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Windows 10 DLL File Information - aclui.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Security Descriptor Editor  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - 5 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 5,219 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 16
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 8

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 377,856 Bytes 7.1% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x0005e000 13,824 Bytes 0.3% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00062000 9,728 Bytes 0.2% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x00065000 1,536 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.tls 0x00066000 512 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00067000 4,914,176 Bytes 91.9% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00517000 26,112 Bytes 0.5% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

aclui.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when aclui.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, aclui.dll won't be loaded.


List of files that are statically linked to aclui.dll


This means that when one of the above files is loaded, aclui.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 7 298,004 Bytes 5.6%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 67 4,551,802 Bytes 85.2%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 19 22,240 Bytes 0.4%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 429 44,746 Bytes 0.8%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 1 689 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 5 57,310 Bytes 1.1%
Total 528 4,974,791 Bytes 93.1%

Icons in this file

There are 7 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 1000 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
103 Security
104 Permissions
105 Auditing
106 Object
107 Object
108 Owner
111 Effective Permissions
113 Dialog
126 Windows Security
127 Windows Security
128 Windows Security
129 Windows Security
130 Windows Security
131 Windows Security
132 Windows Security
133 Windows Security
134 Advanced Security Settings
135 Attribute-based Expression
136 Central Access Rule

String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
1 Windows Security
2 Name
3 &View...
5 Not enough memory is available to complete the requested operation.
6 Unable to complete the requested operation.%n%n%1
9 Unable to display the user selection dialog.%n%n%1
10 Unable to lookup user names for display.
11 This will replace explicitly defined permissions on all descendants of this object with inheritable permissions from %1. Do you wish to continue?
12 %1 (%2)
13 %2 %1
14 \\%1\%2
15 Code: 0x%1!08x! %2
17 Unable to save permission changes on %2.%n%n%1
18 The permissions on %1 are incorrectly ordered, which may cause some entries to be ineffective.
19 You have denied the Everyone group access to %1. No one will be able to access %1 and only the owner will be able to change the permissions. Do you want to continue?
20 You can't remove %1 because this object is inheriting permissions from its parent. To remove %1, you must prevent this object from inheriting permissions. Turn off the option for inheriting permissions, and then try removing %1 again.
21 You do not have permission to view the current permission settings for %1, but you can make permission changes.
22 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings. To take ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Advanced.
23 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings. To change auditing settings of the object, click Advanced.
24 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings. To take ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, or to change auditing settings, click Advanced.
25 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings.
26 Unable to save auditing changes on %2.%n%n%1
27 The current Audit Policy for this computer does not have auditing turned on. If this computer gets audit policy from the domain, please ask a domain administrator to turn on auditing using Group Policy Editor. Otherwise, use the Local Computer Policy Editor to configure the audit policy locally on this computer.
28 You only have permission to view the current owner on %1.
29 Unable to set new owner on %2.%n%n%1
30 Unable to display current owner.
31 You are setting a deny permissions entry. Deny entries take precedence over allow entries. This means that if a user is a member of two groups, one that is allowed a permission and another that is denied the same permission, the user is denied that permission. Do you want to continue?
32 Permissions for %1
33 Advanced Security Settings for %1
34 Permission Entry for %1
35 Auditing Entry for %1
36 Properties
37 Type
38 Name
39 Permission
40 Apply To
41 Type
42 Name
43 Access
44 Apply To
45 To view details for a permission entry, select the entry and then click View.
46 To view details for an auditing entry, select the entry and then click View.
48 Allow
49 Deny
50 Audit
51 Alarm
52 Unknown
53 Special
54 Success
55 Fail
57 Read property
58 Write property
59 Read/write property
60 This object only
61 This object and child objects
62 Child objects only
63 Nothing
76 Special permissions
77 Special permissions can't be defined here. Use Advanced page to define special permissions.
78 You do not have permission to view the current permission settings for %1. It can not be determined if you have the permission to make changes. Permission changes will be allowed but it can not be guaranteed that the changes will successfully apply.
79 One or more of selected permissions are inherited from parent. Inherited permissions can't be deleted at this object. Do you want to delete other selected permissions.
80 Permissions
85 &Permissions for %1
86 Inherited From
87 Parent Object
88 None
89 Windows can't calculate the effective permissions for %1.
90 Account Deleted(%1)
91 Account Unknown(%1)
92 Object Permissions are not available for this object type.
93 The change you just made resulted in an access control list that exceeds the maximum size. You must remove approximately %1 access control entries before the changes can be saved.
94 The access control list size exceeds the maximum size. You must remove approximately %1 access control entries before the changes can be saved or the advanced page can be opened.
95 The change you are about to make will result in %1 auditing entries being added to the access control list.
96 The change you are about to make will result in %1 permissions being added to the access control list.
97 Because these auditing entries propagate to child objects, making this change will require more storage and time to evaluate. The higher this container is in the directory hierarchy, the more significant the performance degradation.
98 Because these permissions propagate to child objects, making this change will require more storage and time to evaluate. The higher this container is in the directory hierarchy, the more significant the performance degradation.
99 Consider either replacing the above auditing entries with fewer, more inclusive auditing entries, not applying the auditing entries to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
100 Consider either replacing the above permissions with fewer, more inclusive permissions, not applying the permissions to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
101 Auditing
102 The change you are about to make will result in %1 permissions being added to the access control list.
103 The change you are about to make will result in %1 auditing entries being added to the access control list.
104 Consider either replacing these auditing entries with fewer, more inclusive auditing entries, not applying the auditing entries to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
105 Consider either replacing these permissions with fewer, more inclusive permissions, not applying the permissions to child objects, or not proceeding with this change.
106 You are about to add a disabled object. If you want to add an enabled object, try selecting the object from another location.
108 Other users and groups (double-click to add)...
109 One or more of the auditing entries attached to %1 has an unrecognized type and can not be displayed.
111 Unable to set new owner on %1. You do not have the Restore privilege required to set this user/group as owner.
112 You have denied all users access to %1. No one will be able to access %1 and only the owner will be able to change the permissions. Do you want to continue?
113 If you have just taken ownership of this object, you will need to close and reopen this object's properties before you can view or change permissions.
115 No groups or users have permission to access this object. However, the owner of this object can assign permissions.
116 No permissions have been assigned for this object. Warning: this is a potential security risk because anyone who can access this object can take ownership of it. The object’s owner should assign permissions as soon as possible.
117 One or more of the permission entries attached to %1 has an unrecognized type and can not be displayed.
119 To display the requested security information on this page, the software developer needs to fix the following problem: ISecurityInformation3 interface is not implemented.
120 You must have Read permissions to view the properties of this object. Click Continue to attempt the operation with administrative permissions.
121 &Continue
122 You do not have permission to view this object’s security properties, even as an administrative user. To try taking ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Advanced.
123 You must be an administrator or have been given the appropriate privileges to view the auditing properties of this object. Do you want to continue?
124 To display the requested security information on this page, the software developer needs to fix the following problem: Invalid combination of display options.
125 You do not have permission to view this object’s security properties, even as an administrative user. To try taking ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Change above.
126 To display the requested security information on this page, the software developer needs to fix the following problem: Full object name is empty.
127 You do not have privileges to view this object’s auditing properties, even as an administrative user. To try taking ownership of the object, which includes permission to view its properties, click Change above.
128 You do not have permission to view this object’s owner, even as an administrative user.
129 Can't open access control editor. %1
130 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s permission settings. To try again using a different administrator account, close this dialog box and log on using the other account. To try changing or viewing this object's auditing settings, click Advanced.
131 You do not have permission to view this object’s security properties. To view its security properties, you can try taking ownership of the object. As the owner, you can also control who gets permissions on the object. Please note that once you take ownership, the previous owner might not have access to the object. Try taking ownership of the object, select an account from the list, and then click OK.
132 To view details of a permission entry, double-click the entry. To modify permissions, click Change Permissions.
133 Central Policy
134 Share
135 Block Inheritance
136 What would you like to do with the current inherited permissions?
137 You are about to block inheritance to this object, which means that permissions inherited from a parent object will no longer be applied to this object.
138 Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object.
139 Remove all inherited permissions from this object.
141 You are about to block inheritance to this object, which means that inheritable auditing entries will no longer propagate to this object.
142 Convert and add inherited auditing entries as explicit auditing entries on this object.
143 Remove all inherited auditing entries from this object.
145 No Central Access Policy
146 Object permissions
147 Effective Access
148 Save Changes
149 Would you like to save your changes?
150 The action you selected requires administrative permissions. Save your changes before proceeding, otherwise your changes will be discarded.
151 Save changes
152 Discard changes
153 You do not have permission to view or edit this object’s audit settings.
154 What would you like to do with the current inherited auditing entries?
155 %1 (inherited)
156 This rule applies to:
157 Permission entries:
158 All objects
159 You must have Read permissions to view the properties of this object. Click Advanced to continue.
160 The requested security information is either unavailable or can’t be displayed.
161 To change the Central Access Policy applicable to the object, which may include permission to view its properties, go to the Central Policy tab.
162 Retrieving share security information...
1000 Integrity level:
1001 Name:
1003 Security settings
1005 Cancel
1006 &Apply
1007 Owner:
1008 Select a principal
1009 Replace owner on subcontainers and objects
1010 Network location for this share:
1012 Permission entries:
1013 Type
1014 Principal
1015 Access
1016 Inherited from
1017 Applies to
1018 Change permissions
1019 A&dd
1020 &Remove
1021 &Edit
1022 &View
1023 Re&store defaults
1027 Toggle Expando
1028 Show or hide Central Access Rule information
1029 Co&ntinue
1033 Principal:
1034 Principal
1035 Type:
1036 Applies to:
1037 Show basic permissions
1038 Show advanced permissions
1039 Permissions:
1040 Clear all
1041 Properties:
1042 Only apply &these permissions to objects and/or containers within this container
1044 A&dd a condition
1045 Remove
1046 &Group
1047 &Ungroup
1049 Attribute Type
1050 Attribute Name
1051 Operator
1052 Attribute Value
1053 Effective Access allows you to view the effective permissions for a user, group, or device account. If the account is a member of a domain, you can also evaluate the impact of potential additions to the security token for the account. When you evaluate the impact of adding a group, any group that the intended group is a member of must be added separately.
1054 User/ Group:
1055 Select a &user
1056 &Include a user claim
1057 Device:
1058 Se&lect a device
1059 Include a device clai&m
1060 Permission
1061 Effective access
1062 Access limited by
1063 Remove
1064 Condition:
1065 This policy includes the following rules:
1067 Include a user claim
1069 Include a device claim
1070 Permission
1071 Effective access
1072 Access limited by
1073 Auditing entries:
1075 Change Principal
1077 Select a user
1078 Select a device
1079 For additional information, double-click a permission entry. To modify a permission entry, select the entry and click Edit (if available).
1080 Effective Access allows you to view the effective permissions for a user, group, or device account. If the account is a member of a domain, you can also evaluate the impact of potential additions to the security token for the account. When you evaluate the impact of adding a group, any group that the intended group is a member of must be added separately.
1081 For additional information, double-click an audit entry. To modify an audit entry, select the entry and click Edit (if available).
1084 Re&place all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object
1085 Re&place all child object auditing entries with inheritable auditing entries from this object
1086 View e&ffective access
1087 View effective access
1088 Add a new condition
1089 Remove this condition
1090 Group selected conditions
1091 Ungroup selected conditions
1095 Integrity level
1100 This policy includes the following rules:
1102 Add items
1103 Select group
1104 Select group
1105 Resource Properties
1106 Resource Properties
1107 Disable &inheritance
1108 Enable &inheritance
1109 To modify share permissions, use the Share Wizard from the network location for this share.
1110 Close
1111 Attribute Choice
1112 Name
1113 Label container
1114 Label
1115 Property list
1116 Owner
1117 Permission entries:
1118 Central Access Rule Content
1120 Central Access Policies
1121 Principal
1122 Type:
1123 Apply to:
1124 Permissions
1125 Properties
1126 Attribute based expression
1127 operator
1128 User/Group Selection
1129 Device Selection
1130 Effective Permission Entry
1131 Allowed
1132 Denied
1133 Claim Selection
1135 Equals
1136 Permission
1137 Selection Summary
1138 Open
1140 Remove
1141 Remove claim
1142 Principal Icon
1143 Type
1144 Principal
1145 Access
1146 Inheritence
1147 Applies to
1148 Only apply &these auditing settings to objects and/or containers within this container
1149 Restore default owner
1150 Restore default owner
1151 Change
1152 Change
1153 Description:
1154 Description
1157 Select Condition
1159 Click Change to view available Central Access Policies that can be applied to this object, or view details of the applied Central Access Policy below.
1160 Add a condition to limit access. The principal will be granted the specified permissions only if conditions are met.
1161 Add a condition to limit access. The principal will be granted the specified permissions only if conditions are met.
1164 Add a condition to specify the resource this Central Access Rule applies to and any additional restrictions that you want to apply. If you do not specify any restrictions, this Central Access Rule will be applied to all resources.
1165 Add a condition to specify the resource this Central Access Rule applies to and any additional restrictions that you want to apply. If you do not specify any restrictions, this Central Access Rule will be applied to all resources.
1166 Access control entries
1167 List of access control entries.
1168 To modify share permissions, select the entry and click Edit.
1169 No Object Permissions
1170 Object Permissions are not available for this object type.
1171 Remove
1172 &Manage grouping
1173 Manage grouping of conditions
1174 Change
1175 &Change
1176 Add a condition to limit the scope of this auditing entry. Security events will be logged only if conditions are met.
1177 Add a condition to limit the scope of this auditing entry. Security events will be logged only if conditions are met.
1178 Group
1179 Group of conditions
1180 Informational message icon
1181 Warning message icon
1182 Error message icon
1186 No description specified
1187 No description specified
1188 Select value(s) from dropdown
1189 Basic permissions:
1190 Advanced permissions:
1191 Additional Groups
1192 Include group membership
1193 Include group membership
1194 Apply to:
1195 Applies to:
1196 Central Policy:
1197 Action
1198 User Action
6039 Permission changes must be applied before they can be used to calculate effective access.
6040 Inheritance of permissions from parent container has been disabled.
6041 Unable to contact Active Directory to access or verify claim types.
6042 Unable to contact Active Directory for current Central Access Policies.
6043 The Central Access Policy could not be retrieved. Try again later or contact your administrator for assistance.
6044 The Central Access Policy on this object has been ignored because no CAPs have been applied to the target server.
6045 Retrieving Central Access Policies from Active Directory...
6046 Windows could not retrieve the Central Access Policy for this object. Recovery policy is being used instead.
6047 Windows is in Safe Mode and the recovery Central Access Policy is being enforced.
6048 This Central Access Policy cannot be displayed on this version of Windows. To view this Central Access Policy, go to Security Properties on on the computer where the object is hosted.
6049 You do not have permission to evaluate effective access rights for the remote resource. Contact the administrator of the target server.
6050 The effective access rights shown are based on group membership on this computer. For more accurate results, calculate effective access rights on the target server.
6051 Computing effective access...
6052 The RPC server is unavailable. Please enable the Netlogon Service Authz (RPC) firewall rule on the target server and try again.
6053 Computing effective access (waiting to retrieve share security information)...
6054 The share security information is unavailable and was not evaluated for effective access.
6055 User.
6056 Resource.
6057 Device.
6058 Sorting the permission entries does not change the order in which they are evaluated.
6059 Sorting the audit entries does not change the order in which they are evaluated.
6060 Restore ordering.
6100 User
6101 Resource
6102 Device
6103 Group
6104 Value
6500 No options to select from
6501 %1!d! item(s) selected
6502 Click Add items
6503 Multiple Choices
6512 Invalid
6571 Type
6572 Principal
6573 Access
6574 Condition
6575 Inherited from
6576 Applies to
7001 Equals
7002 Not equals
7003 Less than
7004 Less than or equal to
7005 Greater than
7006 Greater than or equal to
7007 Contains each of
7008 Exists
7009 Any of
7010 Member of each
7011 Member of any
7012 Member of each
7013 Member of any
7014 Not exists
7015 Not contains
7016 Not any of
7017 Not member of each
7018 Not member of each
7019 Not member of any
7020 Not member of any
8000 An unknown error has occurred.
8001 Insufficient memory. Close one or more applications before trying to complete this operation.
8002 Correct the errors below and click OK. (Hover for more information.)
8003 The condition contains one or more invalid value types.
8004 This access control entry is corrupt. Delete it and create a new one.
8005 The condition contains unexpected elements and cannot be displayed.
8006 Conditional expressions cannot be used to deny access.
8007 Conditional expressions cannot be used to deny access. Remove all conditions, then save your changes.
8008 Conditional expressions cannot be applied to computers that are not members of a domain. Remove all conditions before saving your changes. Use caution when saving this ACE so that you do not grant unintended access.
8009 Conditional expressions cannot be applied to computers that are not members of a domain. Use caution when saving this ACE so that you do not grant unintended access.
8010 There are no resource properties in this forest. Define resource properties before authoring the target resource criteria.
8011 Correct the errors below and click View effective access. (Hover for more information.)
8012 A fatal error has occurred. The system is running low on memory and may need to be restarted. Close this window and try again.
8013 Conditional expressions are not supported for object audit access control entries.
8014 Conditional expressions are not supported for object audit access control entries. Remove all conditions, then save your changes.
8100 Claim Empty
8101 The condition must include a claim to the left of the operator.
8102 The condition must include a claim to the right of the operator.
8110 Value cannot be empty
8111 Invalid Value
8112 Value not specified
8113 Select an option from the dropdown list.
8114 Select one or more options from the list.
8115 Enter a valid string that does not contain the following characters: " ;
8116 Specify one or more strings separated by ';' that do not contain the following characters: "
8117 Enter a positive number.
8118 Enter one or more positive numbers separated by ';'
8119 Enter a valid blob beginning with #
8120 Enter a valid SID in the format {SID(WD)[,SID(...)]}
8121 A single value is expected.
8122 Enter a number.
8123 Enter one or more numbers separated by ';'
8130 The value currently specified is not valid. Please select an option from the dropdown list.
8131 The currently selected values include invalid options. Remove invalid options (grayed).
8140 Unknown Claim
8141 The claim specified to the left of the operator is not known. Remove the condition and click OK.
8142 The claim specified to the right of the operator is not known. Remove the condition and click OK.
8145 Invalid Claim
8146 The claim specified to the right of the operator is not valid due to one or more of the following problems. a) The type of claim is invalid. b) The multiplicity of the claim's value. c) Identical claims appear to the left and right of the operator.
8150 Malformed Condition
8151 Please remove the condition and, if necessary, create a new one.
8160 Invalid Operator
8161 The operator specified in the condition is not applicable for the claim specified to the left of the operator.
8170 Unsupported Claim Type
8171 The type of claim specified to the left of the operator is not supported.
8172 Duplicate Attribute
8173 An attribute can only be specified once. Remove any duplicate attributes specified.
8174 Condition in a Deny ACE
8175 Conditions cannot be specified for Deny access control entries. Remove these conditions and click OK.
8176 Condition on non-domain machine
8177 Conditions are invalid on computers that are not members of a domain. Remove any conditions and click OK. Use caution when saving this ACE to not grant unintended access.
8178 Unexpected Claim Type
8179 Only resource properties are allowed to the left of the operator. Remove the condition and click OK.
8180 Only values and resource properties are allowed to the right of the operator. Remove the condition and click OK.
8181 Condition in an object audit ACE
8182 Conditions cannot be specified for object audit access control entries. Remove these conditions and click OK.
8500 Principal accessing the object
8501 Computer/device from which this object is being accessed
8502 The object being accessed
8503 Security Group
8504 Specify value in the next column
8505 No description specified
8506 No description available
8508 Enter value here ...
8509 e.g. 1; 2; 3 ...
8510 Enter value here ...
8511 e.g. Value1; Value2 ...

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
CreateSecurityPage EditConditionalAceClaims EditResourceCondition
EditSecurity EditSecurityAdvanced GetLocalizedStringForCondition
GetTlsIndexForClaimDictionary IID_ISecurityInformation


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: