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Windows 10 DLL File Information - twinui.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: TWINUI  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 12,808 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 3
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 3

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 5,940,736 Bytes 45.3% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x005ac000 18,432 Bytes 0.1% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x005b4000 26,624 Bytes 0.2% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x005bb000 5,120 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.tls 0x005bd000 512 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x005be000 6,723,584 Bytes 51.3% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00c28000 399,360 Bytes 3.0% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

twinui.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when twinui.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, twinui.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 122 3,249,260 Bytes 24.8%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 3 92,700 Bytes 0.7%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 108 818,170 Bytes 6.2%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 1 76 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 1,158 74,540 Bytes 0.6%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 1 1,169 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 248 2,513,230 Bytes 19.2%
Total 1,641 6,749,145 Bytes 51.5%

Icons in this file

There are 122 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

There are 3 cursors stored in this DLL file. You can view all these cursors in the following small thumbnail:

Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
996 Remove this folder?
997 Add this folder to %1!s!
998 Remove Folder
999 Cancel
1000 If you remove the “%1!s!” folder from %2!s!, it won't appear in %2!s! anymore, but won't be deleted.
1002 Selection Basket
1003 Save Bar
1004 Picker
1005 Network Path Suggestions
1007 File Types
1008 Quick Access Links
1009 Location Bar
1010 Command Bar
1011 Sort Order
1012 New Folder Bar
1013 New Folder
1014 Network Path Edit Box
1015 File Name Edit Box
1016 Folder Name Edit Box
1017 Network Path Bar
1018 %1: %2
1030 Open
1031 Choose this folder
1033 Save
1034 Create
1035 Cancel
1036 Select all
1037 Go up
1038 Cancel
1040 Clear selection
1050 %1 (%2)
1051 All files
1052 File names can contain only these characters: %1
1053 File names can’t contain any of these characters: %1
1054 Replace the existing file?
1055 This location already has a file named %1
1058 Sort by name
1059 Sort by date
1061 New folder
1064 Example: \\computer\path
1065 File name
1066 Enter a folder name
1067 No other homegroup PCs are available right now
1068 Joining a homegroup makes it easy to get to files and devices shared by other people on this network. Go to PC settings to join the homegroup.
1150 The specified %1 is invalid.
1151 The file save picker does not support the thumbnails view mode.
1152 Strings cannot have embedded nulls.
1153 This file picker does not allow the all files extension.
1154 File extensions must begin with '.' and contain no wildcards.
1155 The file save picker cannot be in folder mode.
1156 The file save picker can only select one file at a time.
1157 This folder picker can only select one folder at a time.
1158 The suggested file name exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed.
1159 The FileTypeFilters property must have at least one file type filter specified.
1160 The FileTypeChoices property must have at least one file type choice specified.
1161 %1 is obsolete. Instead, use %2.
1200 This location can’t be opened
1201 You don’t have permission to access it.
1202 There’s a problem reading this drive
1203 Check the drive and try again.
1204 There was a problem opening this location.
1205 Please try again.
1206 This location can’t be found
1208 This location can’t be opened
1209 %1 is currently unavailable.
1210 There’s a problem with the network path
1211 Make sure you entered it correctly.
1212 The file name is too long
1213 Try saving the file with a shorter file name.
1214 This file name is reserved for use by Windows
1215 Try saving the file with a different file name.
1216 This file name can’t be used
1217 Try a different name.
1218 This file is read-only
1219 Try saving the file with a different name.
1220 This file can’t be saved because it’s in use
1221 Close the file first, or save this file with a different name.
1223 To save files in this library, you need to create a folder in the library first.
1224 Files can’t be saved here
1225 Try saving the file somewhere else.
1227 %1 is read-only. Try saving the file somewhere else.
1228 There isn’t enough free space to save the file here
1229 Free up space and try again, or save the file somewhere else.
1230 You don’t have permission to save this file
1232 This location already has a folder with that name
1233 Try saving the file with a different name.
1234 Some items couldn’t be selected
1235 They might have been moved or deleted, or you might not have permission to open them.
1236 This drive is encrypted by BitLocker
1237 To unlock the drive, open it in File Explorer.
1250 Error
1251 The folder name is too long. Try again with a shorter folder name.
1252 This folder name is reserved for use by Windows. Try again with a different folder name.
1253 The folder name is not valid. Try again with a different folder name.
1254 You do not have permission to create a folder in this location. Contact the location’s owner or an administrator to obtain permission.
1255 The folder cannot be created in %1 because there is not enough space on disk. Free up space and try again, or try in another location.
1256 This folder already exists. Try again with a different folder name.
1257 There is already a file with the same name as the folder name you specified. Try again with a different folder name.
1258 %1 is a library. You can’t add a library to a library.
1259 %1 is already included in the library. You can include a folder only once in the same library.
1260 This location can’t be included because it can’t be indexed.
1261 This location can’t be added to the library.
1262 This folder will be available to your music apps.
1263 This folder will be available to your picture apps.
1264 This folder will be available to your video apps.
1265 This folder will be available to apps that access your documents.
1300 11;Normal;None;Segoe UI
1301 20;Light;None;Segoe UI
1302 20;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
1303 11;Normal;None;Segoe UI
1304 42;Light;None;Segoe UI
1305 20;Light;None;Segoe UI
1306 42;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
1307 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
1320 Item Picker
1321 Open
1322 Save As
1323 Select Folder
2701 Share
2703 There was a problem with the data from %s.
2704 Close
2705 You don’t have any apps that can share this content.
2706 Something went wrong with Share. Try again later.
2708 Something went wrong, and %1 can’t share right now. Try again later.
2709 Nothing is being shared right now.
2710 Done
2711 Desktop
2713 Something went wrong
2714 Previous share
2715 Check progress
2716 Something went wrong
2717 %1 couldn’t share. Check your Internet connection, or try sharing fewer files.
2718 Check sending progress
2719 Some things couldn’t be sent
2720 Link to %2 in %1
2721 Sharing %2 with %1
2722 You’re sharing: %1
2723 Nothing can be shared from the desktop.
2730 Sharing
2731 App List
2732 List of content that’s being shared
2740 %1 (%2)
2742 Link to app in Store
2743 Share a link to %s in the Windows Store
2744 Screenshot
2745 Share a screenshot of %s
2746 Share a screenshot of Start
2747 Share a screenshot of Search
2748 Share a screenshot of Desktop
2749 You’re currently viewing protected content. Please close or hide this content in order to share a screenshot.
2751 Sharable item list
2753 %s can’t share right now. Try again later.
2754 This app can’t share.
2755 There’s nothing to share right now.
2756 The application
2760 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
2761 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
2762 11;Normal;None;Segoe UI
2770 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
2780 Screenshot of %s
2781 Screenshot of Start
2782 Screenshot of Search
2783 Screenshot of Desktop
2800 ShareOperation.ReportStarted() was called already, and must not be called again.
2801 The ShareOperation has been destroyed.
2802 A share cannot be started because another share is already in progress.
2803 The app cannot share until it is in the foreground and active.
2804 ShareOperation.ReportError() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both.
2805 Specify QuickLink.Title.
2806 Specify QuickLink.Id.
2807 Specify QuickLink.SupportedDataFormats or QuickLink.SupportedFileTypes.
2808 Specify QuickLink.Thumbnail.
2810 DataRequest.Data cannot be modified after DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() has been called.
2811 Call DataRequest.GetDeferral() before setting DataRequest.Data on an asynchronous method inside the delegate. Call DataRequest.GetDeferral().Complete() method after setting DataRequest.Data.
2812 The user did not share this via QuickLink. Check ShareOperation.QuickLinkId before calling RemoveThisQuickLink().
2813 Call ShareOperation.ReportStarted() before calling ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask().
2814 ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() cannot be called afterwards.
2815 ShareOperation.ReportSubmittedBackgroundTask() was called already, and must not be called again.
2816 ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportDataRetrieved() cannot be called afterwards.
2817 A task could not be added because the ShareOperation is no longer available.
2818 ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() or ShareOperation.ReportError() has been called. ShareOperation.ReportStarted() cannot be called afterwards.
2819 ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() was called already. Use ShareOperation.ReportCompleted() if successful, or ShareOperation.ReportError() if an error occurred, but not both.
2820 A task could not be removed because the ShareOperation is no longer available.
3100 Immersive Openwith Flyout
3101 You are attempting to open a file of type ‘System file’ (%1!ws!)
3102 These files are used by the operating system and by various programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system.
3103 Try an app on this PC
3104 Override
3105 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
3106 You’ll need a new app to open this %1!ws!
3107 Get “%1” from the Store
3108 Windows can’t open this type of file (%1!ws!)
3110 You’ll need a new app to open this %1!ws! file
3111 15pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
3112 13pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
3113 Look for another app on this PC
3114 Always use this app to open links
3115 More apps
3116 Always use this app to open %1!ws! files
3117 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe MDL2 Assets
3118 Open with…
3119 Look for an app in the Store
3120 Always use this app
3121 How do you want to open this file?
3122 How do you want to open this?
3123 Programs#*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd#All Files#*.*#
3124 How do you want to open webpages?
3125 Keep using this app
3127 How do you want to complete this task (%1!ws!)?
3128 Featured in Windows 10
3129 Other options
3130 You’ll need a new app to complete this task (%1!ws!)
3131 Always use this app for this task
3200 How do you want to create a compressed folder (Zip) with selected files?
3201 How do you want to burn selected files?
3202 How do you want to close open sessions so discs can be used on other computers?
3203 How do you want to erase rewritable discs?
3204 Always use this app for this action
3208 Show apps
3210 Photos are easily enhanced, organized for you, and ready to edit and share.
3211 Watch it all, from the hottest movies & TV shows (where available) to your own personal videos.
3212 Do more online with the new browser from Microsoft.
3213 The best music app for Windows. Enjoy all the music you love on all your devices.
3214 How do you want to open this %1!ws! file from now on?
3502 Start menu
3503 Invoke to learn more and change settings for this network
3504 Tile updates are limited right now
3505 You’ve reached your data limit for updating tiles in Start. You’ll be able to see when there’s new info waiting for you in your apps, but the tiles won’t update until your next billing cycle starts. If you want to update your tiles now, use a different Internet connection or change the data limit for tile updates.
3506 Close
3507 Change data limit settings
3508 Search Box
3520 by name
3521 by date installed
3522 by most used
3523 by category
3551 12pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
3552 15pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
3568 20pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
3570 Search
3572 Learn more
3751 Start
3753 Start Apps
3754 All Apps
3902 Tiles
3904 Show more tiles
3905 Show administrative tools
3908 Clear personal info from my tiles
3909 Clear
3910 Data used for tile updates
3911 After you reach the limit, your apps will let you know when there’s new info waiting for you, but your tiles won’t update.
3912 Data used for tile updates
3913 Unlimited
3914 %1 of data used since start of the month
3915 %1 of data used since %2
3916 Data usage will be reset next month
3917 Data usage will be reset on %s
3918 %d MB
3919 Display maximum number of rows
3920 Show/hide administrative tools
3921 Change data limit for tile updates
3922 %.1f MB
3923 Done!
3924 Tile updates are limited right now
3925 Personalize
3927 Background
3928 Accent
3929 Background Preview
3930 Accent Preview
3931 Background Hue Slider
3932 Accent Hue Slider
3935 Background color
3936 Accent color
3937 Previous colors
3938 You need to activate Windows in Settings before you can personalize your PC.
3939 You are currently in High Contrast, which disables personalization settings.
3940 Settings on this page have been disabled by group policy.
3941 Background Buttons
3942 Background Color Buttons
3943 Accent Color Buttons
3944 Color History Buttons
3945 Some settings on this page have been disabled by group policy.
3946 Go to System in Control Panel to activate Windows.
3947 Change the background and colors on Start
3948 accent;tattoo;customize;customization;personalize;personalization;theme
3949 Start screen;wallpaper
3950 pattern;scheme;set
3953 Show more tiles on the Start screen
3954 Display maximum number of rows on the Start screen
3955 Show more apps in Apps view
3956 Display maximum number of rows in the Apps view
4004 Unpin from Start
4005 Pin to Start
4006 List of programs in this view
4007 Customize %s
4008 Pin to taskbar
4009 Unpin from taskbar
4010 Uninstall
4012 Clear selection
4013 Turn live tile off
4014 Turn live tile on
4016 Find in Start
4017 Customize
4018 Resize
4021 Grid View
4023 Sub-group:
4024 20pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
4025 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
4026 16pt;Bold;None;Segoe UI
4032 Name groups
4051 List of applications to uninstall
4053 Uninstall
4054 This app and its related info will be uninstalled from this PC.
4055 These apps and their related info will be uninstalled from this PC.
4056 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
4057 Uninstall %1
4058 Uninstall %1 and other apps
4059 Uninstall %1 and other selected apps
4062 Link to %1 in the Windows Store
4063 %1 (%2)
4064 <a href='%1'>%2</a>
4065 Select an app and try again.
4066 More than one app is selected. Start can only share one app at a time. Pick one app and try again.
4067 %1 isn’t available in Windows Store, so Start can’t share a link to it. Try sharing any app that’s available in Windows Store.
4068 %1 isn’t available in Windows Store, so Start can’t share a link to it. Try sharing any app that’s available in Windows Store.
4070 Other
4071 Desktop
4073 There are no files or folders in this view.
4074 No apps match your search.
4075 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
4077 Folders
4078 Summary List
4079 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
4082 Uninstall from all my synced PCs (app info will be lost)
4100 %s?–?%s
4101 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
4102 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
4103 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4104 42pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4105 16pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
4106 Name group
4107 20pt;;;Segoe UI Light
4112 11pt;Light;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4113 Zoom to summary view
4120 Name this group of tiles
4121 Name
4122 Group name flyout edit box
4123 Name group
4130 Command bar
4131 9pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
4132 19pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4133 Enable customization
4134 Disable customization
4135 14pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4136 Start
4137 Apps
4138 Switch to Start
4139 Switch to Apps
4140 Place %1
4141 Place %1's group
4142 Place %1 before %3
4143 Place %1 before %3's group
4144 Place %1's group before %3
4145 Place %1's group before %3's group
4146 Place %1 after %2
4147 Place %1 after %2's group
4148 Place %1's group after %2
4149 Place %1's group after %2's group
4150 Place %1 between %2 and %3
4151 Place %1 between %2 and %3's group
4152 Place %1 between %2's group and %3
4153 Place %1 between %2's group and %3's group
4154 Place %1's group between %2 and %3
4155 Place %1's group between %2 and %3's group
4156 Place %1's group between %2's group and %3
4157 Place %1's group between %2's group and %3's group
4158 Place %1 in a new group before %3
4159 Place %1 in a new group before %3's group
4160 Place %1 in a new group after %2
4161 Place %1 in a new group after %2's group
4162 Place %1 in a new group between %2 and %3
4163 Place %1 in a new group between %2 and %3's group
4164 Place %1 in a new group between %2's group and %3
4165 Place %1 in a new group between %2's group and %3's group
4166 %1 and %2!u! other tiles
4167 %1 and one other tile
4201 Segoe UI
4220 Today
4221 Yesterday
4222 Earlier this week
4223 Last week
4224 Earlier this month
4225 Last month
4226 Earlier this year
4227 Older
4228 Never installed
4240 Most used
4241 Most used
4242 Moderately used
4243 Least used
4244 Never used
4250 11pt;semibold;None;Segoe UI
4256 11pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
4257 1 new app installed
4258 %d new apps installed
4260 16pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
4261 16pt;;;Segoe UI Light
4270 Un&pin from Start
4271 &Pin to Start
4272 Pin to tas&kbar
4273 Unpin from tas&kbar
4274 &Uninstall
4275 &Clear selection
4276 &Turn live tile off
4277 &Turn live tile on
4278 &Find in Start
4279 Resi&ze
4280 &Name groups
4281 Stop &naming groups
4282 &Settings
4288 Remove
4289 R&emove
4290 Pin to Start &list
4291 Unpin from Start &list
4502 Launch %s
4503 Select %s
4504 %s notification
4505 Launch %s to new notification.
4507 11pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
4508 11pt;Bold;None;Segoe UI
4511 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4512 42pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4513 Desktop
4517 %s Image
4519 %s %s
4520 9pt;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
4521 9pt;normal;None;Segoe UI
4576 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
4578 Thumbnail
4579 Logo
4601 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
4602 pinned
4701 11pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
4702 11pt;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
4704 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
4710 Installing…
4711 Paused
4713 Install
4714 Error
4715 Installing %d%% complete
4716 Pending
4800 Activity
4810 Alert
4820 Available
4830 Away
4840 Busy
4850 New Message
4860 Paused
4870 Playing
4880 Unavailable
4890 Error
4910 Attention
4920 Preview
4930 Alarm
5511 Permissions
5521 Permissions
5522 This app is trusted and can use all system capabilities.
5523 This app has permission to use:
5524 This app does not use any system capabilities.
5525 Unknown capability
5526 Some settings are managed by your system administrator.
5529 This setting could not be updated
5551 Version %1
5552 By %1
5570 Privacy
5571 Allow this app to access your:
5574 Text messages
5575 This app can access:
5576 Apps can’t use your location. To allow apps to use your location info, go to PC settings.
5580 PC custom functionality
5581 Sync
5582 Allow this app to sync in the background
5591 Notifications
5592 Allow this app to show notifications
5611 Start
5612 Apps
5615 Desktop
5621 Settings
5622 Rate and review
5623 Permissions
5624 Change PC settings
5625 Getting info from %1
5626 Can’t get settings for this app right now.
5627 Accounts
5640 Change PC settings
5641 Personalize your PC, or change other settings
5651 11;semibold;none;Segoe UI
5652 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
5653 11;semilight;none;Segoe UI
5654 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
5655 11;normal;none;Segoe UI
5656 9;normal;none;Segoe UI
5657 11;Semilight;none;Segoe UI
5658 11;semibold;none;Segoe UI
5659 11;normal;none;Segoe UI Symbol
5680 Privacy policy
5711 PC info
5712 Help
5713 Tiles
5714 Personalize
5715 Control Panel
5716 Personalization
5717 Server info
5730 Mute
5731 Muted
5732 Unmute
5733 Unavailable
5734 Disabled
5735 No speakers or headphones
5736 Windows can’t adjust the volume for this PC
5737 No audio output device is enabled
5738 No speakers or headphones are plugged in
5739 No audio output device is installed
5740 Volume
5760 Notifications
5763 Turned off by Group Policy
5772 Hide for 1 hour
5773 Hide for 3 hours
5774 Hide for 8 hours
5775 Temporarily Suspended
5780 Input Indicator
5781 %s - %s
5782 12pt;Bold;;Segoe UI
5783 Unavailable
5784 %s %s To switch input methods, press Windows key+Space.
5785 %s %s To switch input methods, press Windows key+Space.
5786 %s %s To add more languages, go to Time & language in PC Settings
5787 You can still switch between languages on your keyboard. (For standard keyboard, press Windows key+Space.)
5788 Keyboard
5791 Keyboard Icon
5792 Turn off your PC
5793 shutdown;shut down;reset;sleep;hibernate;restart;reboot
5794 Switch input language
5795 keyboard
5796 text
5801 Shared
5802 Unavailable
5803 Available
5804 Limited
5805 Internet access
5806 Airplane mode
5807 Network Status
5808 Connect to a network
5809 Wi-Fi;mobile broadband;VPN;wireless;DirectAccess;corporate;WiFi;Wireless internet;WLAN;3G;4G;Access point;APN;Cellular;Cellular data;LTE;Airplane mode
5810 Networks:
5891 , Signal strength: %d of 5.
5950 Power Options
5951 Power
5958 Autorotation is unavailable because you’re using Remote Desktop Connection
5959 Autorotation is unavailable
5990 Screen
5991 Unavailable
5992 Windows can’t adjust the brightness on this display
5993 Brightness
5994 Turn on autorotate
5995 Turn off autorotate
5996 Autorotation is unavailable because you’re using multiple monitors
5997 %1:%2
5998 Autorotation is unavailable because your PC is docked
5999 Autorotation is unavailable because you’re using your PC as a laptop
7101 Search
7102 Settings
7103 Share
7104 Devices
7105 Start
7106 Search in your applications.
7107 Adjust your application and frequently used system settings.
7108 Share this content with people.
7109 Send this content to a device.
7110 Start your applications.
7111 Search
7112 Settings
7113 Share
7114 Connect
7116 Start
7120 Charms
7121 11;Normal;None;Segoe UI
7122 Screenshot (%d)
7123 You can’t take a screenshot
7124 There is protected content in %1. Close it and try again.
7125 Protected content is open. Close it and try again.
7126 Screenshot
8102 Clock and Date
8103 Status
8104 Network Name:
8105 Battery Status:
8151 Current Time
8152 WeekDay
8153 Todays Date
8200 64pt;light;none;Segoe UI
8201 24pt;Semilight;none;Segoe UI
8202 24pt;Semilight;none;Segoe UI
8250 Unavailable
8300 , Network Status: Available
8301 , Network Status: Limited
8302 , Network Status: Internet access
8303 , Network Status: Unavailable
8304 , Network Status: Airplane mode
8305 %s, Signal Strength: %d bar out of 5
8306 %s, Signal Strength: %d 'bars' out of 5
8501 Open
8502 Run as different user
8504 Run as administrator
8505 Open file location
8506 Properties
8508 Manage
8509 Open new window
8510 Map network drive
8511 Disconnect network drive
8550 &Open
8551 Run as &administrator
8552 Open file locat&ion
8553 Prope&rties
8554 Mana&ge
8555 Open ne&w window
8556 Map &network drive
8557 Disconnect network dri&ve
8558 Run as &different user
8570 %1 (%2)
8571 Installing…
8572 Paused
8573 Install
8574 Error
8575 Pending…
8804 brightness level %i
8805 Autorotate on
8806 Autorotate off
8807 volume muted
8808 volume not muted
8809 volume level %i
8810 Play track
8811 Pause track
8812 Next track
8813 Previous track
8814 Track name %s
8815 Track details %s
8818 9pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI
8819 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
8820 14pt;Normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8821 Airplane mode on
8822 Airplane mode off
8823 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
8824 20pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
8825 10pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8826 Album art
8827 Next application
8832 20pt;normal;None;Segoe UI Symbol
8833 Camera on
8834 Camera off
8902 Unpin
8903 Hide
8904 Unhide
9002 Launching %1!s!
9201 Parameter %1 must not contain embedded null characters.
9202 Find an app in the Windows Store.
9203 You need to install an app first. Install a people or contacts app so you can connect with the people you know.
9204 %1contacts
9205 20;Light;None;Segoe UI
9206 20;Light;None;Segoe UI
9208 %1 — %2
9210 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
9211 Something went wrong and this app can’t pick files right now.
9212 Try selecting the app again.
9213 Something went wrong and this app can’t save files right now.
9214 Try selecting the app again.
9215 Something went wrong and this app can’t update files right now.
9216 Try opening or saving the file again.
9520 Devices
9521 Print
9522 Project
9523 Play
9524 Send
9525 Tap and send
9526 More
9527 Printers
9528 Play devices
9529 Getting info from %s
9530 Projectors
9533 This app can’t print.
9534 This app can’t play to a device.
9535 This app can’t send to a device.
9536 You can only print from apps.
9537 You can only play from apps.
9538 You can only send from apps.
9539 This app can’t print right now.
9540 This app can’t play to a device right now.
9541 This app can’t send to a device right now.
9542 To print content, connect a printer.
9543 To play content, connect a device.
9544 The selected content is protected and can’t be played to another device.
9546 Something went wrong
9547 Couldn’t share %1 with %2.
9548 Couldn’t share some of the things you chose with %1.
9549 Some of the things you chose couldn’t be shared.
9550 Couldn’t send %1 to the other device.
9551 Couldn’t send content to other devices.
9552 Nothing is being sent right now.
9553 Something went wrong
9554 %1 couldn’t connect to %2.
9555 Connecting
9556 Connected, but no display.
9557 Disconnecting
9558 Tap to fix the connection.
9559 Fixing the connection.
9560 Couldn’t connect.
9564 Reinstall failed. Go to PC settings and then remove and add the device.
9565 Couldn’t find the display.
9570 Searching for displays
9575 To project, connect a display.
9580 Second screen
9581 Second screen
9582 Second screen
9585 Something went wrong
9586 Your display couldn’t connect.
9590 Connecting
9591 Playing
9593 Couldn’t connect.
9594 This PC
9595 Device can’t play this media.
9621 Add a printer
9622 Add a wireless display
9623 Add a device
9631 Divider %d
9632 %.0f %%
9641 Immersive Background
9642 Launch Start Menu
9825 Account Picture
9826 20;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
9827 20;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
9828 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
9871 Change account picture
9872 Sign out
9873 Lock
9875 Signed in
9876 Switch account
9877 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
9878 11;semibold;None;Segoe UI
9880 Switch to user %s
9902 Play audio CD
9903 Play DVD movie
9904 Other choices
9905 Current choice
9906 New choices
9907 %1!ls! recommends
9908 Run %1!ls!
9909 Published by %1!ls!
9910 Publisher not specified
9911 Always do this for %1!ls!:
9912 AutoPlay - %1!ls!
9913 Manufacturer recommends
9914 AutoPlay
9915 Searching for content
9916 Downloading
9917 The app didn’t download. Please get the app from Windows Store.
9918 Received content
9919 The recommended choice cannot be found.
9926 Install or run program from your media
9927 Run enhanced content
9928 Page for %1!ls!
9952 this disc
9953 CD audio
9954 DVD movies
9955 DVD audio
9956 blank CDRs
9957 blank DVDs
9958 VCDs
9959 SVCDs
9960 mixed content
9961 audio files
9962 image files
9963 video files
9964 unknown content
9965 enhanced audio CDs
9966 enhanced DVD movies
9967 Blu-ray movies
9968 blank Blu-ray discs
9969 removable drives
9970 memory cards
9971 your content
9976 Choose an app for this type of content.
9977 Your default action will occur or other choices will become available.
9978 Choose what to do with %1!ls!.
9979 Choose what to do with this device.
9981 The selected task will launch when the download is complete.
9991 Tap to choose what happens with this device.
9992 Tap to choose what happens with %1!ls!.
9993 You have new choices for this device.
9994 You have new choices for %1!ls!.
9995 There’s a problem with this drive. Scan the drive now and fix it.
10001 11;Semibold;None;Segoe UI
10002 11;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
10003 20;Light;None;Segoe UI
10205 Files
10206 Settings
10207 Apps
10208 Results for “%1”
10210 Project to a second screen
10211 display;projector;TV;monitor
10212 connected
10213 share
10230 Start
10231 Homegroup
10237 42pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
10250 empty area
10251 screen edge
10252 Return divider to its original position
10253 Collapse %s
10254 Move %s off screen
10255 Shrink %s to its smallest size
10256 Split %s and %s
10260 Maximize %s
10261 Restart %s
10262 Close %s
10263 End %s
10264 End all windows of %s
10270 Insert %1 between %2 and %3
10271 Split %1 with %2
10272 Move %s off screen
10273 Replace %s
10274 Show %s full screen
10275 Snap %s to the left screen edge
10276 Snap %s to the right screen edge
10280 Replace %s, drag to place
10281 Replace %s
10282 Drag to place %s
10283 Place %s
10284 Dismiss
10290 Small
10291 Medium
10292 Wide
10293 Large
10304 Minimize %s
10402 11pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
10403 Did you mean to switch apps?
10404 “%1” is trying to open “%2”.
10409 Search Results in %s
10450 This PC doesn’t have any apps that can show updates on the lock screen. Go to the Windows Store to find apps that can.
10451 This PC doesn’t have any apps that can show updates on the lock screen. Go to the Windows Store to find apps that can.
10452 Don’t show detailed status on the lock screen
10453 Don’t show quick status here
10455 Choose an app
10456 Too many apps
10457 Remove an app to let %s run in the background and show info on the lock screen.
10458 Don’t add %1
10459 Stop an app to let %s run in the background.
10460 11;semilight;None;Segoe UI
10461 Don’t show alarms on the lock screen
10462 Remove an app to let %s run in the background and show alarms on the lock screen.
10463 This PC doesn’t have any apps that can show alarms on the lock screen. Go to the Windows Store to find apps that can.
10510 Don’t allow
10511 Allow
10512 Let %s run in the background?
10513 This app can also show quick status and notifications on the lock screen. (You can change this later in PC settings.)
10514 Your lock screen is full. You’ll need to remove an app before %s can run in the background and show info on the lock screen.
10515 This app can run in the background to stay up to date.
10516 Too many apps are running in the background. You’ll need to stop an app before %s can run in the background and stay up to date.
10520 The application is not lock screen capable.
10521 The application needs to be in the foreground to request a lock screen position.
10522 The application could not be removed from the lock screen.
10523 You can’t change background task and lock screen privileges while running this app in the simulator.
10532 Use this app as your primary alarm?
10533 This app can also show alarm notifications by setting it as your primary alarm. (You can change this later in PC settings.)
10534 For this app to show alarm notifications, you'll have to replace %s as your primary alarm.
10535 Replace your current alarm app with this one?
10540 The application is not alarm capable.
10541 The application needs to be in the foreground to request alarm privileges.
10542 The application’s alarm privileges could not be removed.
10543 You can’t change alarm privileges while running this app in the simulator.
10590 Lock screen
10591 Allow this app to run in the background and show quick status on the lock screen
10602 11pt;Light;None;Segoe UI
10603 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
10604 This app can’t open
10608 %1!s! can’t open while User Account Control is turned off.
10609 This app can’t open while User Account Control is turned off.
10610 Turn on User Account Control
10611 %1!s! can’t be opened using the Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again.
10612 This app can’t be opened using the Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with a different account and try again.
10613 %1!s! can’t open while File Explorer is running with administrator privileges. Restart File Explorer normally and try again.
10614 This app can’t open while File Explorer is running with administrator privileges. Restart File Explorer normally and try again.
10615 This app has been blocked by your system administrator.
10616 Contact your system administrator for more info.
10617 Close
10618 There’s a problem with %1!s!. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10619 There’s a problem with this app. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10620 Refresh
10621 A problem with Windows is preventing %1!s! from opening. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10622 A problem with Windows is preventing this app from opening. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.
10623 Refresh
10624 There’s a problem with %1!s!. Contact your system administrator about repairing or reinstalling it.
10625 There’s a problem with this app. Contact your system administrator about repairing or reinstalling it.
10626 Check the Windows Store for more info about %1!s!.
10627 Check the Windows Store for more info about this app.
10628 Go to the Store
10629 This app can’t install
10630 You’re not connected to the Internet right now.
10631 Connect to a network
10632 Your PC doesn’t have enough space to install this app. Uninstall some apps or make more disk space available and then try again.
10633 Choose apps to uninstall
10634 You’ve reached the PC limit for your account
10635 You need to remove a PC from your Windows Store account before you can install apps on this PC.
10636 Choose a PC to remove
10637 Not enough disk space
10638 Your trial period for this app has expired. Visit the Windows Store to purchase the full app.
10639 Try again
10640 Expired license
10641 Your developer license has expired. To continue to use this app, please renew your license.
10642 Do you want to install this app while you’re using a metered connection?
10643 Downloading this app using a metered connection might result in additional charges to your data plan.
10644 Install
10645 This app is too big to download using a metered connection
10646 Connect to another network and try again.
10647 Find another network to connect to
10802 Close App
10803 %s is printing a file. If you close %s, you might lose some of your pages.
10804 %s is being used for sharing. If you close %s, some items might not be shared.
10805 You’re using %s in another app to pick files. If you close %s, you might lose your selections.
10806 You’re using %s in another app to save a file. If you close %s, the file might not be saved.
10807 You’re using %s in another app to pick contacts. If you close %s, you might lose your selection.
10808 You’re using %s in another app to open a file. If you close %s, the file might not be opened.
10809 You’re using %s in another app to save a file. If you close %s, the file might not be saved.
10810 11pt;Semilight;None;Segoe UI
10811 %s is sending information to another app. If you close %s, you might lose some information.
10812 %s is printing. If you close it, your file may not print correctly.
10911 Programs and &Features
10912 Net&work Connections
10913 Power &Options
10914 Event &Viewer
10915 S&ystem
10916 Device &Manager
10917 Dis&k Management
10918 Computer Mana&gement
10919 &Command Prompt
10920 Command Prompt (&Admin)
10921 &Task Manager
10922 Control &Panel
10923 File &Explorer
10924 &Search
10925 &Run
10926 &Desktop
10927 Mo&bility Center
10928 W&indows PowerShell
10929 Windows PowerShell (&Admin)
10930 Sh&ut down or sign out
11202 The calling app is not visible.
11203 The appointment subject string is too long.
11204 The appointment details string is too long.
11205 The appointment location string is too long.
11206 The appointment passed to ShowAddAppointmentUIAsync was null.
11207 ReportCompleted, ReportCanceled or ReportError can only be called once per activation.
11208 The appointment id must not be an empty string.
11209 The Recurrence property is invalid. Occurences and Until are mutually exclusive properties.
11210 The Recurrence property is invalid. Month must be between 1 and 12.
11211 The Recurrence property is invalid. Day must be between 1 and 31.
11212 The Recurrence property is invalid. DaysOfWeek must be specified for Weekly, MonthlyOnDay, and YearlyOnDay units.
11213 The Organizer DisplayName string is too long.
11214 The Organizer Address string is too long.
11215 The DisplayName string of an Invitee is too long.
11216 The Address string of an Invitee is too long.
11217 Invitees and Organizer are mutually exclusive properties.
11218 An Invitee was null.
11219 The appointment duration must be nonnegative.
11301 %1 (Home)
11302 %1 (Work)
11303 %1 (Mobile)
11305 Call
11306 Send message
11307 Email
11309 Post to
11310 Video call
11311 More details
11312 Add contact
11313 Unknown contact
11314 Call %1
11315 Message %1
11316 Email %1
11317 Map %1
11318 Post to %1
11319 Video call %1
11402 Accounts
11403 Getting accounts from %1
11404 Getting account providers from %1
11405 Can’t get accounts for this app right now.
11406 Can’t get account providers for this app right now.
11407 Action Required
11408 Add an account
11409 Connect
11416 Connect to %1 account
11417 Account %1 username %2
11418 Action required for account %1

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetActivationFactory DllGetClassObject


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: