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Windows 10 DLL File Information - mlang.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Multi Language Support DLL  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - 4 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 187 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 14
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 12

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 132,096 Bytes 68.8% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00022000 14,848 Bytes 7.7% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x00026000 4,608 Bytes 2.4% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x00028000 512 Bytes 0.3% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00029000 31,232 Bytes 16.3% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00031000 7,680 Bytes 4.0% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

mlang.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when mlang.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, mlang.dll won't be loaded.


List of files that are statically linked to mlang.dll


This means that when one of the above files is loaded, mlang.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 380 12,166 Bytes 6.3%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 4 30,745 Bytes 16.0%
Total 384 42,911 Bytes 22.3%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
4096 Code Page %d
4352 Afrikaans
4353 Albanian
4354 Arabic
4355 Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
4356 Arabic (Iraq)
4357 Arabic (Egypt)
4358 Arabic (Libya)
4359 Arabic (Algeria)
4360 Arabic (Morocco)
4361 Arabic (Tunisia)
4362 Arabic (Oman)
4363 Arabic (Yemen)
4364 Arabic (Syria)
4365 Arabic (Jordan)
4366 Arabic (Lebanon)
4367 Arabic (Kuwait)
4368 Arabic (U.A.E.)
4369 Arabic (Bahrain)
4370 Arabic (Qatar)
4371 Basque
4372 Bulgarian
4373 Belarusian
4374 Catalan
4375 Chinese
4376 Chinese (Taiwan)
4377 Chinese (China)
4378 Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)
4379 Chinese (Singapore)
4380 Croatian
4381 Czech
4382 Danish
4383 Dutch (Netherlands)
4384 Dutch (Belgium)
4385 English
4386 English (United States)
4387 English (United Kingdom)
4388 English (Australia)
4389 English (Canada)
4390 English (New Zealand)
4391 English (Ireland)
4392 English (South Africa)
4393 English (Jamaica)
4394 English (Belize)
4395 English (Trinidad)
4396 Estonian
4397 Faeroese
4398 Persian
4399 Finnish
4400 French (France)
4401 French (Belgium)
4402 French (Canada)
4403 French (Switzerland)
4404 French (Luxembourg)
4405 Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)
4406 German (Germany)
4407 German (Switzerland)
4408 German (Austria)
4409 German (Luxembourg)
4410 German (Liechtenstein)
4411 Greek
4412 Hebrew
4413 Hindi
4414 Hungarian
4415 Icelandic
4416 Indonesian
4417 Italian (Italy)
4418 Italian (Switzerland)
4419 Japanese
4420 Korean
4421 Latvian
4422 Lithuanian
4423 Macedonian (F.Y.R.O. Macedonia)
4424 Malay (Malaysia)
4425 Maltese
4426 Norwegian (Bokmal)
4427 Norwegian (Nynorsk)
4428 Polish
4429 Portuguese (Brazil)
4430 Portuguese (Portugal)
4431 Rhaeto-Romanic
4432 Romanian
4433 Romanian (Moldova)
4434 Russian
4435 Russian (Moldova)
4436 Serbian (Cyrillic)
4437 Serbian (Latin)
4438 Slovak
4439 Slovenian
4440 Sorbian
4441 Spanish (Traditional Sort)
4442 Spanish (Mexico)
4443 Spanish (International Sort)
4444 Spanish (Guatemala)
4445 Spanish (Costa Rica)
4446 Spanish (Panama)
4447 Spanish (Dominican Republic)
4448 Spanish (Venezuela)
4449 Spanish (Colombia)
4450 Spanish (Peru)
4451 Spanish (Argentina)
4452 Spanish (Ecuador)
4453 Spanish (Chile)
4454 Spanish (Uruguay)
4455 Spanish (Paraguay)
4456 Spanish (Bolivia)
4457 Spanish (El Salvador)
4458 Spanish (Honduras)
4459 Spanish (Nicaragua)
4460 Spanish (Puerto Rico)
4461 Sutu
4462 Swedish
4463 Swedish (Finland)
4464 Thai
4465 Tsonga
4466 Tswana
4467 Turkish
4468 Ukrainian
4469 Urdu
4470 Vietnamese
4471 Xhosa
4472 Yiddish
4473 Zulu
4474 Chinese (Macao SAR)
4475 English (Caribbean)
4476 English (Zimbabwe)
4477 English (Philippines)
4478 French (Monaco)
4479 Azeri (Latin)
4480 Uzbek (Cyrillic)
4481 Uzbek (Latin)
4482 Armenian
4483 Georgian
4484 Kazakh
4485 Swahili
4486 Tatar
4487 Bangla
4488 Punjabi
4489 Gujarati
4490 Odia
4491 Tamil
4492 Telugu
4493 Kannada
4494 Malayalam
4495 Assamese
4497 Marathi
4498 Malay (Brunei)
4499 Nepali (India)
4500 Sanskrit
4502 Konkani
4503 Azeri (Cyrillic)
4504 Kyrgyz
4505 Mongolian (Cyrillic)
4506 Galician
4507 Syriac
4508 Divehi
4509 Spanish (United States)
4608 Unicode
4609 Unicode (Big-Endian)
4610 Central European (Windows)
4611 Cyrillic (Windows)
4612 Western European (Windows)
4613 Greek (Windows)
4614 Turkish (Windows)
4615 Hebrew (Windows)
4616 Arabic (Windows)
4617 Baltic (Windows)
4618 Vietnamese (Windows)
4619 Western European (IA5)
4620 German (IA5)
4621 Swedish (IA5)
4622 Norwegian (IA5)
4623 Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
4624 Cyrillic (KOI8-U)
4625 Central European (ISO)
4626 Latin 3 (ISO)
4627 Baltic (ISO)
4628 Cyrillic (ISO)
4629 Arabic (ISO)
4630 Greek (ISO)
4631 Hebrew (ISO-Visual)
4632 User Defined
4633 Japanese (JIS)
4634 Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana)
4635 Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI)
4636 Korean (ISO)
4637 Japanese (Auto-Select)
4638 Korean (Auto-Select)
4639 Japanese (EUC)
4640 Korean (EUC)
4641 Chinese Simplified (HZ)
4642 Unicode (UTF-7)
4643 Unicode (UTF-8)
4644 Central European (DOS)
4645 Cyrillic (DOS)
4646 Thai (Windows)
4647 Japanese (Shift-JIS)
4648 Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
4649 Korean
4650 Chinese Traditional (Big5)
4651 Hebrew (ISO-Logical)
4652 Auto-Select
4653 Arabic (ASMO 708)
4654 Arabic (DOS)
4655 Hebrew (DOS)
4656 Western European (ISO)
4657 Chinese Simplified (Auto-Select)
4658 Chinese Traditional (Auto-Select)
4659 Cyrillic (Auto-Select)
4660 Greek (Auto-Select)
4661 Arabic (Auto-Select)
4662 Turkish (ISO)
4663 Latin 9 (ISO)
4665 Chinese Simplified (EUC)
4666 Korean (Johab)
4667 OEM United States
4668 Western European
4669 Europa
4670 Chinese Traditional (CNS)
4671 Chinese Traditional (Eten)
4672 Lithuanian (ISO)
4673 Western European (DOS)
4674 Greek (DOS)
4675 Greek, Modern (DOS)
4676 Baltic (DOS)
4677 Turkish (DOS)
4678 Icelandic (DOS)
4679 Western European (Mac)
4680 Japanese (Mac)
4681 Chinese Traditional (Mac)
4682 Korean (Mac)
4683 Arabic (Mac)
4700 Hebrew (Mac)
4701 Greek (Mac)
4702 Cyrillic (Mac)
4703 Chinese Simplified (Mac)
4704 Central European (Mac)
4705 Icelandic (Mac)
4706 Turkish (Mac)
4707 IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada)
4708 IBM EBCDIC (International)
4709 IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2)
4710 IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern)
4711 IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5)
4712 IBM EBCDIC (Germany)
4713 IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway)
4714 IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden)
4715 IBM EBCDIC (Italy)
4716 IBM EBCDIC (Spain)
4718 IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana)
4719 IBM EBCDIC (France)
4720 IBM EBCDIC (Arabic)
4721 IBM EBCDIC (Greek)
4722 IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew)
4723 IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended)
4724 IBM EBCDIC (Thai)
4725 IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic)
4726 IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian)
4727 IBM EBCDIC (Turkish)
4728 IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian)
4729 IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese Katakana)
4730 IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and US-Canada)
4731 IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese-Latin)
4732 IBM EBCDIC (Korean and Korean Extended)
4733 IBM EBCDIC (Simplified Chinese)
4734 IBM EBCDIC (Traditional Chinese)
4735 IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro)
4736 IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro)
4737 IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro)
4738 IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro)
4739 IBM EBCDIC (Italy-Euro)
4740 IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro)
4741 IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro)
4742 IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro)
4743 IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro)
4744 IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro)
4745 ISCII Assamese
4746 ISCII Bengali
4747 ISCII Devanagari
4748 ISCII Gujarati
4749 ISCII Kannada
4750 ISCII Malayalam
4751 ISCII Oriya
4752 ISCII Punjabi
4753 ISCII Telugu
4754 ISCII Tamil
4755 Thai (Mac)
4756 Romanian (Mac)
4757 Ukrainian (Mac)
4758 Croatian (Mac)
4759 Portuguese (DOS)
4760 French Canadian (DOS)
4761 Arabic (864)
4762 Nordic (DOS)
4763 Chinese Simplified (GB18030)
4764 OEM Cyrillic
4765 OEM Multilingual Latin I
4766 IBM Latin-1
4767 IBM Latin-1
4768 TCA Taiwan
4769 IBM5550 Taiwan
4770 TeleText Taiwan
4771 Wang Taiwan
4772 T.61
4773 ISO-6937
4774 Chinese Simplified (GB2312-80)
4775 Korean Wansung
4776 Ext Alpha Lowercase
4777 Chinese Simplified (ISO-2022)
4778 Chinese Traditional (ISO-2022)
4779 Japanese (JIS 0208-1990 and 0212-1990)
4864 MS Gothic
4865 MS PGothic
4866 Simsun
4867 Simsun
4868 GulimChe
4869 Gulim
4870 GulimChe
4871 GulimChe
4872 MingLiu
4873 New MingLiu
4874 Courier New
4875 Arial
4876 Lucida Sans Unicode
4877 Miriam Fixed
4878 David
4879 Cordia New
4880 Cordia New
4881 Simplified Arabic Fixed
4882 Simplified Arabic
4883 Mangal
4884 Mangal
4885 Latha
4886 Latha
4887 Times New Roman
4888 Tahoma
4889 Tahoma
5120 Latin based
5121 Latin
5122 Greek
5123 Cyrillic
5124 Armenian
5125 Hebrew
5126 Arabic
5127 Devanagari
5128 Bangla
5129 Gurmukhi
5130 Gujarati
5131 Odia
5132 Tamil
5133 Telugu
5134 Kannada
5135 Malayalam
5136 Thai
5138 Tibetan
5139 Georgian
5140 Korean
5141 Japanese
5142 Chinese (Traditional)
5143 Chinese (Simplified)
5144 Ethiopic
5145 Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
5146 Cherokee
5148 Braille
5149 Runic
5150 Ogham
5151 Sinhala
5152 Syriac
5153 Myanmar
5154 Khmer
5155 Thaana
5156 Mongolian
5158 Default
5159 Merge
5160 Asciisym
5161 User Defined

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
ConvertINetMultiByteToUnicode ConvertINetReset ConvertINetString ConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject GetGlobalFontLinkObject IsConvertINetStringAvailable
LcidToRfc1766A LcidToRfc1766W Rfc1766ToLcidA Rfc1766ToLcidW


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: