Windows 10 DLL File Information - uireng.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | UI Recording Engine Library |
File Version: | 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
DLL popularity | Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 168 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 8 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 8 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 71,168 Bytes | 41.4% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x00013000 | 512 Bytes | 0.3% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.idata | 0x00015000 | 7,168 Bytes | 4.2% | Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x00017000 | 86,528 Bytes | 50.3% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x0002d000 | 5,632 Bytes | 3.3% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
uireng.dll is statically linked to the following files:msvcrt.dll
This means that when uireng.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, uireng.dll won't be loaded.
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 2 | 78,627 Bytes | 45.7% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 1 | 4,840 Bytes | 2.8% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 1 | 480 Bytes | 0.3% |
HTML Related Files | 3 | 9,866 Bytes | 5.7% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 105 | 5,226 Bytes | 3.0% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 3 | 1,422 Bytes | 0.8% |
Total | 115 | 100,461 Bytes | 58.4% |
Icons in this file
There are 2 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)
In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 1000 dialogs.ID | Dialog Caption |
2001 | Highlight Area and Comment |
String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)
String ID | String Text |
120 | Mouse Left Click |
121 | Mouse Right Click |
122 | Mouse Left Double Click |
123 | Mouse Right Double Click |
124 | Keyboard Input |
125 | Mouse Drag Start |
126 | Mouse Drag End |
127 | Mouse Wheel Up |
128 | Mouse Wheel Down |
130 | User left double click |
131 | User right double click |
132 | User left clicked |
133 | User right clicked |
134 | User keyboard input |
135 | User left double click in "%ws" |
136 | User right double click in "%ws" |
137 | User left click in "%ws" |
138 | User right click in "%ws" |
139 | User keyboard input in "%ws" |
140 | User left double click on "%ws" |
141 | User right double click on "%ws" |
142 | User left click on "%ws" |
143 | User right click on "%ws" |
144 | User keyboard input on "%ws" |
145 | User left double click on "%ws" in "%ws" |
146 | User right double click on "%ws" in "%ws" |
147 | User left click on "%ws" in "%ws" |
148 | User right click on "%ws" in "%ws" |
149 | User keyboard input on "%ws" in "%ws" |
150 | User mouse drag start |
151 | User mouse drag start in "%ws" |
152 | User mouse drag start on "%ws" |
153 | User mouse drag start on "%ws" in "%ws" |
154 | User mouse drag end |
155 | User mouse drag end in "%ws" |
156 | User mouse drag end on "%ws" |
157 | User mouse drag end on "%ws" in "%ws" |
158 | User mouse wheel up |
159 | User mouse wheel up in "%ws" |
160 | User mouse wheel up on "%ws" |
161 | User mouse wheel up on "%ws" in "%ws" |
162 | User mouse wheel down |
163 | User mouse wheel down in "%ws" |
164 | User mouse wheel down on "%ws" |
165 | User mouse wheel down on "%ws" in "%ws" |
172 | User Comment |
201 | Double tap |
202 | Secondary tap |
203 | Press and hold |
204 | Drag |
205 | Gesture |
206 | User tap |
207 | User tap in "%ws" |
208 | User tap on "%ws" |
209 | User tap on "%ws" in "%ws" |
210 | User double tap |
211 | User double tap in "%ws" |
212 | User double tap on "%ws" |
213 | User double tap on "%ws" in "%ws" |
214 | User secondary tap |
215 | User secondary tap in "%ws" |
216 | User secondary tap on "%ws" |
217 | User secondary tap on "%ws" in "%ws" |
218 | User press and hold |
219 | User press and hold in "%ws" |
220 | User press and hold on "%ws" |
221 | User press and hold on "%ws" in "%ws" |
222 | User touch and drag |
223 | User touch gesture |
700 | Mouse Middle Click |
701 | Mouse Middle Double Click |
702 | User middle double click |
703 | User middle clicked |
704 | User middle double click in "%ws" |
705 | User middle click in "%ws" |
706 | User middle double click on "%ws" |
707 | User middle click on "%ws" |
708 | User middle double click on "%ws" in "%ws" |
709 | User middle click on "%ws" in "%ws" |
2201 | Step |
2202 | Program |
2203 | UI Elements |
2204 | Recording Session |
2205 | Operating System |
2206 | Loading next slide... |
2207 | Restart slide show |
2208 | Pause |
2209 | Resume slide show |
2210 | Return to first slide |
2211 | This is the recorded XML data that was used in generating this page. |
2212 | No screenshots were saved for this step. |
2213 | Cursor |
2214 | Desktop |
2215 | button |
2216 | The following sketch was drawn with recorded information: |
2217 | There were errors during recording. Some information may be missing. |
2218 | Menu |
2219 | Recorded Steps: |
2220 | Missed Steps: |
2221 | Other Errors: |
2224 | Previous |
2225 | Next |
2226 | %ws (%ws) |
2227 | Click to enlarge/shrink screenshot. |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:UirGetScreenComment | UirInitializeEngine | UirPauseRecordingSession | UirResumeRecordingSession |
UirStartRecordingSession | UirStopRecordingSession | UirUninitializeEngine | UirUpdateRecordingSession |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- msvcrt.dll:
_XcptFilter __CxxFrameHandler __dllonexit _amsg_exit _callnewh _except_handler4_common _ftol2_sse _initterm _lock _onexit _unlock _vsnwprintf _wcsicmp _wcsnicmp _wtoi free malloc memcpy memmove memset wcschr wcsrchr wcsstr - ADVAPI32.dll:
ControlTraceW EnableTrace EnableTraceEx FlushTraceW RegCloseKey RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryValueExW StartTraceW ntdll!EtwEventRegister ntdll!EtwEventUnregister ntdll!EtwEventWriteString ntdll!EtwGetTraceEnableFlags ntdll!EtwGetTraceEnableLevel ntdll!EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle ntdll!EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW ntdll!EtwTraceMessage ntdll!EtwUnregisterTraceGuids - GDI32.dll:
BitBlt CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateDCW CreatePen CreateSolidBrush DeleteDC DeleteObject Ellipse ExcludeClipRect ExtCreatePen GetCurrentObject GetObjectW GetStockObject LineTo MoveToEx PolyBezier Rectangle SelectObject SetDCBrushColor StretchBlt - gdiplus.dll:
GdipAlloc GdipCloneImage GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP GdipDisposeImage GdipFree GdipGetImageEncoders GdipGetImageEncodersSize GdipSaveImageToFile GdiplusShutdown GdiplusStartup - HID.DLL:
HidP_GetCaps HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes HidP_GetUsageValue HidP_GetUsages HidP_GetValueCaps - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CreateDirectoryW CreateEventW CreateFileW CreateThread DuplicateHandle ExpandEnvironmentStringsW FindClose FindFirstFileW FindNextFileW FreeLibrary GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThread GetCurrentThreadId GetDriveTypeW GetFileAttributesW GetLastError GetLongPathNameW GetModuleHandleW GetProcAddress GetProcessHeap GetSystemDirectoryW GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetThreadPriority GetTickCount GetWindowsDirectoryW HeapFree KernelBase!SleepConditionVariableCS LoadLibraryW LocalFree OpenProcess QueryFullProcessImageNameW QueryPerformanceCounter ReadProcessMemory RegisterWaitForSingleObject RemoveDirectoryW ResetEvent ResumeThread SearchPathW SetEvent SetLastError SetThreadPriority SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Sleep TerminateProcess UnhandledExceptionFilter UnregisterWait WaitForMultipleObjects WaitForSingleObject ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlInitializeConditionVariable ntdll!RtlInitializeCriticalSection ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap ntdll!RtlWakeAllConditionVariable ntdll!RtlWakeConditionVariable - msdrm.dll:
DRMIsWindowProtected - ntdll.dll:
NtApphelpCacheControl NtClose NtClose NtCreateFile NtOpenKey NtQueryInformationProcess NtQueryValueKey RtlAllocateHeap RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString RtlAppendUnicodeToString RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath RtlFreeAnsiString RtlFreeHeap RtlGetFullPathName_UEx RtlInitUnicodeString RtlInitUnicodeStringEx - ole32.dll:
CoInitialize combase!CoCreateGuid combase!CoCreateInstance combase!CoInitializeEx combase!CoUninitialize combase!StringFromGUID2 - OLEACC.dll:
GetRoleTextW - OLEAUT32.dll:
SysFreeString VariantClear VariantInit - SHELL32.dll:
CommandLineToArgvW SHFileOperationW ShellExecuteW - SHLWAPI.dll:
PathFindFileNameW - USER32.dll:
BeginPaint CallNextHookEx ClientToScreen CloseDesktop CopyImage CreateDesktopW CreateDialogParamW CreateWindowExW DestroyWindow DispatchMessageW DrawIcon EnableWindow EndPaint FillRect FindWindowW GetAsyncKeyState GetClassNameW GetClientRect GetCursorInfo GetCursorPos GetDC GetDesktopWindow GetDlgItem GetDoubleClickTime GetGUIThreadInfo GetIconInfo GetKeyNameTextW GetKeyState GetMessageW GetParent GetPointerDevices GetProcessDefaultLayout GetRawInputData GetRawInputDeviceInfoW GetSystemMetrics GetThreadDesktop GetWindowInfo GetWindowLongW GetWindowRect GetWindowTextLengthW GetWindowTextW GetWindowThreadProcessId InternalGetWindowText InvalidateRect IsDialogMessageW IsHungAppWindow IsRectEmpty LoadCursorW LoadIconW LoadImageW MapVirtualKeyW MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx PeekMessageW PostThreadMessageW PtInRect RegisterClassExW RegisterRawInputDevices ReleaseCapture ReleaseDC SendMessageW SetCapture SetLayeredWindowAttributes SetProcessDefaultLayout SetThreadDesktop SetTimer SetWindowLongW SetWindowPos SetWindowsHookExW ShowWindow SwitchDesktop SystemParametersInfoW TranslateMessage UnregisterClassW UpdateWindow WindowFromPoint ntdll!NtdllDefWindowProc_W - MSIMG32.dll: