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Windows 10 DLL File Information - clusapi.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows 10, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Cluster API Library  
File Version: 10.0.10130.0 (fbl_impressive.150522-2224)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System  
DLL popularity Low - 12 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 460 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 213
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 213

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 428,544 Bytes 91.0% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x0006a000 8,704 Bytes 1.8% Write, Read Initialized Data
.idata 0x0006d000 7,168 Bytes 1.5% Read Initialized Data
.didat 0x0006f000 512 Bytes 0.1% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00070000 5,632 Bytes 1.2% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00072000 19,456 Bytes 4.1% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

clusapi.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when clusapi.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, clusapi.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 85 10,428 Bytes 2.2%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 4 5,350 Bytes 1.1%
Total 89 15,778 Bytes 3.3%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 1000 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 1000 strings)

String ID String Text
1 in organizational unit
2 Bind to domain controller %1.
3 Check whether the computer object %1 for node %2 exists in the domain. Domain controller %3.
4 Computer object for %1 exists in the domain.
5 Computer object for %1 does not exist in the domain.
6 Create computer object %1 on domain controller %2 in organizational unit %3.
7 The specified organizational unit %1 does not match the organizational unit %2 where the cluster computer object is found.
8 Computer object %1 is disabled on a read-only domain controller %2. The account for the cluster computer object must be manually enabled on a read-write domain controller to successfully create the cluster.
9 Computer object %1 is enabled and may be in use. Ensure that this is not being used and disable the computer object if it is not being used.
10 Enable computer object %1 on domain controller %2.
11 Checking for account information for the computer object in the 'UserAccountControl' flag for %1.
12 Computer object %1 is not found on read only domain controller %2. The computer object needs to be pre-created and enabled.
13 Set password on %1.
14 Creating computer object in organizational unit %1 where node %2 exists.
15 Get GUID of computer object with FQDN: %1
16 Adding special permissions to the computer object failed. Trying to add 'Full-Access' permissions for security principal %1 to computer object %2 failed. Verify that the user running create cluster has permissions to update the computer object in Active Directory Domain Services.
17 Provide permissions to protect object from accidental deletion.
18 Providing 'Deny delete' and 'Deny delete subtree' permissions to protect computer object %1 from accidental deletion failed. Verify that the user running create cluster has permissions to update the computer object in Active Directory Domain Services.
19 Write service principal name list to the computer object %1.
20 Writing service principal name list to the computer object %1 failed with error code 0x%2!lx!. Verify that the user running create cluster has permissions to update the computer object in Active Directory Domain Services.
21 Set supported encryption types in Active Directory Domain Services.
22 Setting supported encryption types in Active Directory Domain Services failed with error code 0x%1!lx!. Verify that the user running create cluster has permissions to update the computer object in Active Directory Domain Services.
23 Adding the configuration for the new node %1 to the cluster failed with error code 0x%2!lx!.
24 Cluster service on node %1 did not reach the running state. The error code is 0x%2!lx!. For more information check the cluster log and the system event log from node %1.
25 Error getting a handle to node %1. The operation failed with error code 0x%2!lx!. For more information check the cluster log and the system event log from node %1.
26 Failover Cluster feature is not installed on node %1. This feature is required to installed before the node is added to the cluster.
27 Node %1 appears to be a member of a cluster. It is either a member of an existing cluster or the node was not cleaned up after being evicted from a cluster. If you are sure this is not a member of a cluster run the Remove-ClusterNode cmdlet with the –Force parameter to clean up the cluster information from the node and then try to add it to the cluster again.
28 Find a suitable domain controller for node %1.
29 Set operating system and version in Active Directory Domain Services.
14100 Enables servers to work together as a cluster to keep server-based applications highly available, regardless of individual component failures. If this service is stopped, clustering will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
14101 Cluster Service
14200 Cluster Group
14201 Cluster Name
14202 Cluster IP Address
14203 Cluster IP Address %ws
14205 Disk
14206 Cluster Network %u
14207 Available Storage
14208 Failover cluster virtual network name account
14209 File Description: This file is the Failover Cluster tombstone file for a disk that was previously designated as a quorum disk. This file ensures that nodes that were offline during the quorum designation change are notified that this is no longer used as a quorum disk. Do not delete this file until all nodes have joined the cluster.
14211 Cluster Pool %d
14212 Scaleout Group
14213 Scaleout Resource
14214 Storage Qos Resource
14300 Generic Application
14301 Generic Service
14302 Network Name
14303 Physical Disk
14304 Print Spooler
14305 File Share
14306 IP Address
14308 DHCP Service
14309 WINS Service
14310 Message Queuing
14311 Distributed Transaction Coordinator
14312 Generic Script
14313 Volume Shadow Copy Service Task
14314 IPv6 Address
14315 IPv6 Tunnel Address
14316 Message Queue Triggers
14317 NFS Share
14318 iSNS Cluster Resource
14319 File Share Quorum Witness
14320 File Server
14321 Distributed File System
14322 DFS Replicated Folder
14323 Virtual Machine
14324 Virtual Machine Configuration
14325 Scale Out File Server
14326 Distributed Network Name
14327 Storage Pool
14328 iSCSI Target Server
14329 Task Scheduler
14330 Virtual Machine Replication Broker
14331 Network File System
14332 Hyper-V Network Virtualization Provider Address
14333 Network Address Translator
14334 Disjoint IPv4 Address
14335 Disjoint IPv6 Address
14338 Cloud Witness
14339 Storage QoS Policy Manager
14340 Virtual Machine Cluster WMI Provider
14341 Storage Replica
14342 Virtual Machine Replication Coordinator
14343 Health Service

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
AddClusterNode AddClusterResourceDependency
AddClusterResourceNode AddResourceToClusterSharedVolumes
BackupClusterDatabase CCHlpAddNodeUpdateCluster
CCHlpConfigureNode CCHlpCreateClusterNameCOIfNotExists
CCHlpCreateClusterNameInAD CCHlpGetClusterServiceSecret
CCHlpGetDNSHostLabel CCHlpRestoreClusterVirtualObjectToInitialState
CanResourceBeDependent CancelClusterGroupOperation
ChangeClusterResourceGroup CloseCluster
CloseClusterGroup CloseClusterNetInterface
CloseClusterNetwork CloseClusterNode
CloseClusterNotifyPort CloseClusterResource
CluFreeFaultDomainInfo CluFreeGuidArrayPtr
CluFreeStr CluGetDriveInfo
CluGetFaultDomainObject CluGetFaultDomainObjects
CluRemoveFaultDomainObject ClusterCaptureLiveDump
ClusterCloseEnum ClusterCloseEnumEx
ClusterControl ClusterEnum
ClusterEnumEx ClusterFreeMemory
ClusterFreeMrrResponse ClusterGetEnumCount
ClusterGetEnumCountEx ClusterGroupCloseEnum
ClusterGroupCloseEnumEx ClusterGroupControl
ClusterGroupEnum ClusterGroupEnumEx
ClusterGroupGetEnumCount ClusterGroupGetEnumCountEx
ClusterGroupOpenEnum ClusterGroupOpenEnumEx
ClusterNetInterfaceControl ClusterNetworkCloseEnum
ClusterNetworkControl ClusterNetworkEnum
ClusterNetworkGetEnumCount ClusterNetworkOpenEnum
ClusterNodeCloseEnum ClusterNodeCloseEnumEx
ClusterNodeControl ClusterNodeEnum
ClusterNodeEnumEx ClusterNodeGetEnumCount
ClusterNodeGetEnumCountEx ClusterNodeOpenEnum
ClusterNodeOpenEnumEx ClusterOpenEnum
ClusterOpenEnumEx ClusterRegBatchAddCommand
ClusterRegBatchCloseNotification ClusterRegBatchReadCommand
ClusterRegCloseBatch ClusterRegCloseBatchEx
ClusterRegCloseBatchNotifyPort ClusterRegCloseKey
ClusterRegCloseReadBatch ClusterRegCloseReadBatchEx
ClusterRegCloseReadBatchReply ClusterRegCreateBatch
ClusterRegCreateBatchNotifyPort ClusterRegCreateKey
ClusterRegCreateKeyForceSync ClusterRegCreateReadBatch
ClusterRegDeleteKey ClusterRegDeleteKeyForceSync
ClusterRegDeleteValue ClusterRegDeleteValueForceSync
ClusterRegEnumKey ClusterRegEnumValue
ClusterRegGetBatchNotification ClusterRegGetKeySecurity
ClusterRegOpenKey ClusterRegQueryAllValues
ClusterRegQueryInfoKey ClusterRegQueryValue
ClusterRegReadBatchAddCommand ClusterRegReadBatchReplyNextCommand
ClusterRegSetKeySecurity ClusterRegSetValue
ClusterRegSetValueForceSync ClusterRegSyncDatabase
ClusterResourceCloseEnum ClusterResourceCloseEnumEx
ClusterResourceControl ClusterResourceControlAsUser
ClusterResourceEnum ClusterResourceEnumEx
ClusterResourceGetEnumCount ClusterResourceGetEnumCountEx
ClusterResourceOpenEnum ClusterResourceOpenEnumEx
ClusterResourceTypeCloseEnum ClusterResourceTypeControl
ClusterResourceTypeControlAsUser ClusterResourceTypeEnum
ClusterResourceTypeGetEnumCount ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum
ClusterSendReceiveMrr ClusterSendReceiveMrrAsUser
ClusterSharedVolumeClearBackupState ClusterSharedVolumeSetSnapshotState
ClusterStmFindDisk ClusterUpgradeFunctionalLevel
ClusterUpgradeFunctionalLevelEx CreateCluster
CreateClusterGroup CreateClusterGroupEx
CreateClusterManagementPoint CreateClusterNameAccount
CreateClusterNotifyPort CreateClusterNotifyPortV2
CreateClusterResource CreateClusterResourceType
CreateClusterResourceWithId DeleteClusterGroup
DeleteClusterResource DeleteClusterResourceType
DestroyCluster DestroyClusterGroup
EvictClusterNode EvictClusterNodeEx
FailClusterResource GetClusterFromGroup
GetClusterFromNetInterface GetClusterFromNetwork
GetClusterFromNode GetClusterFromResource
GetClusterGroupKey GetClusterGroupState
GetClusterInformation GetClusterKey
GetClusterNetInterface GetClusterNetInterfaceKey
GetClusterNetInterfaceState GetClusterNetworkId
GetClusterNetworkKey GetClusterNetworkState
GetClusterNodeId GetClusterNodeKey
GetClusterNodeState GetClusterNotify
GetClusterNotifyV2 GetClusterQuorumResource
GetClusterResourceDependencyExpression GetClusterResourceKey
GetClusterResourceNetworkName GetClusterResourceState
GetClusterResourceTypeKey GetClusterSharedVolumeNameForFile
GetNodeClusterState GetNotifyEventHandle
IsFileOnClusterSharedVolume MoveClusterGroup
MoveClusterGroupEx OfflineClusterGroup
OfflineClusterGroupEx OfflineClusterResource
OfflineClusterResourceEx OnlineClusterGroup
OnlineClusterGroupEx OnlineClusterResource
OnlineClusterResourceEx OpenCluster
OpenClusterEx OpenClusterEx2
OpenClusterGroup OpenClusterGroupEx
OpenClusterNetInterface OpenClusterNetInterfaceEx
OpenClusterNetwork OpenClusterNetworkEx
OpenClusterNode OpenClusterNodeEx
OpenClusterResource OpenClusterResourceEx
PauseClusterNode PauseClusterNodeEx
RegisterClusterNotify RegisterClusterNotifyV2
RegisterClusterResourceTypeNotifyV2 RemoveClusterResourceDependency
RemoveClusterResourceNode RemoveResourceFromClusterSharedVolumes
RestartClusterResource RestoreClusterDatabase
ResumeClusterNode ResumeClusterNodeEx
SetClusterGroupName SetClusterGroupNodeList
SetClusterName SetClusterNetworkName
SetClusterNetworkPriorityOrder SetClusterQuorumResource
SetClusterResourceDependencyExpression SetClusterResourceName


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: