown
179 Olive green
180 Dark green
181 Dark teal
182 Dark blue
183 Indigo
184 Gray-80%
185 Dark red
186 Orange
187 Dark yellow
188 Green
189 Teal
190 Blue
191 Blue-gray
192 Gray-50%
194 Light orange
195 Lime
196 Sea green
197 Aqua
198 Light blue
199 Violet
200 Gray-40%
201 Pink
202 Gold
203 Yellow
204 Bright green
205 Turquoise
206 Sky blue
207 Plum
208 Gray-25%
209 Rose
211 Light yellow
212 Light green
213 Light turquoise
214 Pale blue
215 Lavender
216 White
217 Periwinkle
218 Ivory
219 Dark purple
220 Coral
221 Ocean blue
222 Ice blue
225 0123456789
228 MS Shell Dlg
244 Styles
246 Ribbon
247 This command is currently disabled.
248 More controls
249 &Add to Quick Access Toolbar
250 &Add to Quick Access Toolbar
251 &Remove from Quick Access Toolbar
252 &Remove from Quick Access Toolbar
253 &Customize Quick Access Toolbar...
254 Customize Quick Access Toolbar...
255 &Toggle Quick Access Toolbar (full-width or small)
256 &Toggle Quick Access Toolbar (full-width or small)
257 Quick Access Toolbar dropdown item
258 Quick Access Toolbar dropdown item
259 Quick Access Toolbar widget `more controls
260 Quick Access Toolbar widget `more controls
261 Customize Quick Access Toolbar
262 Customize Quick Access Toolbar
263 &More commands...
264 Customize Quick Access Toolbar
265 Customize Quick Access Toolbar
266 Customize Quick Access Toolbar
267 Mi&nimize the Ribbon
268 Mi&nimize the Ribbon
269 &Show Quick Access Toolbar above the Ribbon
270 &Show Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon
271 &Show above the Ribbon
272 &Show below the Ribbon
273 Quic&k Access Toolbar:
274 &Add gallery to Quick Access Toolbar
275 Add to Quick Access Toolbar
276 Remove from Quick Access Toolbar
277 The selected command is already on the Quick Access Toolbar.
278 &Add menu to Quick Access Toolbar
279 &Add group to Quick Access Toolbar
280 Application menu
282 Monochrome pattern
400 Application menu
402 Theme colors
403 Standard colors
404 Recent colors
405 &Automatic
406 &More colors...
407 &No color
410 File
500 Aqua
501 Aqua, darker 25%
502 Aqua, darker 50%
503 Aqua, lighter 40%
504 Aqua, lighter 60%
505 Aqua, lighter 80%
506 Black
507 Black, lighter 15%
508 Black, lighter 25%
509 Black, lighter 35%
510 Black, lighter 5%
511 Black, lighter 50%
512 Blue
513 Blue, darker 25%
514 Blue, darker 50%
515 Blue, lighter 40%
516 Blue, lighter 60%
517 Blue, lighter 80%
518 Bright green
519 Charcoal
520 Dark blue
521 Dark blue, darker 25%
522 Dark blue, darker 50%
523 Dark blue, lighter 40%
524 Dark blue, lighter 60%
525 Dark blue, lighter 80%
526 Dark gray
527 Dark red
528 Dark yellow
529 Earthy blue
530 Earthy brown
531 Earthy green
532 Earthy orange
533 Earthy red
534 Earthy yellow
535 Gray 25%
536 Gray 50%
537 Green
538 Light blue
539 Light gray
540 Light green
541 Medium gray
542 Olive
543 Olive green
544 Olive green, darker 25%
545 Olive green, darker 50%
546 Olive green, lighter 40%
547 Olive green, lighter 60%
548 Olive green, lighter 80%
549 Orange
550 Orange, darker 25%
551 Orange, darker 50%
552 Orange, lighter 40%
553 Orange, lighter 60%
554 Orange, lighter 80%
555 Pastel blue
556 Pastel green
557 Pastel orange
558 Pastel purple
559 Pastel red
560 Pastel yellow
561 Pink
562 Professional aqua
563 Professional blue
564 Professional green
565 Professional orange
566 Professional purple
567 Professional red
568 Purple
569 Purple, darker 25%
570 Purple, darker 50%
571 Purple, lighter 40%
572 Purple, lighter 60%
573 Purple, lighter 80%
575 Red, darker 25%
576 Red, darker 50%
577 Red, lighter 40%
578 Red, lighter 60%
579 Red, lighter 80%
581 Tan, darker 25%
582 Tan, darker 5%
583 Tan, darker 50%
584 Tan, darker 75%
585 Tan, darker 90%
586 Teal
587 Turquoise
588 Vibrant blue
589 Vibrant green
590 Vibrant orange
591 Vibrant purple
592 Vibrant red
593 Vibrant yellow
594 Violet
595 White
596 White, darker 15%
597 White, darker 25%
598 White, darker 35%
599 White, darker 5%
600 White, darker 50%
601 Yellow
1182 Bold
1183 Italic
1184 Underline
1185 Strikethrough
1186 Font family
1187 Font size
1189 Superscript
1190 Subscript
1191 Grow font
1192 Shrink font
1193 Text color
1194 Text highlight color
1195 &Automatic
1196 &No color
1197 Show more fonts
1242 Bold italic
1243 Regular
1244 Open the fonts control panel
1304 Change to a heavier font.
1305 Change to an italic font.
1306 Draw a line below the text.
1307 Draw a line through the text.
1308 Change the font family.
1309 Change the font size.
1310 Draw the text smaller and higher than regular text.
1311 Draw the text smaller and lower than regular text.
1312 Increase the font size.
1313 Reduce the font size.
1314 Change the text color.
1315 Make text look like it was marked with a highlighter pen.
1318 Show, hide, install or uninstall fonts in the fonts control panel to customize the font list.
6100 Minimize the Ribbon (Ctrl+F1)
6101 Expand the Ribbon (Ctrl+F1)
6102 Show only the tab names on the Ribbon.
6103 Show the Ribbon so that it is always expanded even after you click a command.
6104 Minimize the Ribbon

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject DllMain


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: