Windows 10 DLL File Information - hal.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL |
File Version: | 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
DLL popularity | Low - 8 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 343 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 122 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 122 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 231,424 Bytes | 65.7% | Read, Execute, Not Paged | Code |
ALMOSTRO | 0x0003a000 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% | Write, Read, Not Paged | Uninitialized Data |
.data | 0x0003b000 | 5,632 Bytes | 1.6% | Write, Read, Not Paged | Initialized Data |
.idata | 0x0003f000 | 8,704 Bytes | 2.5% | Read, Not Paged | Initialized Data |
PAGELK16À | 0x00042000 | 1,024 Bytes | 0.3% | Read, Execute | Code |
PAGELK | 0x00043000 | 24,576 Bytes | 7.0% | Read, Execute | Code |
PAGE | 0x00049000 | 20,480 Bytes | 5.8% | Read, Execute | Code |
PAGEKD | 0x0004e000 | 2,048 Bytes | 0.6% | Read, Execute | Code |
.edata | 0x0004f000 | 4,608 Bytes | 1.3% | Read | Initialized Data |
INIT | 0x00051000 | 27,136 Bytes | 7.7% | Read, Execute, Discardable | Code |
INITDATAÔ | 0x00058000 | 512 Bytes | 0.1% | Write, Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x00059000 | 1,536 Bytes | 0.4% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x0005a000 | 14,848 Bytes | 4.2% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
hal.dll is statically linked to the following files:ntoskrnl.exe
This means that when hal.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, hal.dll won't be loaded.
List of files that are statically linked to hal.dll
This means that when one of the above files is loaded, hal.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 1 | 944 Bytes | 0.3% |
Total | 1 | 944 Bytes | 0.3% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)
No string resources in this file.
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:ExAcquireFastMutex | ExReleaseFastMutex |
ExTryToAcquireFastMutex | HalAcpiGetTableEx |
HalAcquireDisplayOwnership | HalAdjustResourceList |
HalAllProcessorsStarted | HalAllocateAdapterChannel |
HalAllocateCommonBuffer | HalAllocateCrashDumpRegisters |
HalAllocateHardwareCounters | HalAssignSlotResources |
HalBeginSystemInterrupt | HalBugCheckSystem |
HalCalibratePerformanceCounter | HalClearSoftwareInterrupt |
HalConvertDeviceIdtToIrql | HalDisableInterrupt |
HalDisplayString | HalDmaAllocateCrashDumpRegistersEx |
HalDmaFreeCrashDumpRegistersEx | HalEnableInterrupt |
HalEndSystemInterrupt | HalEnumerateEnvironmentVariablesEx |
HalEnumerateProcessors | HalFlushCommonBuffer |
HalFreeCommonBuffer | HalFreeHardwareCounters |
HalGetAdapter | HalGetBusData |
HalGetBusDataByOffset | HalGetEnvironmentVariable |
HalGetEnvironmentVariableEx | HalGetInterruptTargetInformation |
HalGetInterruptVector | HalGetMemoryCachingRequirements |
HalGetMessageRoutingInfo | HalGetProcessorIdByNtNumber |
HalGetVectorInput | HalHandleNMI |
HalInitSystem | HalInitializeBios |
HalInitializeOnResume | HalInitializeProcessor |
HalMakeBeep | HalProcessorIdle |
HalQueryDisplayParameters | HalQueryEnvironmentVariableInfoEx |
HalQueryMaximumProcessorCount | HalQueryRealTimeClock |
HalReadDmaCounter | HalRegisterDynamicProcessor |
HalRegisterErrataCallbacks | HalReportResourceUsage |
HalRequestClockInterrupt | HalRequestIpi |
HalRequestIpiSpecifyVector | HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt |
HalReturnToFirmware | HalSendSoftwareInterrupt |
HalSetBusData | HalSetBusDataByOffset |
HalSetDisplayParameters | HalSetEnvironmentVariable |
HalSetEnvironmentVariableEx | HalSetProfileInterval |
HalSetRealTimeClock | HalStartDynamicProcessor |
HalStartNextProcessor | HalStartProfileInterrupt |
HalStopProfileInterrupt | HalSystemVectorDispatchEntry |
HalTranslateBusAddress | IoFlushAdapterBuffers |
IoFreeAdapterChannel | IoFreeMapRegisters |
IoMapTransfer | IoReadPartitionTable |
IoSetPartitionInformation | IoWritePartitionTable |
KdComPortInUse | KdHvComPortInUse |
KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock | KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockRaiseToSynch |
KeAcquireQueuedSpinLock | KeAcquireQueuedSpinLockRaiseToSynch |
KeAcquireSpinLock | KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch |
KeFlushWriteBuffer | KeGetCurrentIrql |
KeLowerIrql | KeQueryPerformanceCounter |
KeRaiseIrql | KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel |
KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel | KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock |
KeReleaseQueuedSpinLock | KeReleaseSpinLock |
KeStallExecutionProcessor | KeTryToAcquireQueuedSpinLock |
KeTryToAcquireQueuedSpinLockRaiseToSynch | KfAcquireSpinLock |
KfLowerIrql | KfRaiseIrql |
WRITE_PORT_USHORT | x86BiosAllocateBuffer |
x86BiosCall | x86BiosFreeBuffer |
x86BiosReadMemory | x86BiosWriteMemory |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- ntoskrnl.exe:
DbgPrint DbgPrintEx EmClientQueryRuleState EmpProviderRegister EtwEventEnabled EtwRegister EtwWrite ExAcquireFastMutex ExAcquireRundownProtection ExAcquireSpinLockExclusive ExAcquireSpinLockShared ExAllocatePoolWithTag ExCleanupRundownProtectionCacheAware ExCreateCallback ExFreePoolWithTag ExInitializeRundownProtection ExInterlockedPopEntrySList ExLocalTimeToSystemTime ExQueueWorkItem ExRaiseException ExReInitializeRundownProtection ExRealTimeIsUniversal ExRegisterCallback ExReleaseFastMutex ExReleaseRundownProtection ExReleaseSpinLockExclusive ExReleaseSpinLockShared ExRundownCompleted ExSystemTimeToLocalTime ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease HalDispatchTable HalPrivateDispatchTable InbvCheckDisplayOwnership InterlockedPushEntrySList IoAllocateMdl IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest IoBuildPartialMdl IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest IoConnectInterruptEx IoCreateDevice IoCreateDriver IoDeleteDevice IoFreeMdl IoGetAttachedDeviceReference IoGetDeviceObjectPointer IoGetStackLimits IoQueryInterface IoReadPartitionTable IoRegisterPlugPlayNotification IoReportDetectedDevice IoReportHalResourceUsage IoSetDevicePropertyData IoSetPartitionInformation IoWritePartitionTable IofCallDriver IofCompleteRequest KdGetDebugDevice KdPowerTransition KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLock KeAcquireInStackQueuedSpinLockAtDpcLevel KeAddGroupAffinityEx KeAddProcessorAffinityEx KeAddProcessorGroupAffinity KeAndAffinityEx KeAndGroupAffinityEx KeBugCheckEx KeCancelTimer2 KeClockInterruptNotify KeClockTimerPowerChange KeCountSetBitsGroupAffinity KeDispatchSecondaryInterrupt KeEnumerateNextProcessor KeFindConfigurationEntry KeFindConfigurationNextEntry KeFindFirstSetRightGroupAffinity KeFlushIoBuffers KeForceEnableNx KeGetClockOwner KeGetClockTimerResolution KeGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx KeGetCurrentThread KeGetNextClockTickDuration KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber KeGetProcessorNumberFromIndex KeGetRecommendedSharedDataAlignment KeHwPolicyLocateResource KeInitializeAffinityEx KeInitializeDeviceQueue KeInitializeDpc KeInitializeEnumerationContext KeInitializeEnumerationContextFromGroup KeInitializeEvent KeInitializeMutex KeInitializeSecondaryInterruptServices KeInitializeSpinLock KeInitializeTimer KeInitializeTimer2 KeInitializeTimerEx KeInsertDeviceQueue KeInsertQueueDpc KeIpiGenericCall KeIsEmptyAffinityEx KeLoadMTRR KePollFreezeExecution KeProcessorGroupAffinity KeProfileInterruptWithSource KeQueryActiveProcessorAffinity KeQueryActiveProcessorCountEx KeQueryGroupAffinity KeQueryInterruptTime KeQueryInterruptTimePrecise KeQueryMaximumProcessorCountEx KeQuerySystemTime KeQuerySystemTimePrecise KeQueryTimeIncrement KeRegisterBugCheckCallback KeRegisterBugCheckReasonCallback KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLock KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel KeRemoveDeviceQueue KeRemoveProcessorAffinityEx KeRemoveProcessorGroupAffinity KeRevertToUserGroupAffinityThread KeSaveStateForHibernate KeSetEvent KeSetProfileIrql KeSetSystemGroupAffinityThread KeSetTimer2 KeSetTimerEx KeStallWhileFrozen KeSynchronizeTimeToQpc KeSystemFullyCacheCoherent KeTickCount KeTryToAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel KeWaitForMutexObject KeWriteProtectPAT KefAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel KefReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel Kei386EoiHelper KfAcquireSpinLock KfReleaseSpinLock KiBeginThreadAccountingPeriod KiBugCheckData KiCheckForSListAddress KiDeliverApc KiDispatchInterrupt KiEndThreadAccountingPeriod KiEntropyQueueDpc KiIpiServiceRoutine MmAllocateContiguousNodeMemory MmAllocateMappingAddress MmAllocatePagesForMdl MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool MmFreeContiguousMemory MmFreeMappingAddress MmFreePagesFromMdl MmGetPhysicalAddress MmLockPagableDataSection MmLockPagableSectionByHandle MmMapIoSpaceEx MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache MmMapLockedPagesWithReservedMapping MmSizeOfMdl MmUnlockPagableImageSection MmUnmapIoSpace MmUnmapLockedPages MmUnmapReservedMapping ObCreateObject ObCreateObjectType ObInsertObject ObReferenceObjectByHandle ObReferenceObjectByPointer ObfDereferenceObject ObfReferenceObject ObfReferenceObjectWithTag PoFxActivateComponent PoFxCompleteIdleCondition PoFxRegisterCoreDevice PoFxStartDevicePowerManagement PoGetProcessorIdleAccounting PoSetFixedWakeSource PoSetHiberRange PsGetCurrentProcessId READ_REGISTER_UCHAR READ_REGISTER_ULONG READ_REGISTER_USHORT RtlAreBitsClear RtlClearAllBits RtlClearBits RtlCmEncodeMemIoResource RtlCompareMemory RtlCopyUnicodeString RtlEqualString RtlFindClearBits RtlFindClearBitsAndSet RtlFindMostSignificantBit RtlFindSetBitsAndClear RtlInitString RtlInitUnicodeString RtlInitializeBitMap RtlMoveMemory RtlNumberOfClearBits RtlNumberOfSetBitsUlongPtr RtlSetAllBits RtlSetBit RtlSetBits RtlTestBit RtlTimeFieldsToTime RtlTimeToTimeFields RtlUnwind WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG WRITE_REGISTER_USHORT WheaConfigureErrorSource WheaGetErrorSource WheaInitializeRecordHeader WheaReportHwError ZwClose ZwCreateKey ZwDeleteValueKey ZwDuplicateObject ZwEnumerateValueKey ZwOpenFile ZwOpenKey ZwPowerInformation ZwQueryKey ZwQueryLicenseValue ZwQueryValueKey ZwSetValueKey _alldiv _alldvrm _allmul _alloca_probe _allshl _aulldiv _aulldvrm _aullrem _aullshr _stricmp _strupr _wcsicmp atoi memcmp memcpy memset qsort strncmp strncpy_s strstr swprintf_s wcscpy_s wcsncmp wcsncpy_s wcstoul - kdcom.dll:
KdInitialize - PSHED.dll:
PshedGetErrorSourceInfo PshedIsSystemWheaEnabled PshedMarkHiberPhase PshedRetrieveErrorInfo