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Windows 10 DLL File Information - taskcomp.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Task Scheduler Backward Compatibility Plug-in  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 401 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 7
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 7

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 377,344 Bytes 91.9% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x0005e000 1,536 Bytes 0.4% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x0005f000 8,704 Bytes 2.1% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x00062000 512 Bytes 0.1% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00063000 1,536 Bytes 0.4% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00064000 19,968 Bytes 4.9% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

taskcomp.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when taskcomp.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, taskcomp.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 131 10,320 Bytes 2.5%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 2 1,164 Bytes 0.3%
Total 133 11,484 Bytes 2.8%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
0 Waiting for next scheduled run
1 Running
2 Suspended
3 Last run Aborted
4 Task has not yet run
5 Error, unable to run task
6 Error from last run
32 Normal
64 Idle (lowest)
128 High
256 Realtime (highest)
1034 **Multiple tasks selected**
1067 Daily
1068 Weekly
1069 Monthly
1070 every
1071 every other
1072 every third
1073 every fourth
1074 every fifth
1075 every sixth
1076 every twelfth
1077 hours
1078 minutes
1079 first
1080 second
1081 third
1082 fourth
1083 last
1085 Task Scheduler
1090 Run when idle
1091 Run at system startup
1092 Run at power resume
1093 At %s
1094 Every %1!s! %2!s! from %3!s! to %4!s!%0
1095 %1!s! %2!s!, starting %3!s! and ending %4!s!%0
1096 %1!s! %2!s!, starting %3!s!%0
1097 hour(s)
1098 minute(s)
1099 Created by NetScheduleJobAdd.
1100 "%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** WARNING ** %5
1101 "%1" (%2) %3 %4 ** ERROR ** %5
1102 "%1" (%2) Started %3 %4
1103 "%1" (%2) Finished %3 %4 %5
1104 "%1" (%2) Started %3 %4 Started indirectly, through a shortcut; task finish will not be logged.
1105 Unable to start task
1106 Result: %1(%2).
1109 Unable to find a message for exit code
1110 %1!s! on %2!s!%0
1111 every %d days
1112 every day
1114 every %s of every week
1115 every %1!s! of every %2!s! weeks%0
1116 on day %d of every month
1117 on day %1!s! of %2!s!%0
1118 on the %1!s! %2!s! of every month%0
1119 on the %1!s! %2!s! of %3!s!%0
1120 on %1!s! %2!s!%0
1121 on the %1!s! %2!s! of %3!s!%0
1122 Every %1!s! %2!s! from %3!s! for %4!s! %5!s!%0
1123 Trigger has not been set to valid values
1124 on day %d, etc. of every month
1125 on day %1!s!, etc. of %2!s!%0
1126 ERROR:
1127 The Task Scheduler service should not be run from the command line! Use the Scheduled Tasks folder to control the service.
1128 Only one instance of the Task Scheduler service can run at a time!
1129 1281
1130 Run at user logon
1131 Invalid working directory.
1132 The run was not started because the system was not idle
1133 The scheduled run was not started because the system was running on batteries
1134 "Task Scheduler Service" %1 %2 ** Error ** %3
1136 "Task Scheduler Service"
1137 Started at %1 %2
1138 Exited at %1 %2
1139 A critical error prevents the Task Scheduler from starting!
1141 Verify that the directory exists and try again
1142 The task was terminated. This action was initiated either by an administrator or by the Task Scheduler service (because, for example, the computer is now non idle)
1143 The task was forced to close since its execution time exceeded the configured maximum
1144 The task completed with an exit code of
1145 %1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %4.
1146 %1. The specific error is: %2: %3
1147 %1. %2.
1148 %1.
1149 %1. The specific error is: %2: %3 %4.
1150 %1. The specific error is: %2: %3
1151 %1. %2.
1152 %1.
1153 0x%08x
1154 (Unable to find an error message)
1155 Try using the Task page Browse button to locate the application
1156 Verify that the task's Run-as name and password are valid and try again
1157 The attempt to log on to the account associated with the task failed, therefore, the task did not run
1158 The attempt to log on to the AT security account failed; therefore, the AT job did not run
1159 File access is denied
1160 Only Administrators may access files of this type.
1161 The attempt to retrieve account information for the specified task failed; therefore, the task did not run. Either an error occurred, or no account information existed for the task
1162 The attempt to retrieve AT security account information failed; therefore, the AT job did not run.
1163 A failure occurred during service initialization
1164 An error has occurred that will negatively affect the operation of the service
1165 An error has occurred, but it will not prevent the service from running
1166 A reinstallation may correct the problem
1167 Close all applications and restart Windows
1168 If this error persists, please contact your network administrator
1169 Close some applications and try again. It may help to restart Windows
1170 You may want to go to the Settings page and increase the "Stop the scheduled task after" time
1171 Unable to load task
1172 Unable to determine the task exit code
1173 Unable to delete the task
1174 Unable to update the task
1175 Make sure that the Task Scheduler Service is running
1176 Paused at %1 %2
1177 Continued at %1 %2
1178 Some tasks may not have executed at their scheduled times between %1 %2 and %3 %4, either because the Task Scheduler Service was not running, or because the computer was hibernating.
1179 Some tasks did not execute at their scheduled times because the Task Scheduler Service was not running. You can view the list of missed tasks, and attempt to run them again, from within the Scheduled Tasks folder.
1180 Task Scheduler Service
3330 New Task.job
3331 New Queue.que
3332 When idle
3333 [ ***** Most recent entry is above this line ***** ]
3400 An error has occurred while attempting to set task account information
3401 Corruption was detected in the Task Scheduler security database
3402 Ensure the account name specified is valid
3403 As a result, the account information for each task in the Tasks folder has been invalidated and will need to be respecified
3404 You do not have permission to perform the requested operation
3405 Ensure the Task Scheduler Service is running, then try again. You can start the service from the Advanced menu in the Scheduled Tasks folder
3406 Verify that the task's parameters are valid and try again
3407 Task Object
3408 Scheduled Tasks
3409 Task Scheduler was unable to open a connection to the Task Scheduler security database

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DeleteTaskNotification InitializeAdapter IsRegistering RegisterTaskNotification
SetSdNotification ShutdownAdapter UpdateJobStatus


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: