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Windows 10 DLL File Information - ipsmsnap.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: IP Security Monitor Snap-in  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 428 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 4
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 4

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 359,936 Bytes 82.0% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00059000 11,776 Bytes 2.7% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x0005f000 7,168 Bytes 1.6% Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00061000 22,528 Bytes 5.1% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00067000 36,352 Bytes 8.3% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

ipsmsnap.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when ipsmsnap.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, ipsmsnap.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 20 16,312 Bytes 3.7%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 2 848 Bytes 0.2%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 11 10,960 Bytes 2.5%
HTML Related Files 7 17,780 Bytes 4.1%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 347 18,190 Bytes 4.1%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 1 732 Bytes 0.2%
All Others 2 1,176 Bytes 0.3%
Total 390 65,998 Bytes 15.0%

Icons in this file

There are 20 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 1000 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
140 Auto Updates
235 General
236 General
237 General
238 General
239 Authentication Methods
240 Find Matching Quick Mode Filters
241 Find Matching Main Mode Filters
242 Add Computer
244 General
245 General

String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
1 IP Security Monitor
3 Size
4 Type
5 IP Security Monitor
6 Computer Name
7 Category
9 Name
10 Generic Filters
11 Source Tunnel Endpoint
12 Destination Tunnel Endpoint
13 Security Associations
14 IP Security Monitor
15 Source
16 Destination
17 Quick Mode
18 Specific Filters
19 Source Port
20 Destination Port
21 Protocol
22 Direction
23 Main Mode
24 Name
25 Number of Security Methods
26 IKE Policies
27 Name
28 Number of Security Methods
29 Negotiation Policies
30 IP Security Monitor
31 IP Security Monitor Extension
32 Generic Filters
33 Specific Filters
34 Weight
35 Main Mode Security Method Properties
36 Action
38 Authentication Methods
39 Authentication method bundles
41 %1 - IP Security Statistics
42 Parameters
43 Statistics
44 Negotiation Policy
45 IKE Policy
46 Authentication Methods
47 Security Associations
49 Peer
50 Authentication
51 Encryption
52 Integrity
53 Diffie-Hellman
54 Connection Type
55 Outbound Action
56 Inbound Action
57 Active Policy
58 Item
59 Description
60 Policy Name
61 Policy Description
62 Policy Last Modified
63 Policy Store
64 Organizational Unit
65 Local Store
66 Domain Store
67 Policy Not Assigned
68 Not Applicable
69 Policy Path
70 Group Policy Object Name
71 Not Available
72 Summary
73 Detail
74 The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configuration could not be retrieved.
75 The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configuration could not be written to the Security Policy Database (SPD).
76 Domain Store (cached)
100 The IP Security Monitor snap-in is used to monitor the status of IP Security
101 Microsoft Corporation
464 Negotiation Policy
465 AH Integrity
467 ESP Confidentiality
468 ESP Integrity
470 Peer
471 Protocol
472 My Port
473 Peer Port
474 My Tunnel Endpoint
475 Peer Tunnel Endpoint
476 %1 (Default Response)
477 %1 Items
478 %1 (Default)
1000 &Add Computer... Adds a computer to the list.
1001 Re&connect Reconnects the selected computer.
1004 &Statistics... Displays IP Security statistical information for this computer.
1005 &Taskpad View the taskpad for this item.
1009 Direction
1010 Source
1011 Destination
1012 Action
1013 Weight
1014 Encryption
1015 Integrity
1016 Diffie-Hellman
1017 Sessions
1018 IKE Authentication
1019 <None>
1021 SHA1
1022 <None>
1024 3DES
1025 Preshared Key
1026 Certificate (DSS Signature)
1027 Certificate (RSA Signature)
1028 Certificate (RSA Encryption)
1029 Kerberos
1030 HMAC-MD5
1031 HMAC-SHA1
1032 AH Integrity
1033 ESP Confidentiality
1034 ESP Integrity
1035 Key Lifetimes (KB/Sec)
1036 PFS Enabled
1037 PFS DH Group
1038 Low (1)
1039 Medium (2)
1040 High (2048)
1041 Key Lifetimes (secs)
1042 Find &Matching Filters... Finds matching specific quick mode filters.
1043 Method
1044 Details
1047 Find &Matching Filters... Finds matching specific main mode filters.
1048 Negotiation Policy
1049 IKE Policy
1050 Derived from Main Mode
1051 Unassigned
1500 Permit
1501 Block
1502 Negotiate Security
1504 ICMP
1511 XNS-IDP
1514 All connections
1515 Local Area Network (LAN)
1516 Remote Access
1517 Unknown
1520 Inbound
1521 Outbound
1522 %d/%d
1523 <None>
1524 Properties of Authentication Methods
1525 Authentication Methods
1526 Active Security Associations
1527 Pending Key Operations
1528 Key Additions
1529 Key Deletions
1530 Rekeys
1531 Active Tunnels
1532 Bad SPI Packets
1533 Packets Not Decrypted
1534 Packets Not Authenticated
1535 Packets With Replay Detection
1536 Offloaded Security Associations
1537 Confidential Bytes Sent
1538 Confidential Bytes Received
1539 Authenticated Bytes Sent
1540 Authenticated Bytes Received
1541 Bytes Sent In Tunnels
1542 Bytes Received In Tunnels
1543 Offloaded Bytes Sent
1544 Offloaded Bytes Received
1549 Transport Bytes Sent
1558 Total Acquire
1567 IKE Main Mode
1568 IKE Quick Mode
1569 Transport Bytes Received
1570 Other - %u
1574 Key Deletions
1575 All &Filters Displays both transport and tunnel filters.
1576 &Transport Filters Only Displays only transport filters.
1577 Tu&nnel Filters Only Displays only tunnel filters.
1578 Other
1579 Invalid Packets Received
2000 Remove %1 from the list of computers?
3000 IP Security Monitor Tasks
3002 Getting started
3003 Helpful information on getting started with the IP Security Monitor
3006 Add a server
3007 Add a computer to the list
3008 DNS Server(s)
3009 WINS Server(s)
3010 DHCP Server
3011 Default Gateway
3012 Internet Proxy
3013 HTTP Proxy
3014 My Address
3015 Peer Address
3016 Component
3017 Category
3018 Date/Time
3019 Message
3020 Logging Information
3021 First Event
3022 Last Event
3023 Events On
3024 The date/time in View Events From is later than the date/time in View Events To.
3025 Information
3026 Warning
3027 Error - %1
3028 Verbose Debug
3029 Sent IKE payload
3030 Received IKE payload
3031 Resent IKE payload
3032 &Clear Log... Clears the log
3033 Cookie Pair
3034 Information
3036 Warning
3037 Error
3038 Sent IKE Payload
3039 Received IKE Payload
3041 Resent IKE Payload
3042 My IP Address
3043 Any IP Address
3044 A specific IP Address
3045 A specific IP Subnet
3046 Message ID
3047 &Filter View
3048 Filter View
3049 A specific DNS Name
3050 Do you want to clear the log?
3051 Unable to clear the log.
3052 A negotiation failure occurred.
3053 An authentication failure occurred. The certificate signature is not valid.
3054 An authentication failure occurred. The Kerberos ticket is not valid.
3055 An authentication failure occurred. The preshared key is not valid.
3056 An authentication failure occurred. The certificate trust could not be validated.
3057 A negotiation failure occurred. The proposed security methods are not valid
3058 An unknown error occurred.
3059 A data load error occurred.
3060 For IPsec data to be logged, you must select at least one logging category.
3061 You must specify a maximum number of records to log in the range of %d to %d.
3062 The logging properties could not be updated.
3063 To resolve the DNS name to an IP address, click Resolve, and then select the IP address that you want to use.
3064 To resolve the DNS name to an IP address, click Resolve, and then select the IP address that you want to use.
3065 The DNS name could not be resolved.
3068 %1 Properties
3069 My address: %1 %2
3070 Peer address: %1 %2
3071 Cookie pair: %1 %2
3072 Message ID: %1 %2
3073 Category: %1 %2
3074 Time: %1 %2
3075 Details: %1
3076 No mode:
3077 Base mode:
3078 Main mode:
3079 Authentication only mode:
3080 Aggressive mode:
3081 ISAKMP info:
3082 Quick mode:
3083 New group mode:
3084 ISAKMP Unknown:
3085 Hash,
3086 KE,
3087 Nonce,
3088 SA,
3089 Proposal,
3090 Transform,
3091 ID,
3092 Cert,
3093 CertReq,
3094 Notify,
3095 Delete,
3096 VendorID,
3097 SSPI,
3098 NAT discovery,
3099 NAT original address,
3100 Signature,
3101 payload
3102 payload chains
3103 No matching filters found
3104 Authentication Failures
3105 My ID
3106 Peer ID
3107 S&tart Logging
3108 Sto&p Logging
3109 &Save Log File As...
3110 Out of memory
3111 There are no viewed records to save.
3112 For IPsec data to be viewed, you must select at least one logging category.
5001 An unknown error occurred. %d
5002 You must enter a number from %d through %u.
5003 You must enter a number that is greater than zero for the auto refresh interval.
5004 The computer is already in the list.
5005 This console file was saved with a previous version of the IP Security Monitor snap-in that is not compatible with the current version. The settings could not be restored.
5006 No status available.
5007 The following error occurred while contacting the server %1:
5008 You must enter a protocol number in the range of 0 to %u.
5009 The source port number is invalid.
5010 The destination port number is invalid.
5011 LocalSystem
5012 The specified user account does not have administrative permissions on the computer %1. Verify that the user name and password for the user account are correct, and that the user account has administrative permissions on computer %1.
5013 The user %1 already has administrative permissions on this computer.
5014 The user %1 is already authorized for this device.
5015 Account changes will take effect the next time the 'IPSEC Services' service is started. Do you want to start the 'IPSEC Services' service now?
5016 Neither inbound filters nor outbound filters are selected. You must select at least one direction.
5017 The System Service Manager could not determine whether the account %1 has the 'Log On As A Service' right. This service may not run correctly under the %1 account.
5018 The account %1 could not be granted the 'Log On As A Service' right. The 'IPSEC services' service may not run correctly under the %1 account.
5019 The account %1 has been granted the 'Log On As A Service' right.
5020 You must specify a computer name.
5021 A multicast address is not a valid destination or source address.
5022 You must enter that is greater than zero in the first octet of this IP address or subnet.
5023 You must enter a number that is greater than zero in the network portion of this IP address.
5024 You must enter a number that is greater than zero in the host portion of this IP address.
5025 The source address has been adjusted by the specified subnet mask.
5026 The destination address has been adjusted by the specified subnet mask.
5027 You must enter a number that is less than 224 in the first octet of this IP address or subnet.
5028 This is an invalid mask for the specified IP address.
5029 The description for the source IP subnet is being changed to "%1" because the subnet mask does not specify a subnet.
5030 The description for the destination IP subnet is being changed to "%1" because the subnet mask does not specify a subnet.
5031 The source and destination address cannot be the same.
5032 Invalid character
5033 Enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address or subnet.
6612 An error occurred.
6613 There is not enough memory available to open this dialog box. Close some applications, and then try again.
57344 IP Security Monitor
63000 Dummy error message corresponding to the first error message stored in our DLL.
63001 The IPsec service is not running.
63002 The Security Policy Database component of the IPsec service is unavailable or incompatible with the IP Security Monitor.
63003 %1 %2
63004 %2 %1
63005 An error has occurred: %1!d!
65000 This is the last possible message number +1

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject DllRegisterServer DllUnregisterServer


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: