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Windows 10 DLL File Information - msvcirt.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Windows NT IOStreams DLL  
File Version: 7.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - 1 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 63 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 447
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 447

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 57,856 Bytes 89.0% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00010000 512 Bytes 0.8% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00011000 2,048 Bytes 3.1% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00012000 1,024 Bytes 1.6% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00013000 2,560 Bytes 3.9% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

msvcirt.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when msvcirt.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, msvcirt.dll won't be loaded.


List of files that are statically linked to msvcirt.dll


This means that when one of the above files is loaded, msvcirt.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 1 924 Bytes 1.4%
Total 1 924 Bytes 1.4%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

No string resources in this file.


COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
class ios & __cdecl dec(class ios &)
class ios & __cdecl hex(class ios &)
class ios & __cdecl oct(class ios &)
class istream & __cdecl ws(class istream &)
class istream_withassign cin
class ostream & __cdecl endl(class ostream &)
class ostream & __cdecl ends(class ostream &)
class ostream & __cdecl flush(class ostream &)
class ostream_withassign cerr
class ostream_withassign clog
class ostream_withassign cout
const exception::`vftable'
const filebuf::`vftable'
const fstream::`vbtable'{for `istream'}
const fstream::`vbtable'{for `ostream'}
const fstream::`vftable'
const ifstream::`vbtable'
const ifstream::`vftable'
const ios::`vftable'
const iostream::`vbtable'{for `istream'}
const iostream::`vbtable'{for `ostream'}
const iostream::`vftable'
const istream::`vbtable'
const istream::`vftable'
const istream_withassign::`vbtable'
const istream_withassign::`vftable'
const istrstream::`vbtable'
const istrstream::`vftable'
const logic_error::`vftable'
const ofstream::`vbtable'
const ofstream::`vftable'
const ostream::`vbtable'
const ostream::`vftable'
const ostream_withassign::`vbtable'
const ostream_withassign::`vftable'
const ostrstream::`vbtable'
const ostrstream::`vftable'
const stdiobuf::`vftable'
const stdiostream::`vbtable'{for `istream'}
const stdiostream::`vbtable'{for `ostream'}
const stdiostream::`vftable'
const streambuf::`vftable'
const strstream::`vbtable'{for `istream'}
const strstream::`vbtable'{for `ostream'}
const strstream::`vftable'
const strstreambuf::`vftable'
private: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::writepad(char const *,char const *)
private: int __thiscall istream::getdouble(char *,int)
private: int __thiscall istream::getint(char *)
private: static int ios::fLockcInit
private: static int ios::sunk_with_stdio
private: static int ios::x_curindex
private: static long * ios::x_statebuf
private: static long ios::x_maxbit
private: static struct _CRT_CRITICAL_SECTION ios::x_lockc
private: void __thiscall strstreambuf::_init(char *,int,char *)
protected: __thiscall ios::ios(class ios const &)
protected: __thiscall ios::ios(void)
protected: __thiscall iostream::iostream(class iostream const &)
protected: __thiscall iostream::iostream(void)
protected: __thiscall istream::istream(class istream const &)
protected: __thiscall istream::istream(void)
protected: __thiscall ostream::ostream(class ostream const &)
protected: __thiscall ostream::ostream(void)
protected: __thiscall streambuf::streambuf(char *,int)
protected: __thiscall streambuf::streambuf(void)
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::base(void)const
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::eback(void)const
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::ebuf(void)const
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::egptr(void)const
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::epptr(void)const
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::gptr(void)const
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::pbase(void)const
protected: char * __thiscall streambuf::pptr(void)const
protected: class ios & __thiscall ios::operator=(class ios const &)
protected: class iostream & __thiscall iostream::operator=(class iostream &)
protected: class iostream & __thiscall iostream::operator=(class streambuf *)
protected: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(char *,int,int)
protected: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator=(class istream const &)
protected: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator=(class streambuf *)
protected: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator=(class ostream const &)
protected: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator=(class streambuf *)
protected: int __thiscall streambuf::allocate(void)
protected: int __thiscall streambuf::blen(void)const
protected: int __thiscall streambuf::unbuffered(void)const
protected: static void __cdecl ios::lockc(void)
protected: static void __cdecl ios::unlockc(void)
protected: struct _CRT_CRITICAL_SECTION * __thiscall ios::lockptr(void)
protected: struct _CRT_CRITICAL_SECTION * __thiscall streambuf::lockptr(void)
protected: virtual int __thiscall streambuf::doallocate(void)
protected: virtual int __thiscall strstreambuf::doallocate(void)
protected: void __thiscall ios::assign_default(void)
protected: void __thiscall ios::init(class streambuf *)
protected: void __thiscall streambuf::gbump(int)
protected: void __thiscall streambuf::pbump(int)
protected: void __thiscall streambuf::setb(char *,char *,int)
protected: void __thiscall streambuf::setg(char *,char *,char *)
protected: void __thiscall streambuf::setp(char *,char *)
protected: void __thiscall streambuf::unbuffered(int)
public: __thiscall Iostream_init::Iostream_init(class ios &,int)
public: __thiscall Iostream_init::Iostream_init(void)
public: __thiscall Iostream_init::~Iostream_init(void)
public: __thiscall exception::exception(char const * const &)
public: __thiscall exception::exception(class exception const &)
public: __thiscall exception::exception(void)
public: __thiscall filebuf::filebuf(class filebuf const &)
public: __thiscall filebuf::filebuf(int)
public: __thiscall filebuf::filebuf(int,char *,int)
public: __thiscall filebuf::filebuf(void)
public: __thiscall fstream::fstream(char const *,int,int)
public: __thiscall fstream::fstream(class fstream const &)
public: __thiscall fstream::fstream(int)
public: __thiscall fstream::fstream(int,char *,int)
public: __thiscall fstream::fstream(void)
public: __thiscall ifstream::ifstream(char const *,int,int)
public: __thiscall ifstream::ifstream(class ifstream const &)
public: __thiscall ifstream::ifstream(int)
public: __thiscall ifstream::ifstream(int,char *,int)
public: __thiscall ifstream::ifstream(void)
public: __thiscall ios::ios(class streambuf *)
public: __thiscall ios::operator void *(void)const
public: __thiscall iostream::iostream(class streambuf *)
public: __thiscall istream::istream(class streambuf *)
public: __thiscall istream_withassign::istream_withassign(class istream_withassign const &)
public: __thiscall istream_withassign::istream_withassign(class streambuf *)
public: __thiscall istream_withassign::istream_withassign(void)
public: __thiscall istrstream::istrstream(char *)
public: __thiscall istrstream::istrstream(char *,int)
public: __thiscall istrstream::istrstream(class istrstream const &)
public: __thiscall logic_error::logic_error(char const * const &)
public: __thiscall logic_error::logic_error(class logic_error const &)
public: __thiscall ofstream::ofstream(char const *,int,int)
public: __thiscall ofstream::ofstream(class ofstream const &)
public: __thiscall ofstream::ofstream(int)
public: __thiscall ofstream::ofstream(int,char *,int)
public: __thiscall ofstream::ofstream(void)
public: __thiscall ostream::ostream(class streambuf *)
public: __thiscall ostream_withassign::ostream_withassign(class ostream_withassign const &)
public: __thiscall ostream_withassign::ostream_withassign(class streambuf *)
public: __thiscall ostream_withassign::ostream_withassign(void)
public: __thiscall ostrstream::ostrstream(char *,int,int)
public: __thiscall ostrstream::ostrstream(class ostrstream const &)
public: __thiscall ostrstream::ostrstream(void)
public: __thiscall stdiobuf::stdiobuf(class stdiobuf const &)
public: __thiscall stdiobuf::stdiobuf(struct _iobuf *)
public: __thiscall stdiostream::stdiostream(class stdiostream const &)
public: __thiscall stdiostream::stdiostream(struct _iobuf *)
public: __thiscall streambuf::streambuf(class streambuf const &)
public: __thiscall strstream::strstream(char *,int,int)
public: __thiscall strstream::strstream(class strstream const &)
public: __thiscall strstream::strstream(void)
public: __thiscall strstreambuf::strstreambuf(char *,int,char *)
public: __thiscall strstreambuf::strstreambuf(class strstreambuf const &)
public: __thiscall strstreambuf::strstreambuf(int)
public: __thiscall strstreambuf::strstreambuf(unsigned char *,int,unsigned char *)
public: __thiscall strstreambuf::strstreambuf(void * (__cdecl*)(long),void (__cdecl*)(void *))
public: __thiscall strstreambuf::strstreambuf(void)
public: char * __thiscall istrstream::str(void)
public: char * __thiscall ostrstream::str(void)
public: char * __thiscall strstream::str(void)
public: char * __thiscall strstreambuf::str(void)
public: char __thiscall ios::fill(char)
public: char __thiscall ios::fill(void)const
public: class Iostream_init & __thiscall Iostream_init::operator=(class Iostream_init const &)
public: class exception & __thiscall exception::operator=(class exception const &)
public: class filebuf & __thiscall filebuf::operator=(class filebuf const &)
public: class filebuf * __thiscall filebuf::attach(int)
public: class filebuf * __thiscall filebuf::close(void)
public: class filebuf * __thiscall filebuf::open(char const *,int,int)
public: class filebuf * __thiscall fstream::rdbuf(void)const
public: class filebuf * __thiscall ifstream::rdbuf(void)const
public: class filebuf * __thiscall ofstream::rdbuf(void)const
public: class fstream & __thiscall fstream::operator=(class fstream &)
public: class ifstream & __thiscall ifstream::operator=(class ifstream const &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(char &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(char *,int,char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(class streambuf &,char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(signed char &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(signed char *,int,char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(unsigned char &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::get(unsigned char *,int,char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::getline(char *,int,char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::getline(signed char *,int,char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::getline(unsigned char *,int,char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::ignore(int,int)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(char &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(char *)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(class ios & (__cdecl*)(class ios &))
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(class istream & (__cdecl*)(class istream &))
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(class streambuf *)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(double &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(float &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(int &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(long &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(long double &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(short &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(signed char &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(signed char *)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(unsigned char &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(unsigned char *)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(unsigned int &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(unsigned long &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::operator>>(unsigned short &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::putback(char)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::read(char *,int)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::read(signed char *,int)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::read(unsigned char *,int)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::seekg(long)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream::seekg(long,enum ios::seek_dir)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream_withassign::operator=(class istream const &)
public: class istream & __thiscall istream_withassign::operator=(class streambuf *)
public: class istream_withassign & __thiscall istream_withassign::operator=(class istream_withassign const &)
public: class istrstream & __thiscall istrstream::operator=(class istrstream const &)
public: class logic_error & __thiscall logic_error::operator=(class logic_error const &)
public: class ofstream & __thiscall ofstream::operator=(class ofstream const &)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::flush(void)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(char const *)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(char)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(class ios & (__cdecl*)(class ios &))
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(class ostream & (__cdecl*)(class ostream &))
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(class streambuf *)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(double)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(float)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(int)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(long double)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(long)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(short)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(signed char const *)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(signed char)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(unsigned char const *)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(unsigned char)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(unsigned int)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(unsigned long)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(unsigned short)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::operator<<(void const *)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::put(char)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::put(signed char)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::put(unsigned char)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::seekp(long)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::seekp(long,enum ios::seek_dir)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::write(char const *,int)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::write(signed char const *,int)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream::write(unsigned char const *,int)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream_withassign::operator=(class ostream const &)
public: class ostream & __thiscall ostream_withassign::operator=(class streambuf *)
public: class ostream * __thiscall ios::tie(class ostream *)
public: class ostream * __thiscall ios::tie(void)const
public: class ostream_withassign & __thiscall ostream_withassign::operator=(class ostream_withassign const &)
public: class ostrstream & __thiscall ostrstream::operator=(class ostrstream const &)
public: class stdiobuf & __thiscall stdiobuf::operator=(class stdiobuf const &)
public: class stdiobuf * __thiscall stdiostream::rdbuf(void)const
public: class stdiostream & __thiscall stdiostream::operator=(class stdiostream &)
public: class streambuf & __thiscall streambuf::operator=(class streambuf const &)
public: class streambuf * __thiscall fstream::setbuf(char *,int)
public: class streambuf * __thiscall ifstream::setbuf(char *,int)
public: class streambuf * __thiscall ios::rdbuf(void)const
public: class streambuf * __thiscall ofstream::setbuf(char *,int)
public: class strstream & __thiscall strstream::operator=(class strstream &)
public: class strstreambuf & __thiscall strstreambuf::operator=(class strstreambuf const &)
public: class strstreambuf * __thiscall istrstream::rdbuf(void)const
public: class strstreambuf * __thiscall ostrstream::rdbuf(void)const
public: class strstreambuf * __thiscall strstream::rdbuf(void)const
public: int __thiscall filebuf::fd(void)const
public: int __thiscall filebuf::is_open(void)const
public: int __thiscall filebuf::setmode(int)
public: int __thiscall fstream::fd(void)const
public: int __thiscall fstream::is_open(void)const
public: int __thiscall fstream::setmode(int)
public: int __thiscall ifstream::fd(void)const
public: int __thiscall ifstream::is_open(void)const
public: int __thiscall ifstream::setmode(int)
public: int __thiscall ios::bad(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::delbuf(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::eof(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::fail(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::good(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::operator!(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::precision(int)
public: int __thiscall ios::precision(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::rdstate(void)const
public: int __thiscall ios::width(int)
public: int __thiscall ios::width(void)const
public: int __thiscall istream::gcount(void)const
public: int __thiscall istream::get(void)
public: int __thiscall istream::ipfx(int)
public: int __thiscall istream::peek(void)
public: int __thiscall istream::sync(void)
public: int __thiscall ofstream::fd(void)const
public: int __thiscall ofstream::is_open(void)const
public: int __thiscall ofstream::setmode(int)
public: int __thiscall ostream::opfx(void)
public: int __thiscall ostrstream::pcount(void)const
public: int __thiscall stdiobuf::setrwbuf(int,int)
public: int __thiscall streambuf::in_avail(void)const
public: int __thiscall streambuf::out_waiting(void)const
public: int __thiscall streambuf::sbumpc(void)
public: int __thiscall streambuf::sgetc(void)
public: int __thiscall streambuf::sgetn(char *,int)
public: int __thiscall streambuf::snextc(void)
public: int __thiscall streambuf::sputbackc(char)
public: int __thiscall streambuf::sputc(int)
public: int __thiscall streambuf::sputn(char const *,int)
public: int __thiscall strstream::pcount(void)const
public: long & __thiscall ios::iword(int)const
public: long __thiscall ios::flags(long)
public: long __thiscall ios::flags(void)const
public: long __thiscall ios::setf(long)
public: long __thiscall ios::setf(long,long)
public: long __thiscall ios::unsetf(long)
public: long __thiscall istream::tellg(void)
public: long __thiscall ostream::tellp(void)
public: static int __cdecl ios::xalloc(void)
public: static int const filebuf::binary
public: static int const filebuf::openprot
public: static int const filebuf::sh_none
public: static int const filebuf::sh_read
public: static int const filebuf::sh_write
public: static int const filebuf::text
public: static long __cdecl ios::bitalloc(void)
public: static long const ios::adjustfield
public: static long const ios::basefield
public: static long const ios::floatfield
public: static void __cdecl ios::sync_with_stdio(void)
public: struct _iobuf * __thiscall stdiobuf::stdiofile(void)
public: virtual __thiscall exception::~exception(void)
public: virtual __thiscall filebuf::~filebuf(void)
public: virtual __thiscall fstream::~fstream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall ifstream::~ifstream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall ios::~ios(void)
public: virtual __thiscall iostream::~iostream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall istream::~istream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall istream_withassign::~istream_withassign(void)
public: virtual __thiscall istrstream::~istrstream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall logic_error::~logic_error(void)
public: virtual __thiscall ofstream::~ofstream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall ostream::~ostream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall ostream_withassign::~ostream_withassign(void)
public: virtual __thiscall ostrstream::~ostrstream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall stdiobuf::~stdiobuf(void)
public: virtual __thiscall stdiostream::~stdiostream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall streambuf::~streambuf(void)
public: virtual __thiscall strstream::~strstream(void)
public: virtual __thiscall strstreambuf::~strstreambuf(void)
public: virtual char const * __thiscall exception::what(void)const
public: virtual class streambuf * __thiscall filebuf::setbuf(char *,int)
public: virtual class streambuf * __thiscall streambuf::setbuf(char *,int)
public: virtual class streambuf * __thiscall strstreambuf::setbuf(char *,int)
public: virtual int __thiscall filebuf::overflow(int)
public: virtual int __thiscall filebuf::sync(void)
public: virtual int __thiscall filebuf::underflow(void)
public: virtual int __thiscall stdiobuf::overflow(int)
public: virtual int __thiscall stdiobuf::pbackfail(int)
public: virtual int __thiscall stdiobuf::sync(void)
public: virtual int __thiscall stdiobuf::underflow(void)
public: virtual int __thiscall streambuf::pbackfail(int)
public: virtual int __thiscall streambuf::sync(void)
public: virtual int __thiscall streambuf::xsgetn(char *,int)
public: virtual int __thiscall streambuf::xsputn(char const *,int)
public: virtual int __thiscall strstreambuf::overflow(int)
public: virtual int __thiscall strstreambuf::sync(void)
public: virtual int __thiscall strstreambuf::underflow(void)
public: virtual long __thiscall filebuf::seekoff(long,enum ios::seek_dir,int)
public: virtual long __thiscall stdiobuf::seekoff(long,enum ios::seek_dir,int)
public: virtual long __thiscall streambuf::seekoff(long,enum ios::seek_dir,int)
public: virtual long __thiscall streambuf::seekpos(long,int)
public: virtual long __thiscall strstreambuf::seekoff(long,enum ios::seek_dir,int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall exception::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall exception::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall filebuf::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall filebuf::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall fstream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall fstream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ifstream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ifstream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ios::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ios::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall iostream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall iostream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall istream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall istream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall istream_withassign::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall istream_withassign::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall istrstream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall istrstream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall logic_error::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall logic_error::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ofstream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ofstream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ostream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ostream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ostream_withassign::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ostream_withassign::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ostrstream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ostrstream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall stdiobuf::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall stdiobuf::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall stdiostream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall stdiostream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall streambuf::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall streambuf::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall strstream::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall strstream::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall strstreambuf::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: virtual void * __thiscall strstreambuf::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
public: void * & __thiscall ios::pword(int)const
public: void __cdecl ios::clrlock(void)
public: void __cdecl ios::lock(void)
public: void __cdecl ios::lockbuf(void)
public: void __cdecl ios::setlock(void)
public: void __cdecl ios::unlock(void)
public: void __cdecl ios::unlockbuf(void)
public: void __thiscall fstream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall fstream::attach(int)
public: void __thiscall fstream::close(void)
public: void __thiscall fstream::open(char const *,int,int)
public: void __thiscall ifstream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall ifstream::attach(int)
public: void __thiscall ifstream::close(void)
public: void __thiscall ifstream::open(char const *,int,int)
public: void __thiscall ios::clear(int)
public: void __thiscall ios::delbuf(int)
public: void __thiscall iostream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall istream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall istream::eatwhite(void)
public: void __thiscall istream::isfx(void)
public: void __thiscall istream_withassign::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall istrstream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall ofstream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall ofstream::attach(int)
public: void __thiscall ofstream::close(void)
public: void __thiscall ofstream::open(char const *,int,int)
public: void __thiscall ostream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall ostream::osfx(void)
public: void __thiscall ostream_withassign::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall ostrstream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall stdiostream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall streambuf::clrlock(void)
public: void __thiscall streambuf::dbp(void)
public: void __thiscall streambuf::lock(void)
public: void __thiscall streambuf::setlock(void)
public: void __thiscall streambuf::stossc(void)
public: void __thiscall streambuf::unlock(void)
public: void __thiscall strstream::`vbase destructor'(void)
public: void __thiscall strstreambuf::freeze(int)


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: